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Miss Huang 13330112088Mr/MissWhos yourmath teacher?Chinese teacherEnglish teachermath teacherscience teacherart teachermusic teacherP.E. teacherLets sayHe is my grandfather .He is an old man.他是我爷爷。他是一位老人家。My uncle is a young man.我的叔叔是一位年轻人。He is tall.He is short.He is a strong man.他是一个强壮的男人。My Chinese teacher is a thin woman.我的语文老师是一个瘦瘦 的女人。This old woman is kind.这位老奶奶很和蔼。young old thin strong short tall funny kindWhats he like?He is _ .tallWhats he like?He is _ .shortWhats he like?He is _ .strongWhats he like?He is _ .thinWhats he like?He is _ .funnyWhats he like?He is _ .youngWhats she like?She is _ .kindWhos your math teacher?Whats he/ she like? He/ She is.Whos your Chinese teacher?Whats he/ she like? He/ She is.Whos your English teacher?Whats he/ she like? He/ She is.Whos your best friend?Whats he like?Whos your best friend?Whats she like?Our music teacher is very old. Hes kind and funny. Hes not thin not strong. Who is he ?Our science teacher is strong. He has big eyes. Hes funny. Who is he ?看图回答问题: 1、Is she young? 2、Is he strong?3、Is he strict? 4、Is she quiet ?No, she isnt. Shes old.No, he isnt. Hes funny.Yes, she is .Yes, he is .Whos that young lady?She is our principal.Is she strict?Yes, she is.Is she active ?No, she isnt. Shes quiet.1. Write the opposite words.strictyoungactiveyeslongnewtallcomeoldoldshortkindshortgoquietno(1)_? He is my new neighbour.(2) _ ? Yes, he is very smart.Whos heIs he smart(3) _ ? No, hes very tall.(4) _ ? Yes, hes very funny.Is he shortIs he funny(5) _ ?No, shes old. She is very kind.Is she youngPart C Pronunciationi:i:peach tea seat jeans teacher sea eat beef sheep queen sleep meet see green blblblue black block blow brbrbread brown library break Read and chooseRead and choose1. ( ) A. peach B. beef C. blue 2. ( ) A. bread B. tea C. feet 3. ( ) A. sleep B. it C. queen 4. ( ) A. tree B. break C. brown 5. ( ) A. block B. black C. jeans 6. ( ) A. teach B. beef C. libraryCABACCListen and readListen and readA A sheepsheep eats beefeats beef and drinks and drinks green teagreen tea. .一只绵羊在吃牛肉一只绵羊在吃牛肉, ,喝绿茶喝绿茶。EatEat your your meatmeat and your and your peachpeach. .吃肉和桃子吃肉和桃子。A A blackblack bird bird eatseats blackblack breadbread. .一只黑鸟在吃黑色的面包一只黑鸟在吃黑色的面包。Language PointsLanguage Points1. Is she strict? 她很严格吗?肯定回答:Yes, she is. 是的,她严格。1. 否定回答:No, she isnt. 不,她不严格。2. Are they active?他们活泼吗?肯定回答:Yes, they are. 是的,他们活泼。2. 否定回答:No, they arent. 不, 他们不活泼。3. 3. Are you quiet? 你文静吗?肯定回答:Yes, I am. 是的,我文静。否定回答:No, Im not. 不, 我不文静。Language PointsLanguage Points1. 不定冠词a与an的用法a与an是一对好朋友,表示“一(个,件,只)”。 这两个好朋友的分工很明确。1)a用于以辅音音素开头的单词或字母前。2) an用在以元音音素开头的单词或字母前。如:an active boy ktiv元音音素1. a university student ju:ni v:sti辅音音素2. 一位年长的男士3. an old man2. but的用法but表示“但是”,表示语意的转折,因此,在 句中发现but时,你要留意句意发生了变化。如:I like cake, but I dont like hamburger.我喜欢蛋糕,但是我不喜欢汉堡包。but 和 and 是一对冤家,but爱“转折”,而and喜 欢“顺承”,而且and用在句子开头时往往不用翻 译。如:I like cake, and I like hamburger, too.我喜欢蛋糕,我也喜欢汉堡包。1.抄单词,四英两中 ,下次课听写。 2.背出P4 lets learn中的句子,下 次课听写。 3.家校联系手册家长 签字。 4.电话作业: 明天晚上8:00-9:00
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