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摘 摘 要要 近几年好多国家都在发展机械行业,与机械相关的各个行业都越来越重视 CAD/CAM 技术,如今 CAD/CAM 技术已发展成为一项比较成熟的共性技术,我国家电工业的高速发 展对模具工业,尤其是塑料模具提出了越来越高的要求,2004 年,塑料模具在整个模具行 业中所占比例已上升到 30%左右,据有关专家预测,在未来几年中,中国塑料模具工业还 将持续保持年均增长速度达到 10%以上的较高速度的发展。国内塑料模具市场以注塑模具 需求量最大,其中发展重点为工程塑料模具。同时还因为塑料制品及模具的 3D 设计与成 型过程中 3D 分析正在塑料模具工业中发挥越来越重要的作用。在本次毕业设计中,通过 运用三维实体造型高端软件 UG 对“吹风机外壳”外形进行 3D 造型,同时也设计了其塑料 外壳注塑模的 3D 模型;还根据所设计的模具尺寸选择安装了相应的模架,最终生成了直 观的结构设计图;此外还利用 CAD 绘制了模具装配图以及各种成型零件图。这是本人第 一次利用 UG 软件对一整套模具进行设计,使大学四年所学的知识得到运用,并加以指导 老师的指导,受益匪浅! 关键词:关键词:CAD/CAM;塑料;模具;UGAbstract Years, a lot of countries in the development of the machinery industry, mechanical industry more and more attention to the CAD / CAM technology, todays CAD / CAM technology has developed into a more mature common technology, the rapid development of Chinas household electrical appliance industry moldindustry, especially the plastic mold everincreasing demands, 2004, plastic mold in the mold industry proportion has risen to about 30% in the coming years, experts predict China plastic mold industrywill continue to maintain an average annual growth rate of more than 10% higher speed. Domestic plastic mold market to the demand for plastic injection mold, the focus of development for engineering plastics mold. Also because the plastic products and mold 3D design and molding process 3D analysis play an increasingly important role in the plastic mold industry. In this graduation project, through the use of dimensional solid modeling highend software UG “hair dryer shell“ shape 3D modeling, at the same time also designed the its plastic shell injection mold 3D model also based on the design of the mold size choose to install the corresponding mold, the resulting intuitive structure design addition, the use of CAD drawing mold assembly drawing and a variety of molded parts diagram. This is the first time I use the the UG software on a set of mold design, four years in college to learn to use the knowledge and to the guidance of the instructor and benefit! Key words:CAD/CAMplasticsmoldUG目 目 录录 摘 要 .I ABSTRACT.II 目 录 . III 1 绪论 .1 1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义.1 1.2 国内外的发展概况.2 2 产品材料.4 2.1 成型产品材料.5 2.2 注塑模具材料.6 3 成型工艺分析.8 3.1 吹风机外壳零件图.8 3.2 塑件的工艺性分析.8 3.2.1 功能分析.8 3.2.2 塑件的原材料分析.8 3.2.3 ABS 的主要性能指标 .9 3.3 ABS 塑料的注射过程及工艺. 10 3.3.1 注射成型过程 . 10 3.3.2 ABS 的注射工艺参数. 10 3.3.3 ABS 的主要缺陷及消除措施. 11 3.3.4 尺寸精度分析 . 12 3.3.5 表面质量分析 . 12 3.4 模塑设备的选择. 12 3.5 塑件注射工艺参数的确定. 12 3.6 注射模的结构设计.
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