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第六届全国中学英语教师教学技能大赛暨 2012 年全国高师学生英语教师职业技能竞赛 (二级) 初赛试题 参考答案第一卷 英语语言技能部分(计 70 分, 共六部分)I. 15 CBCAB610 BCCBC11. effort and money12. knowledge of language13. the fundamental components14. impossible circumstances15. the inappropriate methodologyII. 1620 DCAAC 2125 ABCCBIII. 26. acquiring27. need28. qualified29. implicit30. internalization31. competence32. experience33. process34. target35. whetherIV. 36. good37. childish38. subjects39. thoughts40. writing41. EAP is a branch of ESP.42. Classification of computer applications in language teaching and learning.43. Mechanical exercises to practice language forms is the main focus of the structural phase, whilemeaningful interaction between students is the main purpose of the cognitive phase.44. Materials which have an explicit teaching role.45. Through the computers which are integrated into the teaching and learning process.V. 46. 研究一些典型的语言教学途径, 检测它们是否符合这个原则很有意义。47. 任何可能使语言学习变得简单、 省时一些或者更容易成功的过程都应该小心对待。48. Different people have different views on the same problem, therefore solutions are different.49. Schools should set the students蒺 full development as their own objectives.VI. 50. Ommited.写作评分原则:员援 本题总分为 12 分。按三个档次给分。圆援 评分时, 先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次, 然后以该档次的要求来衡量, 确定或调整本档次, 最后给分。猿援 作文词数少于或多于规定词数 20 词的, 从总分中减去 1 分。源援 如书写较差, 以致影响阅卷, 将分数降低一个档次。附:各档次的分数范围和要求:第一档 (好) : 912 分完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇, 没有语法和词汇运用错误, 具备较强的语言能力, 完全达到了预期的写作目的。第二档 (中) : 58 分基本完成了试题规定的要求, 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求, 符合英语表达习惯, 稍有语1-法和词汇运用错误, 基本达到了预期的写作目的。第三档 (差) : 14 分未恰当完成试题规定的要求, 漏掉内容要点, 未描述清楚主要内容, 写了一些无关内容, 有语法和词汇运用错误, 影响了对写作内容的理解, 信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第二卷 英语教学技能部分(计 80 分, 共五部分)一、 5155 CACAC5660 BCACB6165 BCBAB6670 BBCBA二、 7175 姨伊伊姨姨7680 伊伊姨姨伊8185 伊姨伊伊姨三、 86. 简单句; 并列句; 复合句87. 二; 五; 七88. 成绩测试; 水平测试; 诊断测试89. 自下而上的模式; 自上而下的模式; 互动模式90. 自变量/刺激变量; 因变量/反应变量; 控制变量四、(省略)五、(省略)2-The 6th National Teaching Skills Contest for Secondary EnglishTeachers and English Majors of Normal Universities(Band 2)(Tapescripts)Part I. Listening ComprehensionSection A DialoguesIn this section, you will hear five short dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question. The dialogues willbe read only once.1. W: Will you need a pick-up service when you arrive? Our hotel offers that for free.M: Sounds great! But my brother will meet me at the airport. So, thanks.W: All right! Have a good journey!2. M: Excuse me, but can I return this jacket, please?W: Sure! Er. can I ask what蒺s wrong with it?W: Oh, yeah. It蒺s a little bit tight when I wear a sweater as well.3. W: Hey, Paul! How are you doing? Did you finish your essay on teaching methods?M: Oh, my! I totally forgot that! When are we supposed to submit it?W: Take it easy. We need to submit it next Monday.4. M: Jenny, I heard that you蒺re applying for a position in the University of Leeds, is that true?W: Well. yes. I incidentally visited their website and saw the information that they need an English teacherfor IELTS training. So I uploaded my CV and will see if there is any possibility.M: Good. I hope you get it.5. M: Hi, Rose. What are you reading? Is that a German grammar book?W: Yeah. I蒺m trying to teach myself some German, because I蒺m going to Cologne next semester.M: What蒺s the reason for this sudden interest in Germany?W: Well, actually I was planning to take some courses about medieval architecture, and it was said that Cologneis the best in that field.Section B ConversationIn this section, you will hear one long conversation. Choose the best answer to each question. The conversationwill be read only once.W: Good morning, listeners. Today I蒺d like to introduce our guest speaker George Allen from the British Coun原cil, who is going to talk to us about living in the UK. George, over to you.M: Thank you. As you are no doubt aware the UK is becoming a popular destination for people who wish tostudy at university, so what I蒺d like to do is, well, just to give you listeners an insight into what living inthe UK is really like, you know, what to expect when you get there and the cost of living, as well as what to3-do before you arrive in the UK.W: What do students have to consider first before they go?M: Finance, of course. Britain is quite an expensive place to live. Therefore, you need to consider costs verycarefully. And one of the major expenses is tuition fees. University courses range from about 5,000 poundsto 8,000 pounds, depending on the type of course.W: What is the climate like in the UK?M: Britain is famous for its bad weather and for good reasons. It rains often in the UK, and even in the summerit can still be quite cold. So take plenty of warm clothes with you. You can, of course, buy warm clotheswhen you are there, and indeed, they don蒺t have to be too expensive if you go to a local market. But takingyour own is, of course, a cheaper option.W: You bet. George, some listeners are anxious about food there. Is it really unpleasant?M: Many people who visit the UK often find the food rather boring and uninteresting. This is because, general原ly, pe
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