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联考答案 15 CACDC 610 DBDCD 1115 CABAC 1620 DABAD 21-25 DCBAB 26-30 BCDDA 31-35 CABDA 36-40 BCABD 41-45 DBADA 46-50 ABDAD 51-55 BCACD 56-60 CADCB 6165 BAFED改错1. bearborn 2. belongedbelongs 3. difficultydifficult4. butand 5. man前加a 6. onof (on ones own 独自,独立;of ones own 属于某人自己的 ) 7. areis 8. ThusHowever 9. effortefforts 10. make up的up去掉Dear friend,Im writing to recommend a book to you. My favorite book is Harry Potter, which is a series of books written by JK Rowling. Its not only about magic and strange creatures,but also about the real world. By reading the book, you can learn that the most importantlesson for us is about real life, friendship and how to be brave.Besides, you can also learn about the power of love. It teachesus that if we want to be happy and live a good life, it is not enough to be strong in heart and mind; we must also believe in ourselves and help others. Whats more. We should knowwho we are if we want to succeed in the world. I think HarryPotter is really worth reading.Yours sincerely,LI Yue改错答案L篇 1. wereare 2. reasonreasons 3. sotoo 4. usefuluseless 5. stay前的to去掉 6. ofabout 7. manymuch 8. wethey 9. found后加to 10. leaveleaving M篇 1. thea 2. sendsent 3. let前加to 4. Unfortunateunfortunately 5. with去掉 6. whichwho 7. takestook 8. herherself 9. glaredstared 10. itwhich N篇 1. hearhearing 2. number前的thea 3. wear前的to去掉4. listenhear 5. back去掉 6. butand 7. perfectlyperfect 8. whichthat 9. alreadyyet O篇 1. AttendAttending 2. ForIn 3. widewiden 4. studystudying 5. to去掉 6. friendfriends 7. use后加the 8. improveimproved 9. ana 10. latelatest
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