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管理学院 School of Management . University of Science and Technology of China 中国科学技术大学 商业研究方法商业研究方法 Business Research Methods 刘和福刘和福 LIU Hefu 第六周第六周: 研究设计和案例分析 (Research design and Case study) 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 2 - Research Process 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 3 - Design in the Research Process 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 4 - Research Design 社会科学中的基本研究设计Three basic research designs for social sciences 案例研究 Case studies 实验/准实验 Experiments/quasi-experiments 样本调研 Sample surveys 二手数据 Secondary data 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 5 - 没有完美的研究设计;不同的研究设计有其不同的优劣势 There is no perfect research design; different research designs have different strengths and weaknesses. Research Design 调研调研Surveys 实验实验 Experiments 案例案例Case 普适性普适性 Generalizability 准确准确/ /控制控制 Precision when 现象与情境情境间的边界还未能清楚证实 the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and 应用多来源多来源证据 multiple sources of evidence are used (Yin 2003:13-14). 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 20 - What is case study? 研究者集中研究某一或多个单一个体 (如人,团队或组织) The researcher intensely examines a/several single unit (e.g., person, group, or organization) 数据通常通过多种方式获取 Data are often collected by multiple means 没有实验或统计控制 No experimental or statistical controls 现象是在自然现实设定下进行研究 Phenomena are studied in natural settings 相比假设检验,案例更适合假设发展 It is more suited to the generation of hypotheses than their testing 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 21 - Why case study research? 专注一定的社会、历史和管理情境 Emphasize on (societal, historical, managerial) context 尝试在单元分析中对现象提供全面解释 Trying to reach a full explanation of a phenomenon within a unit of analysis 解释时间,揭示流程 Interpret events, uncovering processes (Mohr 1982) 如何和为什么的问题 how and why questions 问题解决:与实践者关系紧密 Problem sovling: closeness to practitioners 经验法则经验法则Rule of thumb : 变量比案例数多(调研研究:案例比变量多)more variables than cases ( survey research: more cases than variables) 变量并不明确 variables are not yet clear 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 22 - 案例研究的三种类型案例研究的三种类型 Three types of case stduy research Why case study research? 观察 Observation 问题 Problem 研究问题 Research question 理论 Theory 理论 Theory 观察 Observation 观察 Observation 理论 Theory 分析 反馈 计划 知识 研究主题 文献 分析见解 理论基础 数据收集 理论 一系列的 概念框架 基础文献的研读 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 24 - 研究设计的构成研究设计的构成 问题的研究 假设命题 分析 数据到假设命题的逻辑推演 对结果的合理解释 设计中理论的作用设计中理论的作用 为研究提供理论框架 为统计分析提供一般化解释 Designing case study-Design 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 25 - Example Lockstrom, M., Schadel, J., Harrison, N., Moser, R., and Malhotra, M. K., (2010), “Antecedents to supplier integration in the automotive industry: A multiple-case study of foreign subsidiaries in China“, Journal of Operations Management, 28, 240-256. 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 26 - Example Lockstrom, M., Schadel, J., Harrison, N., Moser, R., and Malhotra, M. K., (2010), “Antecedents to supplier integration in the automotive industry: A multiple-case study of foreign subsidiaries in China“, Journal of Operations Management, 28, 240-256. 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 27 - Lockstrom, M., Schadel, J., Harrison, N., Moser, R., and Malhotra, M. K., (2010), “Antecedents to supplier integration in the automotive industry: A multiple-case study of foreign subsidiaries in China“, Journal of Operations Management, 28, 240-256. 刘和福 中国科学技术大学管理学院 School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China E-Mail: liuhfustc.edu.cn - 28 - Designing case study-plan 规划数据收集规划数据收集 Plan the data collection: 案例数目:单一/多个 Number of case: Single vs. Multiple 什么例子?重要的、极端的或不正常的范例 What cases? Critical/extreme or deviant/paradigmatic 在哪个组织?行业、所有制、规模 In what organizations? Industry/ownership/size 获取?能否、难易 Access? Yes/No, Easy/Difficult 标准模式,访谈草稿、设备、记录数据 Standard forms, inte
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