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教学目标 1、感受乐曲欢快富有律动感的情绪,体验在雪橇上急速飞奔时舒畅的心情。2、配合打击乐器和简单舞蹈动作,能较好地表现音乐的风格和情绪。 3、通过听、唱、奏、舞等音乐活动,培养学生的创编能力与合作能力。教学重点: 感受歌曲轻松愉快的情绪。 教学难点: 配合打击乐器或简单舞蹈动作,能较好地表现音乐风格和情绪。 教学准备: 课件、钢琴、打击乐器等 教学过程 (一)、情境创设与导入 1、提问冬天给你留下最深刻的印象是什么? 2、欣赏雪橇图片。 A、图片上的是什么? B、什么拉着雪橇? C、雪橇的用途?(运送货物、交通工具、娱乐工具) 3、导入课题铃儿响叮当今天我们来学习一首与雪橇有关的歌曲,是马拉着雪橇,而且这匹马非常的可爱,它的脖子上还系着铃铛,会发出叮叮当当非常清脆悦耳的声音,这是一首很熟悉的歌曲,我们一起来听一下这首歌。 (二)、新歌教学铃儿响叮当 1、视频铃儿响叮当 A、你们听过这首歌吗?名字叫铃儿响叮当,其中有一句旋律我们都会唱,叮叮当铃儿响叮当。 B、这首歌描写了什么情景?(孩子们在雪橇上唱歌玩得很开心)。 下面,让我们来简单地了解一下这首歌曲。(作品介绍)2、再听歌曲铃儿响叮当。 来源:学科网 ZXXK现在,请大家看着歌谱,再次跟老师一起来欣赏一遍歌曲。同时,请大家思考这样的问题:(A、B 两题)A、歌曲情绪怎样?(欢快活泼) B、划分段落? 大家能找出反复的地方在哪里吗?C、找出反复之处。 2、请大家跟着老师按节奏朗读歌词。(提醒大家要注意换气与附点节奏哟!) 现在,大家是不是已经迫不及待地想要学习这首歌曲啦?老师已经迫不及待了,就让我们一起来学习这首歌曲吧!来源:学科网3、教唱歌曲。 A、跟琴学唱 B、个别乐句反复教唱。 C、跟琴演唱。 4、雪橇从远处滑了过来,又从身边滑走了,你觉得怎样表现由远到近的这种效果呢? 你觉得哪句应该唱的重一些,哪句应该轻一些呢? (三)、巩固练习1、请大家跟伴奏一齐演唱这首欢快的歌曲,一定要注意表现由远及近的效果哟。来源:学科网 ZXXK2、分组演唱。 3、唱得真好,我仿佛听到了那种叮叮当当清脆悦耳的声音,老师有个提议,看看能不能用我们自己的方式来模仿铃声呢?比如说拍拍手、跺跺脚。大家思考一下,我们一起来呈现出来。(给学生讨论几秒钟,然后跟伴奏再唱一遍)来源:学科网4、不错,不过老师好像还不过瘾,毕竟不是真的乐器,下面拿出乐器(课前准备几样打击乐器),先研究一下能在歌曲衬词“叮叮当”处加上一些什么样的动作或节奏来表现歌曲。(个别起来说)5、学生创编动作,并随视频一起表演。6、现在,让我们一起来看看“我的创造”。(出示 PPT)来源:学#科#网7、让我们再次跟着音乐演唱这首好听的歌曲。 (四)、小结 美好的时光总是短暂的,我们这节课快要结束了,在你们唱唱跳跳中老师看到了你们脸上的的喜悦,你们开心吗?老师希望你们每天都这样开心快乐,并且老师希望你们把这份开心与快乐传递给身边每一人。能做到吗?!(说完后出示最后一张 PPT,并安排学生有序走出教室。)UnitUnit 5 5 OurOur schoolschool 教学目标:教学目标:1、技能目标:(1)能够向别人介绍自己的学校和老师。(2)能够讲述本单元的故事。(3)通过本课故事的学习,培养在日常生活中用英语的交际能力。(4)能够说唱本单元的歌曲童谣。2、知识目标:(1)语音:能够准确朗读字母 u 在不同单词中的发音。(2)词汇:学习学校教室和教师的相关单词。(3)句型:学习 Are these our books?及答语等(4)语法:区别 our,your,their 及相关知识。3、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标:(1)通过故事学习,培养学生要热爱学校,热爱老师。(2)通过故事学习,要学生注意运动时的安全意识。(3)培养学生的爱护及建设学校的意识。(4)教育学生要关爱老师。 Lesson1Lesson1 教学目标教学目标1 能听懂会说会认单词:math/English/their/our/teacher/ playgroud/office/school.2 能跟录音说故事.3 爱学校,爱老师。 重点重点: : 理解故事 难点难点: : classroom, playground 认读教具教具: : 计算机,单词卡片 学具学具: : 单词卡片 教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Revision1 Ss say a chant2 T holds up any students book, Ask, “Whose math book is this?” “Whose English book is this?”Ss: Its (WangMings math/English book).T holds up some pictures. “Which room is this?”Ss: Its the living room/bedroom/kitchen/bathroom.Step2 Presentation1 classroom, office, schoolT shows the pictures, “Whats this?” Ss try to say. (Its a classroom/ office.) T: This is our school. Ss read the words one by one.Step3 Talk about the story1 T: Today, were going to visit Anns school.T asks these questions about the pictures:Picture 1:Where are Ann ,Ken and Mocky?Picture 2:Where are they now?Picture 3:What do you think Mocky and Wang