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Consumer Medicine InformationFUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOMWHAT IS IN THIS LEAFLET?This leaflet contains information about FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM. Please read it carefullyand keep it for future reference. The information in this leaflet is only a summary and is not intendedto replace advice from your doctor.Please consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have any comments or questions.WHAT IS FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM?FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM is an antidote to the poison (venom) of the funnel web spider.The antivenom is made by immunising rabbits against this poison and collecting the part of their bloodwhich neutralises the poison. This is then purified and made into an injection for those people whomay need it after being bitten by funnel web spiders.WHEN IS FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM USED?FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM is given to those people who become ill after being bitten by afunnel web spider. Not every one who is bitten needs to have the antivenom as some people haveonly very mild effects from the bite. However some people can become very ill after being bitten andin these people the antivenom acts quickly to help reverse the effects of the poison.WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE THE ANTIVENOM?As there are sometimes unpleasant and dangerous reactions to the antivenom (see SIDE EFFECTSOF FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM), it should not be given to people who only have mild effectsfrom the bite. However as FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM can be an emergency life-savingproduct, it should not be withheld from anyone who needs it.BEFORE YOU HAVE FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOMBefore you have the injection, you should tell your doctor if: you are an asthmatic you suffer from hayfever you suffer from any other allergies you have ever received injections containing rabbit serum you have ever had an injection of FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM before you are taking any medicines and what they are you are pregnant you are breast feeding.When medicines are produced in animals and injected into you, it is always possible thatviruses or other substances could also be injected and cause an illness. These could beviruses or other infectious agents which may not yet have been discovered. In the past, therehave been no reports of this ever having happened with this product.SIDE EFFECTS OF FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOMAs with any medicine, some side effects may occur.So far, no side effects have been reported, but as the antivenom is prepared in rabbits it is possiblethat an allergic reaction could occur in someone who has the injection. This could be anything froma mild reaction such as a rash to a very serious and dangerous general allergic reaction. Allergiccomplications can be treated by your doctor.An illness consisting of a rash, swollen glands, joint pains, and a fever may occur about a week afterthe injection.Always tell your doctor if you have any unpleasant effects after receiving FUNNEL WEB SPIDERANTIVENOM.THE DOSE OF FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOMThe dose for both adults and children is the contents of two vials (125 units X 2 vials= 250 units)injected into a vein. As the vials contain a dry powder, it is first necessary to dissolve the powder insterile water and then inject the solution. This dose can be repeated if necessary.FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM contains no antimicrobial preservative. Use once only and discard any residue.OVERDOSEThere is no information on overdose.WHAT DOES FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM CONTAIN?FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM contains 125 units of antivenom as a freeze dried powder ineach vial. Each injection also contains glycine and substances from rabbit blood. It is dissolved inwater before it is used.The Australian Registration Number is AUST R 31847HOW TO STORE FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOMFUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM should be protected from light and stored below 8C (in therefrigerator). After it has been mixed with water it must be used straight away. It should not be usedafter the expiry date on the package.WHERE CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION?You can get more information from your doctor or pharmacist.Name and Address or Sponsor:FUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM is manufactured by:CSL Limited 45 Poplar Road Parkville 3052 Victoria AustraliaFUNNEL WEB SPIDER ANTIVENOM is distributed by:CSL Biotherapies 45 Poplar Road Parkville 3052 Victoria AustraliaDate of Preparation:September 1996Date of Amendment: November 2007
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