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We keep in touch with each other by writing regularly.keep in touch with 保持 (状态)get in touch with 取得 (动作)be out of touch withlose touch with I want to get in touch with him as soon as possible.keep in touch with 更多资源xiti123.taobao.com 1.When you get to Beijing, first youd better _ my old friend, he will arrange everything.A. get in touch with B. get into touch byC. keep in touch with D. lose touch with2. Heres my card. Lets keep in _.A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship keep 1. Wed better keep a seat for him. 2. He kept all the money in the bank. 3. Everybody must keep the law. ) 4. Cant you keep your dog from coming into mygarden? 5. He has a large family to keep. 1. 6. He kept a flower shop in this city. 2. 7. Can you keep a secret? 3. 8. We dont keep birthdays in our countryside. 4. 10. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 5. 11. Were keeping in very good health. 6. 12. Will this fish keep till tomorrow?保留、保存、保持、留下履行(诺言)遵守阻止 赡养,养活,饲养 经营,管理保守(秘密),记(日记,帐)庆祝(生日,节日)使处于某种状态(情况)保 持保持,继续(食物)保持良好状态1.keep an eye on 2. keep sb. from doing sth. 3. keep sth. in mind 4. keep sb. /sth. out (of sth) 5. keep in touch with 6. keep (on) doing sth. 7. keep off 8. keep up 9. keep up with 10. keep down注意看守 (使)离开(某物) 记住(某事物) 不让-入内 与-保持联系 继续做某事 远离;避开;让开 保持(不低落)继续 跟上,不落在后面 控制,镇压,使不吐 出necessity n. 必要性,需要,必需品1,necessity作“必要性,需要”解时是不可数名词2,作“必需品”解时是可数名词1)Food and clothing are necessities.2)Large masses of the people lack the necessities of life.3)Necessity is the mother of invention.4)Is there any necessity for another election. 可数名词可数名词不可数名词不可数名词remain vi.剩下;遗留;逗留(通常没有进行时与被动语态 ) eg:If you take away 3 from 8, 5 remains.如果你从8中减去3,还剩下5. (8-5=3)I didnt remain long in that town. Link-v.仍然处于(某种状态),后接形容词,过去 分词, 名词,介词短语,不定式 eg: He remains _all his life.(贫穷)The work remained _.(没有完 成) The visit will always remain_.(在 我的记忆中)Much work remains_.(要做)poorunfinishedin my memoryto be doneremain link.verb. 保持, 仍然是+Noun. Adjective. Prep Phrase V-ing Past participleremain + to do sth. 剩下、留下1. The death of the innkeeper still_(仍然是个谜). 2. The temple _after the floods(洪水过后,寺庙仍然屹立在那里). 3. The door _(这门半年里一直锁着). 4. _(办公室里待做的工作很多). 5. The boy ate up _(这个男孩把剩下的食物全吃了).remains a mysteryremained standingremained lockedA lot of work remains to be done in the officethe remaining food remain的形容词为 remaining “剩下的”,在句中作定 语eg: This is my remaining property.我剩下的财产就这些.1. As he is not good at learning English, his English _ very weak.A. still B. remains C. is remained D. is left2. The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _.A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars to remainC. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars1. pay attention to 注意 1) pay attention to 中的TO是介词,后接名词和动名词。 Attention是不可数名词该词组可用于被动语态1.I advise you to lay more attention to recording new uses of old words.2.He paid much attention to his pronunciation.2) 注意下面attention的搭配用法 attract/catch ones attentiongive ones attention to devote attention tofix ones attention on吸引注意注意注意于注意力集中于pay attention to =listen carefully to sb./sth; take notice of sb/sthdraw (sbs) attention tocatch ones attention/eye =attract ones attention 仔细听某人的话/某事物;注意某人/某事物对表示注意;令注意某 事物 吸引某人的注意1. The media can often help solve problems and_to situations where help is needed. 2. A newspaper headline _and he beganto the story. 3. She _to an error in the report. 4. _when Im talking to you.draw attention tocaught his attentiondrew attention to Pay attentionregularlyadj. regular 规则的,定期的 adv. regularly 规则地,定期地 n. regularity 正规,规律性1)他的心脏有规律的跳动着。His heart_ _ _ .2)我们常常见面,但不定时。We meet now and then,_ _ _.3)每日三次,定时服药。 _.was beating regularlybut not regularlyTake the medicine regularly three times a daycertain/sure sure/certain都有“确信,有把握”的意思,两者在 句型结构中有许多相同之处,的语气稍重 异同句型汉译 相同处不同处be sure/certain of(about sth) 确信,有把握be sure/certain to do sth 一定(表示说话人的看法)be sure/certain+that 从句 相信,确信 do sth for sure/certain 肯定,确凿be not sure /certain 无把握,不敢肯定make sure/certain 弄清,查明Certain可用it is certain+that从句(sure不可) 一定,有把握appreciatevt. + n./v-ing/宾语从句(不可接不定式)appreciate it +if鉴赏, 欣赏, 赏识, 感谢We greatly appreciate your timely help. We shall appreciate hearing from again.I shall appreciate it if you will do me that favour.如你肯帮那个忙, 我会感激不尽的。我们恭候佳 音。in store 将要发生,就要出现eg:1. Theres a shock in store for him.他会遇到一件使他震惊的事.2. There was another accident in store for him that day.那天还有另一个灾难在等待着他. “储备着,准备着”eg: we have _. 我们储存了大量食物过冬。I have some good news _ store for you.A. at B. in
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