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庆应义塾大学创业者育成项目庆应义塾大学创业者育成项目 Keio Entrepreneurship ProgramKeio Entrepreneurship Program 2018 年 2 月 4 日(周日)- 2 月 14 日(周三) Feb.4 2018(Sunday)-Feb.14 2018(Wednesday) 庆应义塾大学创业者育成项目庆应义塾大学创业者育成项目 Keio Keio Entrepreneurship ProgramEntrepreneurship Program The Keio Entrepreneurship Program offers lectures with actual business examples and a company visit for participants to learn about the basic knowledge and ideas required to start a business, how to create customer value, and how to get a competitive advantage, among others. Professionals who support companiesbusiness management, entrepreneurs who have started their own start-up companies, and an investor who works for a venture capital firm are scheduled to be invited as the lecturers. A Business Idea Competition will be held on the final day. Another investor will give feedback for a business idea to be presented by each group to wrap up the Program. This is an intensive, practical short-term program that also provides a great opportunity for participants, including Keio students, to interact and deepen their understanding of different cultures. 庆应义塾大学创业者育成项目提供以真实企业案例为蓝本的课程以及一次企业见习的机会,让参与者们学习创业、 创造顾客价值、如何得到竞争优势等等的基本知识。被邀的授课者有帮助企业进行商务管理的教授、自主创业的企 业家、风险投资家等。项目最后一天将会举行商业理念比赛。投资家将对每个小组的商业理念进行反馈,以此使项 目完美落幕。这是一个高强度且实用的短期项目,为参加者(包括庆应的学生)提供绝佳的机会来探讨并加深对不 同文化的理解。 项目概况项目概况 Keio University Established in 1858 by YukichiFukuzawa as a small school of Western learning, Keio has a history as Japans very first private institution of higher learning. Over 150 years since its founding, Keio has thrived under its founders motto of jitsugaku, or empirical science, as it continues to transform Japan as a modern nation through contributions to education, research, and medicine. Today, Keio University is playing a leading role in the academic world, attracting highly talented students and researchers from home and abroad. Looking ahead, it endeavors to make further contributions to society, strengthen its international reputation, and solidify its position as a world-leading research university. With world-class research facilities and wide-ranging academic programs in Tokyo, the worlds biggest metropolis, Keio is an exciting place to learn, grow, and connect with people from around the world. 庆应作为福泽谕吉在 1858 年创立的小规模西式学校,是日本历史上的第一所私立高等教育学府。自成立的 150 多 年来,庆应秉承了创始人福泽的座右铭“实学”(即比起理论更注重实用性的学问),通过其对教育、科研和医学 的贡献,帮助日本转型为现代化国家。如今的应庆义塾大学在学术界处领导地位,吸引了众多极具天赋的海内外学 生和研究人员。展望未来,庆应努力为社会做出更多贡献,加强国际声誉,巩固其世界领先的学术大学地位。拥有 世界级的研究设施和广泛的学术项目,位于国际大都市东京的庆应是一个学习、成长、与来自世界各地的人们交流 的极佳平台。 大学介绍大学介绍 行程时间:行程时间:2018 年 2 月 4 日2018 年 2 月 14 日(11 天) Schedule: Feb.4 2018-Feb.14 2018(11 days) 课程语言:课程语言:英语 Language: English 上课地点:上课地点:庆应义塾大学三田校区 Location: Mita Campus, Keio University 项目认定:项目认定:参加该项目学生可获庆应义塾大学项目结业证书 *Each participant will be issued a Certificate of Completion. 申请截止:申请截止:2017 年 11 月 3 日(定员 2530 名) Application deadline: Nov.3 2017 (Participant capacity: 25-30) 申请对象:申请对象:在读本科研究生,具备较强的英文沟通交流能力。 英语要求 CET 6 级,并提交大学在校期间的成绩证明书。 成绩证明为参考是否能够参加本项目的重要评价标准。 Eligibility: - Applicants must be enrolled as full-time students in an undergraduate (bachelors level) or graduate (masters level) program at a Chinese university at the time of application and during the program being held. - Applicants must be fluent in English.(CET-6 or above) - *This program is taught entirely in English. 申请条件: - 申请者必须为全日制大学在读本科生或研究生。 - 申请者必须有流利的英语水平(大学六级或以上)。 - *本项目为全英语授课。 Application Documents: - Application form - Statement of purpose (less than 250 words, typed or written clearly in English) - A copy of grade report or transcript that includes all the coursework and grades (*If issued in a language other than English, please attach an English translation.) - An extra set of copies of all the documents above 申请材料 - 申请表 - 申请文书 - 包含所有课程分数的成绩单(原件及英文版) - 另准备一份上述所有材料 選考結果発表選考結果発表: Screening results will be announced by around December 8. 录取结果将由 12 月 8 日宣布。 Kanetaka MAKI (Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies) Professional Career Kanetaka Maki holds a Ph.D. in Management from the University of California, San Diego. He also serves as Visiting Assistant Professor of University of California, San Diego and Affiliated Fellow at National Institute of Science and Technology Policy. Prior to joining GRIPS, Maki has worked at Stanford University and Keio University. His specialties are Science Policy and Entrepreneurship. His current research interests are “The success factor of university-based startups“ and “Comparison study of innovation system between the US and Japan.“ 讲师介绍讲师介绍 (*2017(*2017 参考)参考) Naonori KIMURA (Partner, Managing Director, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc.) Professional Career Naonori Kimuras activities include numerous advisory services such as corporate strategies including breakthroughs, strategy shifts and re-growth initiatives. He has advised clients on business management streamlining, structural reforms, financial strategy, new busine
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