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Benjamin loved to carry the key around , shakeing it vigorously.本杰明喜 欢拿着钥 匙走来走 去,边走 便用力晃 着。Vigorously:用力地;精力充沛地。vigorously defend 竭力维护 plants growing vigorously茁壮生长的植物He also liked to try to place it into the slot.他还喜欢试着把钥匙往槽口里塞。Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so , he would usually fail.但由于他还年幼,不太明 白得把钥匙放准位置才行 ,因此他经常失败。不定式做定语 修饰need。tender (1) 脆弱的,易损的,敏感的(adj.)tender heart 软心肠;touch sb. On a tender spot 碰到某人的痛处;a person of tender age 年幼未成熟的人;tender-foot 新手;(2) 嫩的,柔软的( adj. )a tender steak 嫩牛排(3) 温和的,仁慈的,亲切的( adj. )tender parents 仁慈的双亲(4) 提供,提出(v.)(5) 照料者,照看着(n.)Benjamin was not bothered in the least .本杰明一点也不在意。notin the least = not at allIt doesnt matter in the least.一点也没有关系。He probably got as much pleasure out of the sounds the key made as he did those few times when the key made as he did those few times when the key actually found its way into the slot.他从钥匙声中得到的乐趣大概跟他偶尔把 钥匙成功的塞进槽口而获得的乐趣一样多 。为定语从句修饰 “the sounds”。引导的从句在句中做 定语,修饰 “ those few times”。下一页find ones way 到达;进入;流入lose ones way 迷路;find ones way out 寻找解决方法;find ones way to 到达;find oneself 发觉自己的处境;find out 找出,发现;find out how the wind blows 看风向,观望形势;find pleasure in 引以为乐;find the length of sb.s foot 了解某人的弱点以控制他。asas 像一样;如同 He is as poor a speaker as I.他跟我一样是个不善言辞的人。Now both Ellen and I were perfectly happy to allow Benjamin to bang the key near the key slot.现在我和艾伦都不介意的任由他拿着钥匙 才槽口晃动。(猛敲;猛击。)我晃我 晃我晃 晃晃!His exploratory behavior seemed harmless enough.他探索的行为并无任何坏处。探索的,考察的 。我 没 错 ! !But I soon observed an interesting phenomenon .但是我很快 发现一个有 趣的现象。phenomenon 现象 social phenomenon社会现象 transient phenomenon暂时现象 natural phenomenon自然现象 好神奇 噻!Any Chinese staff member nearlby would come over to watch Benjamin and ,noting his lack of initial success , attempt to assist.任何一个中国工作人员如果 在近旁,都会过来看他,在 他初始失败后开始帮他把钥 匙插入槽中。attempt to do sth. 试图做现在分词做状语表伴随状态,其逻辑 主语为 “any Chinese staff member nearlby”。assist 帮助;促进assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事He or she would hold onto Benjamins hand and , gently but firmly , guide it directly toward the slot , reposition it as necessary , and help him to insert it.他们会轻轻的握紧他的手,直接将他引向钥 匙的槽口,进行必要的定位。改变的位置insert (1) 插入部分,插入之物(n.)(2)插入,加进,刊登(vt.)to insert an advertisement in a newspaper 把广告安排在报纸上 inserted (adj.) 插入的,嵌入的,附着的。 insertion (n.) 插入 inset (n.) 插入物,插进( ear insert 耳塞)(live insert 实况节目插播)The “teacher“ would then smile somewhat expectantly at Ellen or me , as if awaiting a thank you-然后“老师”会有些期待的微笑着看着我们,好像 在等一句谢谢。As if/though 后跟动词ing或引导表示状态 的从句,从句用过去式表虚拟 He talks as if he knew all adout it.他说话的口气好像他全部都已经知道 了。(有点,稍微)(等待,等候)expectantly (adv.) 期待地,期望地expectant (adj.) 预期的,期望的, an expectant attitude 观望态度; an expectant look 期待的目光Smile at/on/upon=give a smile or smiles 微笑What/who are you smiling at? 你在笑什么/谁?Fortune has not always smiled upon me.幸运之神并不是总是垂青我。and on occasion would frown slightly ,as if considering us to be neglecting our parental duties.有时也会轻轻皱眉,似乎觉得我们没有尽到当父母 的责任。occasion 时刻,场合 on occasion 有时,间或 I can on my aunt on occasion. 我有时去拜访姨妈。 He visits the city on occasion. 他偶尔访问这座城市。 (皱眉)(父的;母的;父母的)neglect 忽视 fall into neglect 渐被忽视 in a state of neglect 处于无人照管的状态 treat sb. with neglect 怠慢某人slight 轻微的,细小的(adj.)轻视(vt.)轻蔑,忽视(n.) make slight of 轻视 put a slight on (upon) sb. 蔑视某人 slight over 轻视,草率行事 slight illness 不适
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