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2006 環保建築大奬研究及規劃類別評審團意見 GBA 2006 Research and Planning Studies Category, Jurys Citation 評審團主席:何鍾泰太平紳士 副主席:劉秀成太平紳士 Jury Chairman: Ir Dr Hon Raymond Ho Chung-tai, Deputy Chairman: Hon Patrick Lau Shau-shing The ten entries represent a wide spectrum of specialised areas of research and planning studies undertaken in Hong Kong. All of proponents/research teams were invited to present personally to the Jury Panel. The Jurors were impressed by the efforts that were put into these studies and of the opinion that their results had been most useful in contributing to the emerging quest for green and sustainable buildings in Hong Kong. Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment System The initial study results enable us to take a good look at our high-rise and high-density air environment. It is a good starting point for assessing/comparing schemes to achieve good air ventilation in new developments and their effect on the existing built-up areas.Towards a Sustainable Community Redevelopment of Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate Phase 2 2. Open space and site layout with less visual perception impact to surrounding residential estate/ recreation area; 3. Open space to inherit in-site high quality visual perception viewpoints; and 4. Assessment and comparison of different open space layout options.The approach provides decision making support to urban planning, site layout design, and estate management during the early stage of the schematic design/planning process.Project Type:Study Period: Project Sum: Client: Principle Investigator: Architect: Structural Engineer: M&E Consultant:Quantity Surveyor: Landscape Architect: Town Planning:Specialist Consultant:Research and Planning Study in Public Housing Development January 2004 - July 2004 HK$780M for Lam Tin Project Hong Kong Housing Authority Center for Housing Innovations, CUHKDevelopment and Construction Division, Housing Department, HKSARCH2M.IDCNewly Renovated Buildings CategoryResearch & Planning Studies Category研 究 及 規 劃 類 別Shortlisted入 圍Shortlisted入 圍Shortlisted入 圍79工地寫字樓的綠色設計與規劃 Green Design & Planning of a Construction Site Office為了提高地盤辦公室熱效/能效,加強對資源的更好管理,以提供 健康的工作環境,金門聯同香港大學和香港中文大學,進行了對地 盤辦公室的環保規劃、設計以及施工的研究專案。環保設計研究主 要集中在六個方面:牆體隔熱、屋面隔熱、日光透入控制、運行計 畫、照明系統以及天窗/日光。與此同時,在地盤規劃期間有關設 施,如停車場、洗車池、洗手間、種植區、廢物回收/再利用和材料 存放區、堆肥箱、站崗、水箱等的安排巳與項目設計一併考慮。在 施工階段,我們利用了各種可迴圈使用材料,包括6個舊貨櫃、鋼結 構件、鋼樓梯、廢棄地板瓷磚以及用於天窗施工的剩餘隔音板。屋 頂花園也是按照板式設計以方便將來專案可再利用。Working in collaboration with University of Hong Kong and Chinese University of Hong Kong, Gammon initiates a re- search study on green planning, design and construction of a site office with an aim to improve thermal/energy ef- ficiency, enhance better resources/materials management and provide a healthy workplace. Research on green de- sign focuses primarily on six areas including wall insula- tion, roof insulation, sun control and protection, operational scheduling, lighting system and skylight/day-lighting. In parallel with the design, related site facilities such as car park, wheel washing bay, washrooms, planting area, waste collection/recycling & material storage area, composting boxes, guard post and water tanks have been thoroughly addressed during site planning stage. During the construc- tion stage, we have made use of various recycled materials including 6 old cargo containers, structural steel members, steel staircase, leftover floor tiles and scrappy acoustic pan- els for skylight construction. Roof top garden has also been designed in a panel form for easy reuse in future projects. Project Type: Study Period: Project Sum: Team Members:Research and Planning Study 2002 - present (on-going) HK$800,000 Mr. Edmond Chan, Mr. Andrew Kwan, Mr. Niki Lui, Mr. Eddie Tse, Mr. Eric Wong, Mr. K M Chiang, Gammon Construction Ltd. / Dr. Sam CM Hui, HKU / Dr. S W Chiu, CUHKNewly Renovated Buildings CategoryResearch & Planning Studies Category研 究 及 規 劃 類 別Shortlisted入 圍80防疫大厦設計概念 Immunized Building Development for the Hong Kong Community CollegeProject Type: Study Period: Project Sum: Client: Patron:Principle Investigator:Architect: Co-architect: Engineer: Landscape:Research and Planning Study 2005 - 2006 $HK 3.07 million Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong Polytechnic University / Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. Prof. Daniel W.T. Chan, HK PolyU / Prof. Thomas Wong, HK PolyU / Prof. Bernard Lim, AD+RG / Mr. Henry Mak, HK PolyU Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd. AGC Design Limited Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd世界衛生組織在年代初期認定病態大廈及大廈病嚴重影響 人類健康後,健康大廈一直成為室內環境質素的一個指標。當 非典型肺炎()於年在香港及世界肆虐的時候, 從大樓健康管理的束手無策令人覺得過去的科研努力毫無成效。本 研究項目在大樓設備系統和人體生理系統的高度相似性找出靈感, 發展出防疫大廈的品質模式。此模式建基於四個革命性的斑 論:大樓生理學,大樓病理學,大樓營養學及大樓免疫學。大 樓的設計以人為本,管理方面固本培元。大樓防疫的能力 從統一設計及管理清潔及消毒為經,以鼓勵用家運動增進免疫力為 緯,來達到本大廈的基本目標 。Healthy building has been the theme for indoor built environmental quality since sick building syndrome and building related il
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