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学校代码:80201 学号:S10500383 分 类 号: F 密级: 无 中国社会科学院研究生院 硕士专业学位论文 基于养老社区的新型寿险商业模式研究 基于养老社区的新型寿险商业模式研究 郑志华 导师姓名及职称:陈东升 教授 系 别:MBA 教育中心 专业学位类别:工商管理 专 业 方 向:金融管理 评 阅 人: 答辩委员会: 答 辩 日 期 : 2012 年 4 月 中国社会科学院研究生院中国社会科学院研究生院 学位论文原创性声明和版权使用授权书学位论文原创性声明和版权使用授权书 原创性声明原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本论文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日 I 摘 要 摘 要 随着人口老龄化程度的加深,养老问题日渐突现。而在社会的转型和政府职能转变的背景下,如何养老,如何在新的经济和社会条件下养老,是一个值得探讨的话题。 本文首先分析了在社会老龄化加速的时代,养老供给和需求的矛盾关系。首先是养老资金的供给和需求的矛盾,当前中国有三种养老金来源,基本社会养老保险,企业年金和商业寿险。基本社会养老保险从总量上看,存在很大缺口,对于每个参与者只能提供最基本的保障。企业年金只有少数比较好的企业才会提供。如果希望有一个高质量的老年生活,必须要有商业寿险来作为对基本养老保险之外的补充。 在当前经济结构条件下,大的家庭结构很难维持,家庭都趋于小型化,而传统的依靠家庭成员,依靠子孙挺提供养老服务的模式,会变得越来越不具有可实施性。这样必须有一定的社会机构或者组织来集中提供养老服务,来满足社会养老服务供给和需求的矛盾。 本文对社区养老的相关概念进行了界定。通过分析现今国外 CCRC 养老社区的具体的例子,总结了养老社区大体的运营模式,收取相对比较大额的入门费用和每个月的服务费作为收入,而与医院,餐饮,保健等服务提供商合作提供高质量的养老服务。一般中等收入的人,支付养老社区这些费用还是比较困难的。同时我们也发现养老社区的运营和建设需要大量的资金支持,和持续的投入。本文还研究了国内的养老社区案例,他们的运营都还处于探索的阶段,运营模式都还比较不成熟。 最后本文研究了基于养老社区的新型寿险商业模式。 寿险结合商业寿险中的养老保险和长期照护保险,设计了利用这两种保险融资入住养老社区的产品。在社区中入住老人能享受到高质量的养老服务,包括生理照护的需求和医疗保健的需求,还应该包括满足老年人心理需求,包括人际关系,社会实现,情感归属等方面的需求。 由保险公司来经营养老社区,整合养老产业链,势必带来整个养老产业的快速的,长足发展。投资建设养老社区,需要资金大,投资周期长,此外,还需要稳定的长期资金来源。而养老社区是一个长期的稳定收益的资产。另外一方面,保险公司手握大量资金,需要寻找稳定合适的投资渠道。所以寿险公司投资养老社区是一个社区和寿险公司双赢的局面。 II 而对于客户/投保人来说,省去了很多中间结算过程,将会方便很多。结合养老年金,长期照护保险的产品,可以为客户提供很好的融资计划,抻长客户的融资周期。客户可以更好的利用保险,来锁定自己未来的支付风险,同时利用保险公司专业的资本运作来保证自己资产的保值增值。 养老社区作为有稳定收益的长期资产, 对于寿险公司的资产久期管理提供了很好的选择。同时寿险公司通过提供服务的方式来支付养老金,这比直接支付现金养老金有一个时间延迟,这个时间上的迟滞,给寿险公司带来了额外的资金受益。寿险公司还可以以养老社区作为基础资产,通过资产证劵化的方式,在需要的时候,把养老社区资产套现,来增加自己的流动性,提高赔付能力。本文还探讨了,商业寿险资金如何在社会养老体系中发挥其应有的作用,在养老社区这样的模式中,商业寿险又应该以一种什么样的商业模式来运作。希望能给商业寿险的投资建设和运营养老社区提供有用的参考。 本文得出结论商业寿险公司投资建设和运营养老社区, 并提供保险和社区养老相结合的服务产品,是一个商业寿险公司,老人,养老社区和社会都受益的多赢解决方案。中国已经步入老龄化社会,养老社区将是中产家庭的全新养老方式。 关键词关键词:养老社区,保险,商业模式,产业链 III A STUDY OF NEW TYPE OF INSURANCE BUSINESS MODEL WHICH IS BASED ON RETIREMENT COMMUNITY ABSTRACT As long as the population is getting aged, providing-for-the-aged problem emerges gradually. In the current stage of society restructuring and government function transforming, how to take care of the aged in new economic and social condition is a investigating worthy topic. This paper has analyzed the situation on demand and supply of services for the aged people. The first key is the demand and supply of money. Currently in China, there are three forms of money supply for pensions, first is the basic social security, the second is enterprise annuity, and the third is commercial endowment insurance. In the social macro level, we can find that there is a big gap for the basic social security to get balanced, it can only secure some living fundamentals for elder people. The enterprise annuity is a luxury for normal people, only those employees of a very good company can have it. To have a high quality of life after retirement, the commercial endowment insurance is one of the best choices for supplement to basic social security. In currently Chinas economic structure, its pretty hard to maintain big structural families, families are getting smaller. The traditional mode of giving nursing care services by family members of young generations is hard to bring into practice now. There shall be some organizations to provide such services in a central way in the society. The endowment community is one of the best choices. This paper has defined some of concepts related to setting up retirement community for the aged people. By studying an exact foreign CCRC retirement community as sample, we can find that those communities have common model: to enjoy the high quality of medial, catering and health care services, the residents shall pay two parts of fees, one is the entrance fee, which is a big mount of money, and the other is monthly service fee. Its really hard for the middle income class to afford that. Meanwhile, the case study indicates that to investigate and running a retirement community, demands tremendous mount of money continually. This IV paper also has studied domestic cases. its found that they are all in some initial struggling situations, and the business models are still immature. This paper has designed and studied such a business model that the life insurance company to invest construct and run retirement communities, and provide caring aged services with insurance products. The author has designed a product of living in retirement community by financing with life insurance and long term care insurance in this paper. The retirement community shall provide services including nursing care, health care and also the service shall cover aged psychology requirement, including inter-personal relationship, sense of belonging and self-realization. Its quite convenient f
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