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Section B第一关1.run2.boxes3.hobbies4.seventh第二关1. collect shells2.collect stamps 3.in fact4.run our of 5.on my seventh birthday6.by the way7.would like8.thanks for9.fly kites大显身手1. boxes2.run3.hobbies 4.seventh 5.for 6.By7.In factDear Sir or Madam,I want to join your stamp collectors club very much.Im interested in collecting stamps. When I was 10 years old. I started collecting stamps I have been collecting stamps for four and a half years. I like collecting many kinds of stamps. I have over 200stamps. I got 12 from my foreign friends and I can get to know more countries and their culture. I think collecting stamps can open up my eyes. So please let me join your stamp collectors club.3b Dear ,I want to tell you about my hobby. I collect stamps. Ive been collecting them for 10 years, and now I have 2,000 of them. I collect them because some of them are beautiful, and some of them are very useful. I can know many things when I see them. Yours,Ann练习册Writing: 不同的人有不同的幸福观,请根据提示表达自己的 观点。使用所给的词money, health, buy and do anything.Happiness means different things to different people. Some students believe that if they have much money, they will be happy. They will be able to buy anything they want to if they have much money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and do whatever they like. I dont agree with the ideas.I dont think money means happiness. We cant buy some things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I think knowledge makes me happy, because I can do many things with knowledge. My happiness is in my study.课堂练习一 1. telling2. ending 3.because4.has,working,left 5.interesting6.interested7.ran8.running二、1.A2. C3. B 4. A5. B6. A拓展练习一、1.to have2.have, collecting 3.to come 4.to go 5.interested, in 6.to go 7.go二、1.have been2.How long3.Why does4.What is5.to meReading第一关 1.interested interesting 2.western3. won4.videos第二关1.listen to music video2.watch English a movies 3.write in English4.be interested in 5.with a colorful history 6.the + adj.比较级,the+ adj.比较级 7.罗斯风格 8.一千年前 9.奥运会10.像我一样的外国人Reading1.Australia. A teacher.2. Harbin is an interesting city.3. Learning history will let people be able to understand any culture .4. Yes, he will. Because the writer says, “Im certain I will be there for the Olympic Games in 2008.”翻译1. In fact, more than, ago2.influence, in, style3.For, like, the more, for4.far from, for5.to raise, for charity走进练兵场1.foreigners2.colorful 3.Russian4.Thousands5.has been 二、1. else something-something else2.probable-probably3.will be-was
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