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MSC Software Confidential 变速器多学科仿真- Easy5+Adams+MSC Nastran+MSC Fatigue+Actran+SimManagerMarch 6, 2013MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 汽车行业中的多学科MSC公司的多学科仿真技术变速器多学科仿真典型案例讨论目录23/6/2013MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 多学科(MD) 乘用车3虚拟试验场车门下沉(流程自动化)制动器啸叫分析(链式分 析)发动机缸体分析(自动装 配)共模型(碰撞和NVH)MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 多学科(MD) 商用车4焊接应力和耐久性气动系统控制冷却系统分析气缸分析道路载荷分析MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 传统的 CAE 仿真技术面临的挑战5 挑战挑战 仿真次数和方案的增加 仿真模型的复杂程度日益提高 缺乏沟通和同步 数据量巨大 产品质量与召回产品质量与召回 点式CAE工具的局限造成 设计缺陷 缺乏共性 238万辆车召回当今的工程需求当今的工程需求共同的系统平台共同的系统平台方便非专家使用方便非专家使用企业系统企业系统健壮健壮、稳定稳定持续改进企业仿真持续改进企业仿真, 包括仿真速度包括仿真速度、质质 量量、结果可靠性结果可靠性MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 跨学科单点仿真技术6运动仿真运动仿真碰撞碰撞/显式非线性显式非线性非线性非线性线性线性前后处理技术前后处理技术AdamsDytranMarcMSC NastranPatran/SimXpert串行串行 迭代迭代松散的耦合松散的耦合手工驱动手工驱动MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential MSC仿真技术73/6/2013世界上最完整的结构仿真环境可靠性 & 疲劳寿命控制 & 流体弹性 & 非线性试验数据 验证噪声 & 振动运动 & 装配MSC.ADAMS安全性 & 跌落冲压 & 成型MSC.NastranMSC.PatranMSC.MarcMSC.FatigueMSC.DytranMSC.FlightLoadsMSC.GS-MesherMSC DesignerMSC.SuperForgeMSC.SuperFormMSC.NVH ManagerMSC.FEAMSC.EASY5MSC.visualNastranMSC.ThermalMSC.ActranDigimatMSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 多学科仿真应用-乘用整车8中频响应 (7倍)MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 博格华纳263/6/2013MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential BorgWarner was doing acoustic simulations with a BEM solver for assessing the noise radiated by its mechanical componentsBorgWarner engineers faced a major issue: the computation times were too long hence it was difficult to respect the design schedulesCase Study: Gearbox (1/2)27microphones location(size : 0.436 m * 0.245m)Nastran ModelInfinite elements interfaceActran IE/FE ModelMSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential Performance, single loadcase: BorgWarner BEM Software: 1.5 hours (Xeon 64 bits machine) Actran: 8 minutes (Regular PC) A multiple loadcase would not take much more timeCase Study: Gearbox (2/2)200, 2000 Hz with a step of 30 HzPressure at master microphoneActranBEM solver200, 2000 Hz with a step of 30 HzRadiated powerActranBEM solverMSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential Sila Telecomandi293/6/2013MSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential Case Study: Sila Telecomandi30Business: Automotive supplierChallenge: Reduce gearbox structure-borne noise emissionSolution: Complete VPD-based radiation solutionValue: Can evaluate and reduce acoustic emission of gear box early in design cycleMSC Software Confidential MSC Software Confidential 谢谢&讨论313/6/2013
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