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高中英语书面表达常例及对应模板By HanzoA. 根据下面内容,写一则书面通知,词数为100 左右。 1. 事宜:关于计算机的用途以及如何使用网络进行 学习的讲座。 2. 讲座人:南京大学计算机系高教授。 3. 时间:9月14日,星期六,下午2点。 4. 地点:图书馆大教室。 5. 参加对象:电脑爱好者。 6. 要求:参加者准备一些自己在 学习过程中遇到的 问题。 7. 组织者:学校学生会。 8. 通知日期:9月12日。 注意:不要写成条例式的通知。 To help students learn more about computers, were glad to inform you that we have invited Prefessor Gao from the Computer Department of Nanjing University to give us a lecture on Saturday, 14th September. Professor Gao will talk about the use of computer and how to learn through the Internet. The lecture begins at 2:00 p.m. in the big classroom of the Library Building. Any computer-lover is welcome to attend the lecture. Please bring your questions in computer learning. Professor Gao will leave you time for questions. Dont forget to be on time. Students Union September 12为了进一步加强英语教学,晨立中学将邀请某高校 外籍教师Mr Williams来校做报告。现在请你代表学 校写一封100词左右的邀请信,该信包括下列内容: 1. 时间:2010年9月25日,上午9点至11点; 2. 地点:学校操场; 3. 内容:介绍美国中学英语教学情况,并对中国人学英 语提出建议; 4. 方式:先做报告,再与师生自由交谈,并回答问题; 5. 其他:请告知是否能应邀前来。 邀请信的开头和结尾已给出。Dear Mr Williams, It would be a great pleasure to invite you to give a talk in our school. The talk would be about middle school English teaching and learning in your country. And we also hope you can give us some advice on how to learn English in China. The talk would be from 9 to 11 on the morning of Sept. 25. It will be held on our school playground. After the talk, we would enjoy talking with you and asking you some questions. Will you accept our invitation? Please let us know if you will come. We are looking forward to your reply. 南京一中2010-2011学年度 9月月考试题英语墙就“如何进行高中英语学习”征文。请根据提示写一 篇短文投稿。 那些对自己学习负责的同学学习成绩往往较好。我们应该主动 学习。 2. 上课认真听讲,记笔记,课后多听多说。遇到不会的问题 多查字典。 3. 通过阅读发展语言能力。 4. 其他 字数要求:100字左右(不含开头给出的句子) 参考:对负责 be responsible for 主动的 positive 主动地 positivelyHow to learn English in senior high schoolEnglish learning in senior high school is somewhat different from that in junior high school. As the result, one has to note the following points.First of all, as we can see, those who are responsible for their own learning achieve high grades, which makes it clear that one should learn English positively.Secondly, one is expected to pay attention to the teacher and take notes in the lecture that he/she attends. After class, listening and speaking practice can also greatly help improve English. If any of the unfamiliar items are met, one is expected to turn to dictionaries for help.The last but not the least, one is expected to develop his/her language skills through reading. If all that is mentioned above is done with efforts, one can make achievements in English learning of the senior high school.第五部分 书面表达 (满分25分) 下面是21世纪报中学生版(21st Century School Edition)刊登的一 封读者来信,请你以编辑的身份给这位中学生写封回信。 Dear editor,I spend most of my time studying. I hardly talk to my classmates. Sometimes I dont care much about others, but I do want to talk. I just dont know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.I feel so lonely. How I wish I had a good friend! Could you give me some advice? . Yours, Jin Jing 注意:1回信的内容要包括以下要点:1)要相信自己。你最大的问题是缺乏自信;2)微笑面对同学,让他们相信你是友好的;3)先试着与一个和你同样害羞的或和与你有同样爱好的同学交谈 ,可以问一些学习上的问题,谈谈共同的爱好;4)帮助学习和生活上有困难的同学。 2词数: 130左右。信的开头已写好,不计入总词数。 3参考词汇:自信self-confidence n. 缺乏: lack vt. Dear Jin Jing,Your problem is a common one among middle school students. Maybe the following advice can help you.First of all, believe in yourself. Your greatest problem is that you lack self-confidence. The first thing you must do is to smile at your classmates. One smile speaks louder about your wish to make friends than any words. Your smile will show that you are friendly to them. Next, try talking with a student who is as shy as yourself or who shares the same interest as you. You can discuss your studies with a classmate, and you can also talk about your hobbies as well. If anyone is in trouble in life or study, you should be ready to help him or her. Once you have confidence, you can make as many friends as possible.I am looking forward to hearing your good news.Yours,XXX书面表达巩固训练(第八周 周练) 假定你叫李红,准备写信给学英语报社编辑,反映你最近生 活中所遇到的烦恼。 要点如下: 最近遇到一些问题,不知好听何做,希望得到帮助。你这儿年一直是校队很棒的篮球运动员,教练认为你将来 有望成为球星。你父母认为你学习一般,应该在学习上多花时间提高成绩 ,这样能上好大学。训练或比赛占据了你太多时间,所以没更多时间用来学习 他们很生气,不允许你参加训练或比赛。你自己的观念:十分喜欢打球,希望多得到锻炼,成为超 级明星。 注意:1.内容应包括提示的全部要点; 2.词数在120左右; 词汇 :教练 coachOne possible version: Dear editor.I have had a problem recently and I dont know what to do between what I want and what my parents want.I am an average student in my school. So my parents feel that I should spend more time improving my grades in this way, I can go to a good university in the future.However, I have been playing for the school basketball team for the past few years. My coach thinks I have a chance to become a real future star. As you know, it always takes me a l
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