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Revision Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Listening Speaking Reading WritingTeaching language knowledge Pronunciation Vocabulary GrammarProcess /procedures 1. Whole language input/acquisition Pmeaning(contextualized) whole 2. Specific focus on language knowledge Pform(decontextualized) parts 3. Comprehensible using Pmeaning(contextualized) wholeTeaching language skills Listening & reading-receptive skills-input Speaking & writing-productive skills- outputProcess/proceduresPre-While-Post-Listening/reading A useful tool KWL/KPL chartKnowWant/ PredictLearnPre-Pre-Post-Integrated learning Pronunciation Whole language Vocabulary Language kn & skills Grammar CLIL Listening Meaning & form Speaking Input & output Reading Comprehensible use Writing我国课程三维目标*知识与技能*过程与方法*情感态度价值观我国英语课程目标综合语言 运用能力国际视野 祖国意识 合作精神 自信意志 动机兴趣语言知识话题 功能 语法 词汇 语音语言技能听 说 读 写学习策略资源策略 交际策略 调控策略 认知策略文化意识文化知识 文化理解 跨文化交际 意识和能力情感态度Teaching is as easy as ABC! Affect Behavior CognitionIntegrationABC implication for FL lessons Affective involvement & development Language acquisition/practice/using Cognitive involvement & developmentA-Affect Motivation Confidence Cooperative spirit Love Global vision B- Behavior Learning activities Language practice Language using“I hear and I forget.”“ I see and I remember.”“ I do and I understand. ” -ConfuciusC-Cognition(thinking) Imagination 21个国家调查显示:中国中小学生想象力倒数第一 Critical thinking 创造力排名倒数第五 Creative thinking Pre-schooling kid-a question mark? Afterschool kid-a period(full stop). Standardized TestLesson StudyLesson Study Action movies are exciting Comedies are funny Documentaries are boring Thrillers are scary Learning without thinking is labor lost. Thinking without learning is perilous- Confucius I cannot teach anybody anything,I can only make them think. - Socrates The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.- William Arthur WardWhat can FL teachers do?Open-minded & creative Inspiring more & telling less Opportunities for thinking (i+1) Clever Questioning leading to thinking Creative tasksSample- Reading tasks involving diverse levels of thinking1. When did Columbus discover America? 2.How are Columbus and an astronaut similar and different? 3. Suppose Columbus had landed in California. How would our lives and history have been different? p199Multiple IntelligencesMultiple intelligencesImplication of Multiple intelligences Variety of learning activities Integrated learningUS NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION 5“C”
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