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如何撰写高质量的科技论文阮新波华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院Date1报告内容J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语Date2J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容Date3优秀学生应具备的基本素质善于研究善于写作善于演讲基本素质Date4写论文对研究领域的贡献l 科技论文是对科学研究中提出的新思想、新方法、新概念等 的总结和阐述。l 发表论文是为了与同行分享所取得的科研成果,是对本领域 的贡献。l 发表论文是获得同行认可、建立学术地位的一种途径。l 是职称晋升、学生毕业的一个重 要指标。Date5l 撰写科技论文是对研究工作的整理、再认识,可以提高自己 的总结能力;l 有利于弄清某些在研究中似是而非、没有完全明白的问题, 是研究过程的重要组成部分;写论文对自己的帮助l 撰写论文的过程中,甚至可以产 生新的灵感。l 有利于形成良好的思维方式。Date6J 写科技论文的意义J 科技论文的基本结构J 国际期刊评审论文的标准J 提高论文质量的方法J 结语报告内容Date7科技论文的主要结构论文题目(Paper Title)作者(Authors)l 摘要(Abstract)l 关键词(Index Terms)l 正文(Main Body)l 结论(Conclusion)l 致谢(Acknowledgment)l 参考文献(References)l 作者简介(Biography of Authors)Date8论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文题目论文题目要充分、合适、具体地反映论文的主要内容、主要贡献,切忌太长、太大、太空,慎用“新颖的”等词汇,最好不用缩写。pMeans of Eliminating Electrolytic Capacitor in AC/DC Power Supplies for LED LightingspVariable-Duty-Cycle Control to Achieve High Input Power Factor for DCM Boost PFC Converterp直流变换器的研究p一种新颖的感应电机控制方法p An DEM for Buck-Boost Converter(DEM: Dual Edge Modulation ) Date9论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文署名l 只有对本文作出贡献的作者才能署名;l 署名顺序按贡献大小排列,第一作者应为本文的主要贡献者;l 本研究工作的经费资助者如果对本文没有贡献,不可以作为合作作者署名。但须在致谢中表达谢意。Date10论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文摘要l 摘要主要说明本文的主题、提出的方法和得出的结论。l 摘要自身应成为一个有价值的文献,特别要包括本文的关键词,让读者在阅读本文前就大致知道本文的主要内容和贡献,而且容易被搜索引擎搜索到。l 摘要中不能包括公式、参考文献。l 摘要一般不超过200个单词。Date11This paper proposes two methods of reducing the storage capacitance in the ac/dc power supplies for light emitting diode (LED) lighting. In doing so, film capacitors can be adopted instead of electrolytic capacitors to achieve a long power supplies lifetime. The voltage ripple of the storage capacitor is intentionally increased to reduce the storage capacitance. The method of determining the storage capacitance for ensuring that the boost power factor correction converter operates normally in the whole input voltage range is also discussed. For the purpose of further reducing the storage capacitance, a method of injecting the third harmonic current into the input current flow is proposed. While ensuring that the input power factor is always higher than 0.9 to comply with regulation standards such as ENERGY STAR, the storage capacitance can be reduced to 65.6% of that with an input power factor of 1. A 60-W experimental prototype is built to verify the proposed methods.论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介论文摘要Date12论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介关键词l 关键词必须表明本文的相关领域、主题。l 关键词一般为专业词汇和通用的词汇,以便于搜索引擎搜索到。l 关键词一般为35个。Harmonic current injection, Light-Emitted Diode (LED), power factor correction (PFC), power supply, voltage ripple.Date13论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介引言l 明确本文的研究对象及其研究意义(重要性、应用前 景)。 l 对相关研究工作进行恰当评述(国内外现状),并指出存在的问题和不足。 l 本文的主要贡献(针对什么问题提出什么方法,结果 如何)。l 简要说明本文的架构。 引言是论文最难写的部分。 需要有较大的阅读量,尤其是阅读相关领域重要期 刊和会议论文。Date14The rapid development of LED over the last few years has opened up new opportunities in the general illumination market, thanks to its distinct advantages such as high efficacy, long lifetime, environmental friendliness, and small size over incandescent and fluorescent lamps 14. The power supply for LED lighting is an ac/dc converter, which converts a regular ac voltage to a low dc voltage for an LED driver. The input power factor is an important requirement of the ac/dc converter. It needs to be higher than 0.9 for most commercial luminaries 5. Thus, the ac/dc converter must typically have the function of power factor correction (PFC). In a PFC converter, the input current is forced to be in phase with the input voltage, leading to a pulsating input power, while the output power is constant. To achieve this, a storage capacitor with large capacitance is required for balancing the instantaneous power difference. Due to the high capacity required for capacitance, an electrolytic capacitor is often used as the storage capacitor. However, it is well known that because of its liquid electrolyte, the lifetime of an electrolytic capacitor is quite limited with only several thousand hours under rated operating conditions. Even with a conservative design, the theoretical lifetime of electrolytic capacitors is only about 3 000 h (at a high operating LEDs temperature) 6. This is much shorter than the potential lifetime of LEDs (50 000 h). Thus, the electrolytic capacitor is an obstacle to the overall long-term reliability of the LED and its power supply.论文题目作者 摘要关键词正文结论致谢参考文献作者简介引言LED的优点LED电源需要 功率因数校正(PFC)功能PFC变换器需要很大的储能电容储能电容寿命较短, 与LED的长寿命不相匹配Date15A review of literature shows that a variety of LED power supplies and driver solutions, which can accurately control the current of the LED while achieving a near-unity input power factor, have been proposed 710. However, an electrolytic capacitor is required in these applications.PFC converters can be classified into two types: two-stage and single-stage. Two-stage PFC converters consist of a PFC stage and a dc/dc stage. They have been widely applied in adaptors for laptops and silver box 1114. Single-stage PFC convert
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