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第 1 页 新闻稿 2011 年 7 月 25日 美高森美收购美高森美收购 Brijot 成像系统公司技术和相关资产成像系统公司技术和相关资产 这一收购增强了美高森美的毫米波技术产品组合 致力于提供帮助功率管理、安全、可靠与高性能半导体技术产品的领先供应商美高森美高森美公司美公司(Microsemi Corporation,纽约纳斯达克交易所代号:,纽约纳斯达克交易所代号:MSCC) 致力实现智能、安全,以及互连世界的半导体技术领先供应商美高森美公司 (Microsemi Corporation,纽约纳斯达克交易所代号:MSCC) 宣布已收购私人控股企业 Brijot 成像系统公司的毫米波技术和相关资产。 美高森美相信其现有的毫米波技术结合新收购的技术,将使得公司在被动式毫米波成像解决方案领域占据领导地位,为机场、军事机构,以及政府和执法机关提供所需的成像产品,在探测武器和违禁物品时发挥重要作用。美高森美的产品将包括业界首个用于无接触式搜身检查的毫米波扫描棒解决方案,以及为客户提供预防内部损失及促进工作场所安全的解决方案。 美高森美 RFIS 部门副总裁 David Hall 称:“这项收购加强了美高森美在 70-100GHz范围的毫米波技术产品系列。Brijot 设计制造的高品质产品与我们的产品组合相辅相成,使得我们能够配合行业要求继续演进,以最高性能等级的产品支持现有和新客户。” 这项交易的条款细则未有披露。 第 2 页 关于美高森美关于美高森美公司公司 美高森美公司(Microsemi Corporation,纽约纳斯达克交易所代号:MSCC) 为航天、国防与安全、企业与商业,以及工业与替代能源市场提供业界综合性的半导体解决方案系列,包括高性能及高可靠性模拟与射频器件、混合信号与射频集成电路、可定制系统单芯片(SoC)、FPGA,以及完整的子系统。美高森美总部设于美国加利福尼亚州尔湾(Irvine)市,全球员工总数超过 2,800人。欲获取更详尽信息,请访问网站:http:/www.microsemi.com 。 本文所提及的所有商标均是美高森美公司与/或其附属公司的商标或注册商标。所有其它商标及服务标志属有关拥有者所有。 安全规避安全规避声明声明 “Safe Harbor“ Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Any statements set forth in this news release that are not entirely historical and factual in nature, including without limitation statements related to Microsemis revenue and earnings guidance and the potential benefits of the acquisition of Brijot, its millimeterwave technology and related assets, and the assumption relating to Microsemis position in passive millimeter wave imaging systems, its effect on Microsemis growth potential and the companys ability to expand its application offerings and end customers, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as the risk that Brijots business and technology will not be successfully integrated with Microsemis business, including product mix and acceptance, achievement of gross margins and operational and other cost synergies; negative or worsening worldwide economic conditions or market instability; downturns in the highly cyclical semiconductor industry; intense competition in the semiconductor industry and resultant downward price pressure; inability to develop new technologies and products to satisfy changes in customer demand or the development by the companys competitors of products that decrease the demand for Microsemis products; unfavorable conditions in end markets; inability of Microsemis compound semiconductor products to compete successfully with silicon-based products; production delays related to new compound semiconductors; variability of the companys manufacturing yields; the concentration of the factories that service the semiconductor industry; delays in beginning production, implementing production techniques, resolving problems associated with technical equipment malfunctions, or issues related to government or customer qualification of facilities; potential effects of system outages; inability by Microsemi to fulfill customer demand and resulting loss of customers; variations in customer order preferences; difficulties foreseeing future demand; rises in inventory levels and inventory obsolescence; potential non-realization of expected orders or non-realization of backlog; failure to make sales indicated by the companys book-to-bill ratio; Microsemis reliance on government contracts for a portion of its sales; risks related to the companys international operations and sales, including political instability and currency fluctuations; increases in the costs of credit and the availability of credit or additional capital only under more restrictive conditions or not at all; unanticipated changes in Microsemis tax provisions or exposure to additional income tax liabilities; changes in generally accepted accounting principles; principal, liquidity and counterparty risks related to Microsemis holdings in securities, including auction rate securities; environmental or other regulatory matters or litigation, or any matters involving 第 3 页 contingent liabilities or other claims; the uncertainty of litigation, the costs and expenses of litigation, the potential material adverse effect litigation could have on Microsemis business and results of operations if an adverse determination in litigation is made, and the time and attention required of management to attend to litigation; difficulties in determining the scope of, and procuring and maintaining, adequate insurance coverage; difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights; the hiring and retention of qualified personnel in a competitive labor market; acquiring, managing and integrating new operations, businesses or assets, and the associated diversion of management attention; uncertainty as to the future pro
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