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Unit 5 1.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 周六下午你能来参加我的派对吗? Sure, Id love to. / Sorry, I cant. 可以。 / 对不起,不能。 2. 为考试而作准备 3. 去看病 4. 上钢琴课 5. 有太多的家庭作业6. 下一次另外一次 7. 去听音乐会 8. 去商场购物study for a test go to the doctor have a piano lesson have too much homework=another time go to the concert go to the mall太多 too much +不可数名词 too many +可数名词 next time9. 在日历上 10. 后天 11. 今天是几号,星期几? 12. 今天是14号,星期一。 13. 多谢你的邀请。14. 忙于做某事15. 今天晚上 16. 进行网球训练 17. 下个假期 18. 保持安静on the calendar the day after tomorrow Whats today? Its Wednesday the 14th.Thank you for your/the invitation. =Thanks (a lot) for asking/inviting me. be busy with sth =be busy doing sth this evening = tonight have tennis training next vacation keep quiet19. 在电视上 20. 足球比赛 21. 整天 22. 顺便来 23. 有空,空闲 24. 确信 25. 与某人讨论某事 be surediscuss sth with sbthe whole day = all day (long)football matchon TVcome over to be free1、 星期三你能来参加我的生日晚会吗?Can you come to my birthday party on Wednesday ?2、当然,我很乐意去。Sure , Id love to ./ Id like to .3、这个周末我有太多的作业要做。I have too much homework to do this weekend .4、很抱歉,我要去看电影。 Im sorry , Im going to the movies .5、来加入到我们当中。6、你星期四下午要干什么?7、我得去上我的吉他课。8、你能在星期日晚上顺便来我家吗?9、Jim 不得不完成化学课题。Come and join us .What are you doing on Thursday afternoon ?I have to go to my guitar lesson .Can you come over to my house on Sunday evening?Jim has to finish the chemistry project .10、明天,他将和爸爸一起钓一整天的鱼。He is going fishing with his father the whole day tomorrow.11、让我们讨论一下科学报告吧。12、请保持安静!他正在尽力学习。Lets discuss the science report .Please keep quiet ! He is trying to study .13、我不能加入你们当中因为我工作日要帮助我妈。14、谢谢你邀请我。15、谢谢你对我发出的晚会邀请。I cant join you because I have to help my mother on weekdays .Thank you for inviting me .Thank you for your invitation to the party .一、根据句意和首字母完成单词 1、We have to s for the math test today. 2、There is going to be a guitar c in our school . 3、Can you come to my party ? S , Id love to . 4、I cant go to your party because I have a piano l . 5、Thanks for a .Maybe we can go to the movies a time . 6、There are a lot of football m this month . 7、Please come o to my house this weekend ? 8、We often have c lesson in the lab (实验室) . 9、Thank you for i me to your party . 10、Thank you for your i to your party . 11、Most of us go to school on w . 12、Hes not f today . He is busy . 13、If you want to play tennis well ,you need more t .study concert Surelesson asking another matches over chemistry inviting invitation weekdays free training二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1、Im sure he would love (come) . 2、Are the boys (listen) to the radio ? 3、Im sorry (make) you (cry) . 4、Can you come to (Lucy) birthday party ? 5、Were (real) busy this week ? 6、The students (visit) the Great Wall the day after tomorrow . 7、He is the (twenty) to get there . 8、Were discussing where (go) . 9、Thanks a lot for (give) me the book . 10、Jim (begin) (learn) Chinese two years ago . 11、The old man asked the policeman (help) him. 12、Jack went home after he finished (read).listeningto cometo makecry Lucysto goreally are visitingtwentiethgiving beganto learnto help reading1、Its Sunday the 14th today . (画线提问)2、He has to clean his room every day . (改为否定句)3、Jim is watching TV .(用usually , on weekends改写)4、Open the door , please .(改为否定句)Whats today ?He doesnt have to clean his room every day .Jim usually watches TV on weekends .Dont open the door , please .5、Lin Fei usually goes to school by bike. (画线提问)6、It rained yesterday . (改为一般疑问句)7、Can he go to the concert ?(作否定回答)8、Hes thinking about what hes going to say . (改同义句)How does Lin Fei usually go to school ?Did it rain yesterday ?No , he cant ./ sorry/No, he cant .Hes thinking about what to say .1、There are so many new word in the (二十九)lesson . Its hard to understand . 2005.河北twenty-ninth2、If our school team wins the last two (比赛),we will be the top . 2005. 江苏南京matches3、Cathy isnt tall , but she sits in the (第六) row .2005.浙江温州4、Everyone had a good time at Backys (二十)birthday. 2005. 河北荆门5、- Do you want cake ? 2005. 浙江金华- Yes , I usually eat a lot when Im hungry .A、other B、the otherC、another D、otherssixthtwentieth C6、- How about going out for a walk with us ? 2005. 安徽- I wish I could , I have to finish my homework first .A、and B、so C、but D、or8、- When you (leave) for Beijing ?- The day after tomorrow . 2005. 山东济南7、The railway station is very (远) from here . You need to take a bus . 2005.浙江衢州Cfar are leavingUnit 6 1. 谢谢你的上封来信。 Thank you for your last letter
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