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智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料【托福机经】2015年3月14日托福口语考试真题(含解析)以下是智课外语深圳陈怡如老师为大家整理的托福考试机经,2015 年3月14日托福口语考试真题(含解析),更多托福考试预测机经请关 注智课外语深圳。 Task 1 Which of the following characteristic of work place you may choose? Friendly co-workers/flexible working hours/ nice and easy going boss Sample answerIn my opinion, I would prefer a work place with friendly co-workers with a couple of reasons. First, working with friendly colleagues means that I may share some great ideas with them, especially when we have some problems in the working process. Consequently, these great minds would have better communication and help with each other to solve problem. Also, people who are easy going may become friends when they work together, which can be a great experience within the long working hours. Therefore, friendly co-workers would bring high efficiency towards job and thats why it is a better choice in the working environment. Task 2 Some students would prefer to choose the class that is taught by a professor who is interesting but has a strict requirement. Others would prefer to choose a professor who is boring but less strict to students. Which one would you choose? Sample answer Personally, I would choose the first type of professor s class rather than the other one. Because, an interesting professor would bring some special or joyful opinions during the class thatmay attract students and let them enjoy the class itself, especially for some challenging or difficult subjects such as philosophy or physics. This indulging atmosphere would also light up a spark in their mind to learn and think deeper in the subject but not just for passing it. Also, a strict professor can motivate students to work harder since its not easy for them to get good mark. Then they may have positive attitude and be more diligent for their study. Task 3 Reading 大学新政策规定 FINE ARTS STUDENTS 需要给当地小学提供艺术课教学 理由: 当地小学人数少,规模小,没有能力进行艺术课教育 Listening A male student agree with the policy: 1. 自己小时候有过类似的经历,曾经所在的小学也是没有艺术课, 小时候就喜欢艺术但是没有机会接受艺术教育,如果有类似的项目的话 就太好了2. 男生目前除了修艺术专业以外也辅修教育,这个支教小学的项目 是一个针对艺术系学生很好的机会,可以积累教学经验。 Sample answer In this conversation, the man strongly appreciated this universitys policy which mentioned that Fine Arts students should attend a teaching program for local primary school providing arts class since next semester. He believed so because he had similar experience when he was in primary school which had same situation that can not offer arts class for students. He said if there was this program at that time, it would be so wonderful that he may receive some arts education in early age. Also it would be a good opportunity for students doing arts to accumulate teaching experience. As he mentioned, he was doingarts as well as education. So this program could help him to gain some work experiences in arts education. Task 4 Reading Teaser advertising 传统上广告会展示产品的诱人画面。但是TEASER ADVERTISING 不同,是在广告中先展示不吸引人的方面,逐渐积累消费者的期待,最 终推出产品的画面以提高消费者对产品的兴趣。(欲扬先抑) Listening 教授给出一个汽车广告的案例。一个汽车公司,在新款车上市前, 先展示一个电视广告,画面上只有一条空空的路,远处的山,蓝天白云 ,没有任何一辆车,旁白音切入说你会想要拥有怎样的汽车呢?这个时 候消费者会开始好奇,猜测新款汽车的样子但是就是看不到。待新车上 市后,还是同样画面的电视广告,但是这个时候加入新款汽车的样子, 消费者看了广告之后都会电话询问公司这款新车的信息,因为他们都看 过之前的广告期待很久了,销量也就随之增加。 Sample answerIn this lecture, the professor used has introduced the concept of teaser advertising which means unlike traditional advertising, some companies would apply a new way to show nonattractive pictures before lunching new products and generate interests of customers and then show them pictures after a while, which can increase sales in the marketing. To make this clear, the professor mentioned a car commercial. A car company wanted to promote a new product. First they would put a TV ad showing a picture of empty road without human or car, mountains far away and blue sky with clouds. Then a voice posed a question that what kind of car do you need? This would increase the attention of customers. When the new car was lunching, they put same picture to the new ads but showing the new car. This time the customers would ask for new car information and the sales would increase.Task 5 Listening Problem: 女生房东要她近期搬家,但是她一时找不到离学校近的房子。 1. 朋友SARAH 邀请她去攒住一段时间,这样可以找房子。 缺点:她不想打扰SARAH 2. 先租下目前看到的一个公寓 坏处:那个公寓临街,比较吵,而且离学校有点远 Sample answer The girl has encountered a problem that her landlord asked her to move out within a few days but she hadnt found an apartment near the campus. Here are two solutions: living to her friends place or renting an apartment that she found.I would prefer the first solution rather than the other one. Since her friend sarah would offer her a place to live for a while, she may have more time to search for an ideal place to live in. Otherwise she may have similar problem for renting in the future. However, if she chose the apartment that she found, its off the road which would be noisy, and far away from school, so she may not have good sleep during nights and spend too much time for daily traveling for school. It s inconvenient for her. Task 6 Listening 教授介绍动物行为是为了适应环境而生存下来。比如动物群居,就
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