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M 4 Unit 2 Working the landEnjoy a Enjoy a Poem By Li Shen Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray(盘子 ),Due to(因为,由于 ) their toiling(苦干 ) day. How do you think to grow our main food-rice?seedingfertilizing(施肥)irrigating (灌溉)transplanting 插秧harvestingwinnowing winu ( 扬 谷 )riceRead the statistics below. Did you know these facts before? What problem do they show?Discussion Discussion ( group work ) ( group work )What do you think would happen if tomorrow What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?there was suddenly no rice to eat?If that happened, people might die of hunger. The whole world would get into trouble.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?Every day, almost 16,000 children die of hunger One child every five seconds. How to solve hunger?making good use of the waste landinventing a new kind of foodimproving the quality of the soil preventing the pests from eating our cropsIn the late 1990s, Brown, an American scholar, came up with the theory of Chinese Menace( 威胁), which said that in the 2030s, Chinese population will add up to 1.6 billion, and had the question who would feed the large population in China as well as in the world.Just at that time, a Chinese scientist declared to the world that China can solve the problem by himself and help to solve the same problem in the world.Yuan Longping“Father of Hybrid Rice”A Pioneer A Pioneer * *For For All PeopleAll People* *Reading: Lets learn some new words! work the land 土地耕作 sun+burnt struggle 斗争 拼搏 努力 decade hybrid rice Thanks to rid 摆脱 除去 therefore 因此 所以 equip 配备 装备 export 出口farmingsunburnt 晒黑的struggle for 为了而奋斗十年ten years杂交水稻幸亏 由于 因为ridof 使摆脱get rid of 摆脱 rid the country of hungersoequip sb for使有能力;使有资格;赋予 import 进口Task 1 Scanning Name _ Age _Nationality _Occupation工作,职业 _Education _Dream _Achievement _Hobbies _Yuan Longping79 (as of 2009)scientistto export his hybrid rice so that it can be grown around the globe. hybrid ricegraduated from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.Scan the passage to find more information.Chineselistening to violin music,playing mah-jong,swimming and reading.Task 3Find out the main idea of each paragraph.Para1 A. Dr Yuans dreams.Para2 B. Dr Yuans personality.Para3 C. Dr Yuans biography.Para4 D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievement.A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLEMatch the following headings with the right paragraphs.Careful reading: Read the passage carefully and finish the following activities.1. What dose Dr. Yuan look like? Why?2. What is his achievement?Para 1:He looks like a farmer (his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body) because he always works under the sun for a long time.He produces super hybrid rice.Listen to the tapePara 2His biographybaigrfi 传记 Timeinformation 19301953As a young man1974nowBorn into a poor farmers familySouthwest Agriculture College Hunger was a great problem Saw the great need for increasing the rice output He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.Circulating his knowledgeListen to the tapeWhich of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true?A. He is satisfied with his life because he isnow rich and famous. B. He cares little about money and fame. C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life. D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.Para. 3 Dr Yuans personality人格,品格 ,个性,性格 Listen to the tapePara 4His dreams. What was his dream and what is his dream now? To produce a kind of rice that could feed more people To export his rice so that it can be grown all over the worldListen to the tapeProduce a kind of rice that could feed more people As huge as a peanutThe first dream As tall as sorghum As big as a cornTo export his rice so that it can be grown all over the worldT or F1 Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist. 2 Dr Yuans rice is one of the most suitable ways for Chinas farmland.3 Dr Yuan would rather work than relax.4 Dr Yuan has dreams only when he is asleep. 5 Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.Exercises:Sum up Dr Yuan is one of Chinas most famous scientists, but he considers himself a _. Dr Yuan grows _ which has a high output. He is now _ his knowledge in I_, V_ and many other less developd countries to increase their rice harvests. Dr Yuan is quite _ his life. However, he doesnt care about being _.farmerSuper hybrid ricecirculatingsatisfied withfamousndiaietnamHomework 1. copy the new words and expressions 2. read the text carefullySo much for today!
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