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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语话题范例:Weekend广大烤鸭们的福利:智课雅思口语高分素材库出炉啦!众所周知, 雅思口语一直是中国考生的薄弱项,众多考生雅思成绩被口语分数拉低 ,从而与名校失之交臂抱憾不已。智课教育为帮助广大雅思考生突破口 语瓶颈,提高口语成绩,特地精心整理了雅思口语高分素材库。你还在 因为雅思口语不佳而苦恼吗?那快来智课雅思口语高分素材库汲取营养 吧! 1. Are weekends important to you? Well, its quite important. I normally work round the clock on workweek; so sleeping all-day and chilling out during weekends are just right for me. Plus, I may go clubbing with close friends though I need a couple of days to sleep it off. 非常重要。我经常在周中持续工作,所以周末全天睡觉及出去放松 对我来讲是必须的。而且我还可以在周末跟好朋友去泡夜店,虽然需要 睡几天才能缓过来。 2. How do you (usually) spend the weekend?Well, the best thing to do is to treat my friends to a night out. I normally take my friends out for dinner; finding some best-kept secret restaurants is the most interesting thing we often do. After that, we usually go to a jazz club or live house, as Im a die-hard jazz fan. 最好的方式就是请朋友们晚上出去玩儿。我一般带朋友们出去吃饭 ,找一些不为人知的好餐厅吃饭是我们常干的最有意思的事情。这之后 ,我们经常去爵士乐俱乐部或现场,因为我是个铁杆爵士乐迷。 3. Which do you prefer, Saturday or Sunday? I love Sunday. I dont need to hang out with friends and lie-in, as I have to shoot off early on the next day, otherwise I will be late for work. Plus, listening to some ambient music or reading literature at home is like a good day for me. 我喜欢周日。因为第二天得很早出门,周日晚上我就不用和朋友出 去玩然后睡懒觉了,否则第二天就要迟到。另外,在家听些氛围音乐或者读读文学作品对我来说也是不错的一天。 4. Is it important for people to have weekends off? Well, its quite essential for people to have 2 days off per week. You know, in order to work efficiently, people need a good rest and should have leisure time to do some outdoor activities, especially those white-collar workers, to keep healthy and replenish their energy. 每周两天休息对人们太重要了。为了工作有效率,人们需要有好的 休息,需要有空闲时间做一些室外活动来保持健康补充能量,尤其是那 些白领工作者。 5. Should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend? Yes, because workers have to spend all days in the office at the expense of leisure activities. Bosses should reward them with high salaries, higher chance of promotion and perceive them as role models.
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