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初中预备班英语初中预备班英语试卷试卷姓名:姓名:成绩:成绩:/75/75一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内: (15)1. What would you like _ a birthday present?A. forB. asC. with2. Whats your name?_.A. ClarkB. Im OK.C. Thank you3. These are _.A. feetB. footC. foots4. -What does it mean?-It means you shouldnt _.A. smokingB. smokedC.smoke5. _ you _ your grandparents last weekend?A.Did, visitedB.Did, visitC.Do, visited6. _ ?Its red.A. Whats thisB. What colour is itC. How are you7. Whats this? _ a key.A. HesB. ThissC. Its8. -_ did you put your bike?-Under the tree.A. WhenB.WhatC.Where9. _ are you? Fine, thanks.A. WhatB. WhereC. How10. Theres a book on the desk. _ book is blue.A. TheB. /C. A11. Whats your favourite sport?I like _A. swimingB. televisionC. swimming12. Miss. Zhang is _ Chinese teacher. She teaches _ English.A.our, ourB.us , usC.our , us13. Hello! Can you play the piano?_.A. Yes, I can.B. No, I can.C. No, it isnt.14. Whats _ like in autumn?A. weatherB. the weatherC. a weather15. _ do you spell “green”?A. whatB. HowC. How many二、句型转换:(10)1. His family are from Japan. (划线部分提问)_2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)_3. I have some books in my backpack.( 否定句)_4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)_5. The little boy goes to school at 7:30. ( 划线提问)_三三、Reading (20)()My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother,Mrs Green. She is a nurse.I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His(他的)job is a policeman. Marys mother is a nurse. Tony is Marys brother. We alllike him.判断对( T ), 错 ( F )()1.My mother and Marys mother are nurses.()2. Tony is Peters cousin.()3. Bob is Peters father.()4. Peters father is a teacher.()5. Mary is Peters sister.()Whats this? Its letter(字母) P. What colour is it? Its green. Whats this andwhat colour is it? Its letter E. Its yellow. Whats this letter? Its letter N. Its red.P-E-N. Is it “pen”? Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencilcase is orange. This is my book. Its my Chinese book. Its in my bag. My bag is black.Look! The bag is in the desk. The chair is yellow. Its my chair. Its nice. I like it.根据短文选择正确的答案:()1. what colour is letter P?A. GreenB. YellowC. RedD. Blue()2. Which letter is red?A. PB. EC. ND. C()3. Whats in the pencil case?A.An orange caseB. Ablue penC.Ablack bagD. Ayellow chair()4. Where is my English book?A. Its in my bag.B. Its in my desk.C. Its on my chair.D. Sorry, I dont know.(我不知道)()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it?A. My pen.B. My desk.C. My bag.D. My pencil case.四四. 完型填空(完型填空(15)Dear Li Ming,How are you? I miss you very much.Let me _1_ you something about us. My brother and I are in _2_school. We have classes _3_ Monday to Friday._4_ weekends, we dont have _5_ classes. We _6_ manyAmerican friends now. We often play games together _7_ school. They help uswith our English. How many classes do you _8_ _9_ week? Do you likethem?Please _10_ me soon.()1.A.sayB. speakC.tell()2.A.differentB.sameC.the same()3.A.fromB. onC.between()4.A.AtB.OnC.Between()5.A.someB.manyC.any()6.A.are havingB.haveC.has()7.A.behindB.afterC.from()8.A. teachB.playC.have()9.A.everyB.theC.an()10.A.speak toB.tellC.write to六六、写作。、写作。(15)Write a composition to introduce “All about me” at least 7 sentences.写一篇作文,题目是写一篇作文,题目是“关于我关于我” 至少七个句子。至少七个句子。_
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