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Download Donation Form 下載捐款表格Donate Now 立即捐款View Campaign Details 瀏覽計劃詳情Dr. Mok Man Hung Endowed Chair of Chemistry 莫民雄博士化學講座教授席香港浸會大學前行政副校長暨秘書莫民雄博士 (1943-2015) 自1973年與香港浸會學院 (浸大前身)結緣,曾出任化學系主任、理學院院長、副校長及校董會秘書長等多個要職,一生盡心服務本校,尤其在學院爭取升格大學的事宜上,貢獻良多,備受大學社群的肯定及愛戴。為表彰莫博士對化學系及大學的卓越貢獻,浸大計劃設立以莫民雄博士冠名的化學講座教授席,藉此向他致以崇高的敬意,以及承傳其畢生的志願,推動化學系及浸大科研發展,提升學術水莫民雄博士化學講座教授席籌募目標為港幣一千萬元,將用作成立永久基金,以聘任國際知名學者擔任教授席位及資助研究項目。我們誠邀您捐款支持這意義深長的計劃,與浸大一同拓展知識領域,造福社群!支持者將於大學網頁及刊物獲廣泛表彰。所有捐資達港幣五萬元的支持者,其芳名將恭泐位處於理學院/化學系的鳴謝匾牌上。Dr. Mok Man Hung (1943-2015), former Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary of Hong Kong Baptist University, has been associated with HKBU since 1973 and has served as Head of Department of Chemistry, Dean of Faculty of Science, Vice-President and Council Secretary. His contributions, especially his role in helping the College achieve university status, as well as the dedicated service he rendered to HKBU, gained widespread recognition and respect throughout the University community. To acknowledge his immense contribution to the Department of Chemistry and the University, an Endowed Chair of Chemistry in Dr. Moks name will be established with the aim of continuing his vision of advancing the development of research at the Department of Chemistry and HKBU and increasing the Universitys academic standard and stature.The University has set a goal of raising HK$10 million for setting up the endowment fund which aims at recruiting and retaining the highest-quality scholar and financing advanced research. We sincerely invite you to participate in this meaningful project through your generous donations and partner with the University to advance the frontiers of knowledge for the benefits of the wider Supporters will be widely recognised through the University website and publications as appropriate. All supporters contributing over HK$50,000 will be recognised in a plaque displayedat the Faculty of Science/ Department of Chemistry.community.
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