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共 59 面第 1 页 国际标准分类法 国际标准分类法 国际标准分类法(International Classification for Standards,简称 ICS)是由国际标准化组织编制的标准文献分类法。它主要用于国际标准、区域标准和国家标准以及相关标准化文献的分类、编目、订购与建库,从而促进国际标准、区域标准、国家标准以及其他标准化文献在世界范围的传播。 International ClassificationforStandards(ICS) 共 59 面第 2 页 ICS 代码 英文名称 中文名称 01 GENERALITIES. TERMINOLOGY. STANDARDIZATION. DOCUMENTATION 综合、术语学、标准化、文献 01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination) 术语学(原则和协调配合) 01.040 Vocabularies 词汇 01.040.01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardization. Documentation (Vocabularies) 综合、术语学、标准化、文献(词汇) 01.040.03 Sociology. Services. Company organization and management. Administration. Transport 社会学、服务、公司(企业)的组织与管理、行政、运输(词汇) 01.040.07 Mathematics. Natural sciences (Vocabularies) 数学、自然科学(词汇) 01.040.11 Health care technology (Vocabularies) 医药卫生技术(词汇) 01.040.13 Environment and health protection. Safety (Vocabularies) 环保、保健与安全(词汇) 01.040.17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies) 计量学和测量、物理现象(词汇) 01.040.19 Testing (Vocabularies) 试验(词汇) 01.040.21 Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 机械系统和通用件(词汇) 01.040.23 Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies) 流体系统和通用件(词汇) 01.040.25 Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies) 机械制造(词汇) 01.040.27 Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies) 能源和热传导工程(词汇) 01.040.29 Electrical engineering (Vocabularies) 电气工程(词汇) 01.040.31 Electronics (Vocabularies) 电子学(词汇) 01.040.33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies) 电信、音频和视频技术(词汇) 01.040.35 Information technology. Office machines (Vocabularies) 信息技术、办公机械设备(词汇) 01.040.37 Image technology (Vocabularies) 成像技术(词汇) 01.040.39 Precision mechanics. Jewelry (Vocabularies) 精密机械、珠宝(词汇) 01.040.43 Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 道路车辆工程(词汇) 01.040.45 Railway engineering (Vocabularies) 铁路工程(词汇) 01.040.47 Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies) 造船和海上建筑物(词汇) 01.040.49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies) 航空器和航天器技术(词汇) 01.040.53 Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies) 材料储运设备(词汇) International ClassificationforStandards(ICS) 共 59 面第 3 页 ICS 代码 英文名称 中文名称 01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies) 货物的包装和调运 01.040.59 Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies) 纺织和皮革技术 01.040.61 Clothing industry (Vocabularies) 服装工业(词汇) 01.040.65 Agriculture (Vocabularies) 农业(词汇) 01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies) 食品技术(词汇) 01.040.71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies) 化工技术(词汇) 01.040.73 Mining and minerals (Vocabularies) 采矿和矿产品(词汇) 01.040.75 Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies) 石油及有关技术(词汇) 01.040.77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies) 冶金(词汇) 01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies) 木材加工(词汇) 01.040.81 Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies) 玻璃和陶瓷工业(词汇) 01.040.83 Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies) 橡胶和塑料工业(词汇) 01.040.85 Paper technology (Vocabularies) 造纸技术(词汇) 01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies) 涂料和颜料工业(词汇) 01.040.91 Construction materials and building (Vocabularies) 建筑材料和建筑物(词汇) 01.040.93 Civil engineering (Vocabularies) 土木工程(词汇) 01.040.95 Military engineering (Vocabularies) 军事工程 01.040.97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sport (Vocabularies) 家用和商用设备、体育、文娱(词汇) 01.060 Quantities and units 量和单位 01.070 Colour coding 颜色编码 01.075 Character symbols 字符符号 01.080 Graphical symbols 图形符号 01.080.01 Graphical symbols in general 图形符号综合 01.080.10 Public information symbols 公共信息符号 01.080.20 Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment 专用设备用图形符号 01.080.30 Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction 机械工程和建筑制图、图表、设计图、地图和相关的技术产International ClassificationforStandards(ICS) 共 59 面第 4 页 ICS 代码 英文名称 中文名称 drawings,diagrams, plans, maps and in relevant technical product documentation 品文件用图形 01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics engineering drawings,diagrams,charts and in relevant technical product documentation 电气工程和电子工程制图、示意图、图表和相关技术产品文 件用图形符号 01.080.50 Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings and in relevant technical product documentation 信息技术和电信技术制图与相关技术产品文件用图形符号 01.080.99 Other graphical symbols 其他图形符号 01.100 Technical drawings 技术制图 01.100.01 Technical drawings in general 技术制图综合 01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings 机械工程制图 01.100.25 Electrical and electronics engineering drawings 电气和电子工程制图 01.100.27 Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields 信息技术和电信领域用技术制图 01.100.30 Construction drawings 工程建设制图 01.100.40 Drawing equipment 制图设备 01.100.99 Other standards related to technical drawings 其他制图标准 01.110 Technical product documentation 技术产品文件 01.120 Standardization. General rules 标准化总则 01.140 Information sciences. Publishing 信息学、出版 01.140.10 Writing and transliteration 文字字体与文字转写 01.140.20 Information sciences 信息学 01.140.30 Documents in administration, commerce and industry 行政管理、商业和工业文件 01.140.40 Publishing 出版 03 SOCIOLOGY. SERVICES. COMPANY ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT.ADMINISTRATION. TRANSPORT 社会学、服务、公司(企
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