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上海交通大学硕士学位论文基于学习型组织架构的学习型家庭研究姓名:姜涛申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:黄丞20080601摘 要 中国目前正致力于建设和谐社会,家庭是社会的基本组成细胞,社会和谐必然来自家庭的和谐。改革开放以来,特别是进入二十一世纪后,中国经济保持了迅速的增长,依照传统方式构建的家庭资源配置方式很难适应家庭外部环境的变化, 这种不适应是大多数现代家庭问题的根源。通常来说,一个组织适应外部世界的变化的最有效方式就是开展改进和变革活动,彼得圣吉用学习型组织来描述那些建立了良好变革机制的组织。由于家庭与企业组织有着不少相同的特性,学习型组织的思想方法也可以为创建新型的具有主动学习能力的家庭提供指导。但毕竟家庭有着不同于社会组织的特点,如何结合家庭自身特点和学习型组织的理论创建学习型家庭, 对中国社会具有重要的意义。本文就试图在这方面做一些探索。 论文的第一章主要说明了研究学习型家庭的意义与目前研究的现状,意在使读者对研究课题有个全面的了解。 第二章主要探讨了彼得圣吉(Peter M .Sange)提出的学习型组织的架构,由于该架构的理论来源于对学习本质的认识,因此在本节的开始,首先回顾了各个时期各个不同学派对于学习的见解,并以目前学术界普遍认同的建构主义创始人皮亚杰(J .Piaget)的学习理论为指导,深入探讨了学习的本质。接下来详细分析了彼得圣吉的学习型组织架构:该架构由指导思想、创新的组织架构和理论工具方法组成的三角形结构以及深层次学习循环共同组成, 揭示出推动组织学习不应把精力过多的放置于学习过程的本身, 而是应该推进理论方法和工具的进步,进而推动深层次学习循环的产生。 这种理论同样适用于家庭。 本文的第三章以学习型组织架构为基础构建出了学习型家庭架构,并运用加里贝克尔(Gary .S .Becker)的家庭经济分析方法分析了架构中与家庭组织结构相关的家庭的指导思想、 家庭资源的内涵并进一步利用五项修炼工具说明了如何推动家庭深层次学习循环的产生。文章的第四章应用 2004 年华东师范大学对上海学习型家庭进行的调研数据,分析了学习型家庭创建的现状,并提出了影响学习型家庭创建的 15 个家庭要素,在第五章首先分析了浦东的创建实践,接着对政府推动创建学习型家庭提出了策略建议,并对企业在创建学习型家庭过程中的机会进行了分析。 笔者认为, 推动学习型家庭必然带来中国社会和经济结构的重大变化,个人、家庭、企业和社会都将从学习型家庭的创建中获得丰厚的回报,国家也将因此受益良多。如果本文能为此做出小小贡献,则不胜荣幸。 关键词:学习,家庭经济分析,学习型组织,学习型家庭 ABSTRACT China is working on building the harmonious society. As the basic element of the society, the harmony of the families will definitely lead to the harmony of the whole society. After the reforming and opening of economy of China, especially in 21st century, China has kept a high growth rate in economy. It is very hard for the traditional family resource distribution method to adapt to the outside changes. This is the root causes of so many family issues nowadays. Generally speaking, the most efficient way for an organization to adapt to the outside changes is reforming. Peter. M.Sange defines the organization with good reforming system as the learning organization. Since families and enterprises have lots in common, the theory and methodology of the learning organization could be used to build the families with initiative learning capabilities. But after all there is still difference between families and enterprises; this article is aiming to research how to build the leaning families by the methodology of the learning organizations as per different characteristics of the families. And the Leaning Families Methodology will bring a profound affect to the whole society of China. Section will focus on the purpose of building the learning families and current progress of the researching, through which the readers will have an overview of the thesis. Section II mainly discusses the structure of the learning organization (raised up by Peter M.Sange). Since the methodology of the structure originates from the understanding of the essence of learning, we review the different understanding and opinions of the learning from different researching groups in different period at the beginning of this section. Then based on the methodology of J. Piaget, the initiator of the Structure Methodology, we analyze the essence of learning deeply. Following this, we make a thorough analysis of the structure of the Learning organization, etc the triangle structure including Methodology, creative organization structure and Methodology tools, and, deeply learning recycling structure. The conclusion is that we should not pay too much attention on the learning process, instead we should keep on improving the methodology and learning tools and push to create the deeply learning recycling. This methodology is applied to families as well. The Section III will build up the structure of the learning families by the methodology of learning organizations. Also we will analyze the leading theory related to the organizational structure of the families and the essence of the families resources. Furthermore, we will use the five learning tools to show how to create the deeply learning recycling. The section IV will analyze the current situation in building learning family in Shanghai based on the data of learning family research in 2004, and summarize 15 factor influencing the family learning. In section V, we analyze the cases in Pudong, and give some proposals on how to facilitate to build the learning families from the angel of government, the opportunities for the enterprises that support the learning family building. I think the learning families will bring great changes to the economical and social structure. Individuals, families, enterprises and the whole society will all get tremendous benefit from building the learning families. Our country in the end will be benefited. I will be very honored if my article could contribute a little bit to the above-mentioned good result. KEYWORDS: Learning, Home Economics, Learning Organization, Learning Family 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。 对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名:姜涛 日期: 2008 年 4 月 19 日 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权
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