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Graduate English for the 21st CenturyFill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.1. Whenever he mentioned his big donation to the orphanage, he could not be restrained from making rather an ostentatious p_ of his liberty.Vocabulary aradeGraduate English for the 21st Century2. Smallpox finally ceased to be a s_ in the last century with the great efforts of the scientists.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary courgeGraduate English for the 21st Century3. Fights could not help the two countries settle down the territory disagreement, and at last, they placed the disputed land under UN s_ .Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary urveillanceGraduate English for the 21st Century4. By his red and swollen leg we concluded that those mosquitoes in that area must have been very v_. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary irulentGraduate English for the 21st Century5. During the World War , the shabby little bar successfully h_ many Jews who would otherwise have been slaughtered by Hitler.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary arboredGraduate English for the 21st Century6. Supported by the local government, demonstrators succeeded in d_ the international summit held there.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary isruptingGraduate English for the 21st Century7. The president was b_ with questions the moment he finished his speech on the controversial issue. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary ombardedGraduate English for the 21st Century8. The reason why the people who have received the vaccine may still c_ the flu is that the new virus is of a different type.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words you have learned in the text without referring to the original. The first letter for each word is given.Vocabulary ontractedGraduate English for the 21st CenturyB. Translate the following sentences into English. 1、尽管他的科研工作不断出现困难,但他都一一克服了, 并最终发现了这种新的元素。(crop up)Though difficulties kept on cropping up in his work, he still succeeded in finding this new element after solving all the problems.Graduate English for the 21st Century2、火车以飞快的速度行驶,一天的旅行就把他 从白雪皑皑的北国带到了赤日炎炎的南方。(at a good clip) The train was moving at such a good clip that one days travel brought him to the south with scorching sun from the northern part of the country covered with white snow.B. Translate the following sentences into English. Graduate English for the 21st CenturyDuring her first voyage to the sea, the ships engine break down, so she left at the mercy of the rough sea. B. Translate the following sentences into English. 3、第一次出海航行时,由于发动机出现了故障, 这艘船在大海中由风浪任意摆布。(at the mercy of) Graduate English for the 21st CenturyWhile seeking after their own profit, some companies ignore the farmer workers interest. Recently, the government has been bombarded with the complaints about delayed payment.4、一些公司贪求利润而置农民工的利益于不顾 ,政府部门最近收到许多拖欠工资的投诉。( bombard)B. Translate the following sentences into English. Graduate English for the 21st CenturyWith the bird flu emerging in some Asian countries, our government has placed the imported food under close surveillance. 5、随着亚洲的一些国家发生禽流感,我国加强了 对从这些国家进口食品的严格监控。(surveillance)B. Translate the following sentences into English. Graduate English for the 21st CenturyWhile economic globalization has brought absolute opportunities to some Chinese , the challenges it causes to others are also unmistakable.6、虽然经济全球化给一些中国人带来了绝对的机遇 ,但它给其他人所带来的挑战也是很明显的。 (unmistakable)B. Translate the following sentences into English. Graduate English for the 21st CenturyTo our relief ,the vote in this assembly stopped certain countries from containing China.7、令我们欣慰的是,这次大会中的投票表决挫败了 某些国家遏制中国的企图。(contain)B. Translate the following sentences into English. Graduate English for the 21st CenturyWith some people , the old saying “Ones character at three years old seals his fate .”is true, but there are many people with different experiences.8、在有些人,谚语“三岁看到老”的说法是真的, 但有许多人不是这种经历。(seal)B. Translate the following sentences into English. Graduate English for the 21st CenturyDirection: According
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