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Unit One Sportsby Yang dmContentsCommunicative Function Additional VocabularyQuestions for DiscussionCommunicative Function: Inquiring About Future Activities Inquiring About Future Activities Responding to Inquiries About Future Activities What are you doing this weekend? I havent decided yet, but I think Ill go and play tennis with my roommate. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Not really. Ill probably just stay home and watch some sports programs on TV. Are you going to watch the Olympic Games on TV? Sure. I cant wait to watch them. Are you planning to enter for the annual cycling competition? Of course. I always do. What about you?Would you care for a game of tennis? Well, Id like to, but you have to teach me how to play it first. Are you doing anything special this evening? No. Why do you ask? Conversation 1 A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow, Bob? B: Not really. Why do you ask? A: Some of us are going motorcycling. Would you like to join us? B: Motorcycling? Ive never done that. Isnt it a bit dangerous? A: Maybe, but its really exciting. B: I enjoy jogging. Its more relaxing. A: Thats a good form of exercise. It can help you stay in shape. B: Yes, its also safer. Conversation SamplesConversation 2A: Whats your plan for this evening?B: Well, theres a good game at the stadium but I havent got a ticket yet. A: Im going to the gym. Would you like to come along? I can get a guest pass for you.B: Thats wonderful. Id always wanted to work out in the new gym. Thank you very much. Additional Vocabulary Ball Games Track and FieldOthers badminto n (羽毛球) rugby (橄 榄球) baseball softball golf cricket (板 球) hockey(曲 棍球) tennis relay (接 力赛跑) javelin (标 枪) throwing sprint (短 跑) hurdle race (跨栏 ) high skip and jump (三级跳) triathlon ( 铁人三项) mountain climbing rock climbing diving surfing ( 冲浪) fishing boating snorkelin g (用通气管 潜泳) Questions for DiscussionWhat sports are suitable for the people of all age?swimming walking cycling jogging and playing table tennis,etc.However, jogging is more suitable than any other because it can strengthen take in more oxygen kind of aerobic exerciseIts more relaxing.It can help people keep fit and stay in shape. It can help people lose weight.Questions for Discussion What are the positive and negative aspects of doing sports?There is no doubt that proper sports activities keep our physical fitness. Furthermore, sports can enrich our life and maintain our psychological health. Through participation, everyone can learn that on the playground he / she not only struggles for himself / herself but also fights for his / her team. Positive aspects:Sports teach us about competition, cooperation and optimism to failure. Negative aspects:But sports can do some harm to those who cannot plan their activities properly. Too hard training may hurt oneself , exhaust ones vigor and distract ones attention from ones daily life. Whats worse, too much exercise may cause someone to become sick. Thank you!
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