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1英语应用文写作English Practical Writing(9)主讲人: 贾珍霞2Study of notice writingAssignment Introduction to the new knowledge3Fax and E-mail Writing1. format1. format 2. Language features 3. Sample 4. Assignment4E-mail format E-mail format To: From: Subject:Cc: Bcc: Attached :Enter the recipients E-mail address.Your own E-mail addressEnter the topic of your message; Be as brief as possible.carbon copy (抄送)blind carbon copy ( 秘密抄送) Documents, files and graphics can be attached.5E-mail messageE-mail messageE-mail is meant to transfer information quickly, E-mail is meant to transfer information quickly, so it is purposely informal. Some people do not so it is purposely informal. Some people do not use capitalization. E-mail also makes use of a use capitalization. E-mail also makes use of a great deal of abbreviations (great deal of abbreviations (缩写缩写) to speed up ) to speed up typing. For example:typing. For example:u uhandhand2 2tyvmtyvm bbbbIluIlu f2ff2furur iowiow4u4uyoutoBye-byeface to facein other wordshave a nice daythank you very muchI love youyourfor you6AssignmentYou are required to write an e-mail according to the following information given in Chinese.n发件人:路静n 发件人e-mail地址:lujing126.comn 收件人:李路n 收件人e-mail地址:lilu77hotmail.comn 发件日期:2010年4月15日n 主题:预约 预定5月20日到北京出差,希 望到时可以到李路公司拜访她。计划在京停留一 周,希望李路可以安排合适时间与她会面,不胜 感激。并表示很期待与她的会面。7审题概述 本文考查书写email的能力,Email是现代社 会常见的书信形式,一般是非正式的文体 ,其主要特点是简单明了,便于阅读。虽 然电子邮件是非正式文体,但其撰写不可 马虎,特别是给长辈、上级写信,或者撰 写事务信函等。写完信后应仔细检查有无 错误。本电子邮件是用于预约,因此要注 意内容表达的清晰性和完整性。8SAMPLEnFrom: lujing 126. comnTo: lilu77 hotmail.comnSubject: Appointment in AdvancenDate: April 15th, 20109Dear Li lu,We had not seen each other since we graduated from the University in 2006. I am scheduled to visit Beijing on business on May 20th, and wish to call on you at your office.I will be staying in Beijing for about a week. It would be appreciated very much if you would like to arrange to meet with me at your convenience. I think we will have many things to tell each other.Thank you in advance for your kindness. I am looking forward to meeting you in Beijing soon.Sincerely yours,Lu Jing10After-class practice亲爱的史密斯博士: 北京大学外文系特邀请您出席2010年12月30 日(星期六)早八点在(系会议室)召开的学 术年会并作演讲。 正如您所了解的,北大外文系对20世纪的英国 文学颇感兴趣。您对此领域很熟悉,您的见解 定会给我们带来很大的兴趣。 我们将随后把有关细节通知您,但恳请您尽快予 以答复,以便作出安排。10*You are required to write an e-mail to Dr.Smith 126. com according to the following information given in Chinese.11To:Dr.Smith 126. com From:jiazx1971163.com Subject:An invitation from Beijing University Date:Sept. 25,201012Dear Dr. Smith: The English Department of Beijing University would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the annual conference to be held at the meeting room at eight oclock, Saturday morning, December the thirtieth, 2010. As you know, the department is interested in the 20th century English literature Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us. You will receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may complete our agenda. Cordially,LiXianDirector of the Office12*13第一段思路点评: 首先开门见山表示目的。 语言点提示: be scheduled to表示“安排、计划做某事”; call on sb. 表示“拜访某人” 第二段思路点评: 进一步就拜访一事展开,表明写信人对于见面的期待 语言点提示: appreciated 表示“感谢”,是信函中的常用语,也可 用“thank you for”; at ones convenience 意思为在“在某人方便时” 第三段思路点评: 进一步阐明自己对于会面的期待14NoticeNotice15As signs put in a public place that announce something or warn people about something, the writing of notices varies in forms from one to another. They may be written on blackboard or bulletin board. They may be written as memos delivered to the desk of officials. They can also be written as letters to notify people of something in detail. 16It may be an announcement of a meeting, a party, a film or video show, a contest, a match, etc. Such a notice includes at least three parts:1. Date day of the week time2. Place3. Activity4.Audience For lectures or talks, the notices should also include:5. background information about the speakers, and for tours17书面通知书面通知即告示,是主事人或主事部门以 书面形式向相关对象,以布告的形式张贴或写 在布告牌栏上的常见实用文体。书面通知一般篇幅短小,言简意骇。需要写明事件、地点、时间和告之对象。18书面通知、通告书面通知:NOTICEIn celebration of May Day , there will be - 正 文School OfficeApril 25 , 2000 19English Teaching & Research GroupNOTICE There will be an English lecture on the differences between American English and British English by a famous English professor ,Mr. Alexander, the author of Follow Me and New Concept English which are well known to us all. It will be given in the Lecture Hall from 7:00 to 9:00 on Saturday evening, September 23. Those who are interested in it are warmly welcome. And you may also invite your friends of other schools to attend it. Be sure not to be late. After the lecture, you may have a picture taken with Mr. Alexander.September 20,2003 20书面通知书面通知的一般格式如下:1.书面通知正文上面正中,往往用
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