Ling are saying? Picture 4:What is Mocky looking at?What do you think WangLing is saying?Picture 5:Where are they? Whos that woman?Picture 6: What does WangLing say to the English teacher?Picture 7: What is Mocky doing? What are Ann and Ken saying to him?Picture 8/9: Where are they now? Whose ball is this?Picture 10:What is Mocky doing? Picture11: Whose window is broken? How does Mocky feel?Ss answer the questions individually.2 T plays the tape. Ss listen to the tape and point to the picture.3 T plays the tape again. Ss listen and repeat.4 Ss read the story in groups. (P1-P6, P7-P11)Ss perform. 板书设计板书设计Unit 5 Our School!This is our school. This is our math teacher.This is our English teacher.These are our teachers.Thats their ball Lesson2Lesson2 教学目标教学目标1 能听说认读单词:Chinese /math /music /art /P.E. / playground /office /classroom /their /our.2 能介绍自己的老师和学校。3 能唱歌曲,爱老师,爱学校。 重点重点: : 新单词的认读 难点难点: : 正确运用 their, our, your。 教具教具: : 计算机,单词卡片 学具学具: : 单词卡片 教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Revision1 Ask the Ss to read the story.2 Ss look at the screen and answer Qs:P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P9, P11.Step2Words to learn1 PresentationT show some Ts photos one by one, “ Whos this?” (Covered parts)Ss try to guess: She/ He is our Chinese / math/ music/ art/ P.E. teacher.T say the words, Ss repeat.2 Listen and repeatSs look at the books, T plays the tape, Ss repeat. (3 times)3 Ss read the words in groups.4 Ss perform.5 Practise1)T show some pictures of their Ts and our school.“Who wants to be a guaid to introduce our school and the Ts?Ss introduce one by one.2) Ss do a group work. 3) Ss perform.Step3 Listen to this1 Have the Ss open their books at pages52 .T explain to the Ss that the pictures are some teachers in WangLings school. Give them 15 to think who are they.2 T plays the tape.Ss listen to the tape and point to the picture.T plays the tape again.Ss listen and write the number.3 T have the Ss read out the sentences in a class drill.Ss read the sentences.Step4 Lets sing!Have the Ss open their books.T: What can you see?Ss: I can see some toys.T: Whose toys are they? Are they your toys?Ss: They are Boobbys and LuLus.2 T plays the tape.Ss listen to the tape and point to the words.T plays the tape again.Ss sing the song and clap in time.Ss sing together.Step5 SummaryT: What have you learned? Ss answer. 板书设计板书设计Unit 5Our School!Chinese,math,music,art,P.E.,playground,office, classroom,their,ourIs this our Chinese teacher?Yes,it is.(No,it isnt.)Lesson3Lesson3 教学目标教学目标1 巩固单词
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