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第一讲 私募股权(PE)与风险投资 (VC)类型与基本运作方式郭敏 教授 对外经济贸易大学金融学院 13701276344 minguo992002aliyun.como “随着廉价的报纸和更好的交通工具的出现,轻柔 、安静的旧时光结束了。人们以极快的速度去生活 、思考和工作”(William Smith,1886); o “现代家庭的聚会,沉默地围在炉火旁,每个人都 把头埋在自己喜欢的杂志里”(教育期刊, 1907); o “越来越多的人,尤其是大城市的人,有着心理和 神经的衰弱笼统地说可以归因于现代生活的匆 忙和刺激,通过快速的交通和几乎即刻的全球沟通 带来的便利”(牧师杂志,1895)。o 全球活跃社交用户于 2014 年 8 月突破了 20 亿人; o 全球独立移动设备用户渗透率于 2014 年 9 月超过了总人口的 50%; o 全球活跃互联网用户在 2014 年 11 月 突破 了 30 亿人; o 全球接入互联网的活跃移动设备于 2014 年 12 月超过了 36 亿台,这个数字相当于全球 人口总数的一半。 2014年中国移动互联网市场规模达到2134.8亿 元人民币,同比增长115.5%,同时未来依旧会 保持高速增长,预计到2018年整体移动互联网 市场规模将突破1万亿大关。一、私募股权与风险投资资本类型及特征 二、私募股权与风险投资的参与者及组织形式 三、私募股权与风险投资周期 四、私募股权与风险投资发展的历史一、私募股权与风险投资-资本类型及特征1、私募股权与风险投资定义 (EVCA的定义)oThe private equity industry is a coin with two sides. On one side, private equity is the process of collecting capital from sophisticated investors and pooling them in investment vehicles (usually called funds). On the other side is the investing side of the industry. oPrivate equity is the provision of capital and management expertise to companies in order to create value and subsequently, with a clear view to an exit, generate capital gains after a medium to long holding period. In Europe the terms “venture capital“ and “private equity“ or “risk capital“ are often used interchangeably. oPrivate equity is used as the generic term to encompass all the sub-sets of financing stages. These include three main sub-categories (1) venture capital for startup businesses and early stage companies; (2)later stage expansion capital; and (3)management buy-outs and management buy-ins.BVCA的定义o Private equity is medium to long-term finance provided in return for an equity stake in potentially high growth unquoted companies. o Some commentators use the term “private equity” to refer only to the buy-out and buy-in investment sector. Some others, in Europe but not the USA, use the term “venture capital” to cover all stages, i.e. synonymous with “private equity”. o In the USA “venture capital” refers only to investments in early stage and expanding companies. o To avoid confusion, the term “private equity” is used to describe the industry as a whole, encompassing both “venture capital” (the seed to expansion stages of investment) and management buy-outs and buy-ins.著名评级机构标准普尔对“私募股权投资基金” 的定义: o 私募股权投资基金是各种另类投资(alternative investment)的统称,包括对非上市公司的股权投 资、创业投资、较大规模和中等规模的杠杆收购、 夹层债务和夹层股权投资(Mezzanine) 等;此外 ,私募股权投资基金还包括对上市公司进行的非公 开的协议投资(Private Investment in Public Equity, PIPE)。” o 私募股权投资(Private Equity)是指向特 定投资者以非公开方式筹资,对未上市企业 进行权益投资并提供经营管理服务,以期在 所投资企业发育成熟后通过权益转让实现资 本增值的一种利益共享、风险共担的投融资 行为.2、PE/VC的类型投资策略案例数比例投资金额 (US$ M)比例平均投资 额 (US$M)成长资本8270.1%2334.3127.0%35.37PIPE1512.8%5766.9766.7%411.93并购651%117.941.4%23.59房地产投资43.4%270.423.1%135.21夹层资金21.7%49.000.6%24.50过桥投资10.9%36.600.4%36.60其它21.7%76.350.9%38.18未披露54.3%N/AN/AN/A合计117100%8651.60100.0%94.042009年中国不同投资策略投资分布(6)PIPE(Private Investment in Public Equity) 即私人 股权投资已上市公司股份PIPE是私募基金以市场价格的一定折价率购买上市 公司股份的投资方式。PIPE主要分为传统型和结 构型两种形式。传统的PIPE由发行人以设定价格 向PIPE投资人发行优先或普通股来扩大资本。而 结构性PIPE则是发行可转债(转换股份可以是普 通股也可以是优先股)。(7)fund of funds o FoF is an investment fund that uses an investment strategy of holding a portfolio of other investment funds rather than investing directly in shares, bonds or other securities. This type of investing is often referred to as multi-manager investment. o There are different types of fund of funds, each investing in a different type of collective investment scheme (typically one type per FoF), eg. mutual fund FoF, hedge fund FoF, private equity FoF or investment trust FoF3、私募股权与风险投资差异投资者融资方投资方 资金募集方式公众公司投资私募发行的证券私募方式发行股权或债券金融工具机构投资者 或特定投资 者非公众公司私募融资(股权或债券金融工具方式)私募股权投资私募股权基 金等如PIPE等如天使投资等4、PE(广义)的特征PE的本质特征 o Investment by a dedicated professional team predominantly in unquoted companies; o active ownership driving value creation and corporate governance; o Informed, professional investors; o Negotiated contractual relationship with qualified/professional investors; o Profit-sharing schemes which align interests with investors; o Strong self-regulation with defined reporting and valuation requirements; o Involving stand-alone management of each individual company o Investing on the basis of a medium to long term strategy and holding period; o With a focus on financial gain through exit by sale or flotation.二、私募股权与风险投资的参与者和组织形式1、私募股权与风投的参与者私募股权与风险投资资金的最终需求者私募股权资资金的最终提供者2、私募股权和风投资本投融资运作的中 介组织形式综观美国风险投资基金治理结构的制度变迁过程,可以 发现这样一个有趣的现象:和钱德勒关于企业成长史的实 证结论(即一般的企业制度演化是从业主制到合伙制到有 限责任公司制和公众公司)的进化过程不一样,风险资本 组织的演变是一个从公众公司到有限合伙制组织的逆向演 变过程。 有限合伙制及其主要参与者三、私募股权与风险投融资运行周期 及其机制PEVC投入企业 和投后管理PEVC退出形式选择: IPO 回购、购并或转让 清理企业资产决策阶段: 投资活动发起 投资机会筛选 投资项目评估 投资合约签订 投资后管理组织形式: 公司制 有限合伙制 信托基金制 契约制筹集PEVC来源: 养老金 捐赠基金 公司企业 保险公司 银行 政府 个人、家庭组建PEVC 基金循环活跃于中国境内VC/PE机构投后管理 团队设置情况活跃于中国境内VC/PE机构增值服务模式私募股权基金机制与其他投融资机方式比较SUDU直接金融机构投资银行直接金融工具直接金融工具资金资金一次合约关系SUDU间接金融机构商业银行资金资金间接金融工具贷款合约两次合约关系o PE/VC投资包括三个主体两层契约关系,三 个主体分别是资本最终提供者即投资者、管 理资本并使资本增值的风险资本家和资本最 终使用者即创投企业家;两层契约关系就是 在风险投资过程中存在着双重委托代理关 系,它包括投资
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