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1工程中常用的数学模型姚鸿勋2N孟轲说过“人之患在好为人师”(见孟子离娄章句上N在尽心章句下里“贤者以其昭昭使人昭昭今以其昏昏使人昭昭”N赶不上贤者的昭昭但也不想强不知以为知“以其昏昏使人昭昭”一点3N从北大的办学风格想到的 “两院一堂” 五四运动的发源地新文化运动的先驱1917年蔡元培来北大任校长采取一系列对症下药的措施进行改革北大 也日新月异逐渐显示出新的风貌 二点4二点N 他聘的教师有的革新有的守旧有的反 对旧礼教有的维护儒家正统只要他们言之成 理持之有故都听凭他们在课堂上讲授何去 何从让学生判断自由选择不同主张的教师 们尽管争辩得不可开交甚至水火不能相容可 是对蔡元培都是尊敬的作为一个校长这是 一种多么感人的力量 ! 所以不到两三年北大便 从一个培养官僚的腐朽机构一变而为全国许多进 步青年仰望的学府5二点N 蔡元培认为大学里应培养通才学文史哲与社会科学的要有自然科学知识 学自然科学的要有文史知识这样不至 于囿于一隅6内 容信号模型描述方法认知模型工程中常用的数学模型工程中常用的数学模型7N信号模型 随机过程 Stochastic Processes 统计的方法信号的统计模型有高斯过程泊松过程马尔可夫过程等这些统计模型的基本假设是信 号可以被很好的描述成一个参数的随机过程 并且随机过程的参数可以被一种精确的经过 很好定义的方法决定估计信号的统计模型8N布朗运动 BrownN高斯过程 GaussianN泊松过程 PoissonN马尔可夫过程 Markov信号的统计模型9N计数过程随机过程 称为一个计数过程 若 表示到时刻 为止已发生的事件的总 数因此一个计数过程 必须满足信号的统计模型0),(ttN)(tNt)(tN , 0)(tN)()(,tNsNts立的中发生的事件个数是独在不相交的时间区间11信号的统计模型N马尔可夫链有限状态空间考虑只取有限个或可数个值的随机过程若 , 就说过程在时刻 n 处于 状态 i假设每当过程处于状态 i 则在下一时 刻将处于状态 j 的概率是固定的 也即假设 对一切状态 及一切 有这样的随机过程称为马尔可夫链2, 1 , 0,L=nXniXn=ijP jiiiiin,1210L0nijnnnnPiXiXiXiXjXP=+,|0011111L12内 容Active Contour Models, SnakesDeformable TemplateKalman FilteringOptical FlowMPAWaveletPCAAAM 对信号的描述方法对信号的描述方法13Active Shape ModelActive Contour ModelActive Shape Model Active Contour ModelMicheal Kass 等人于1987年提出Snakes have been successful in performing tasks such as edge detection (both actual as well as subjective), corner detection, motion tracking, and stereo matching.Snake Snake14NWhy snakes? The shape of many objects is not easly represented by rigid primitives. For example: Natural objects, such as bananas, have similar recognizable shapes. But no two bananas are exactly the same. In medical imaging, objects are similar but not exact. An exact representation of a veins shape, for example, cannot be given. Some objects, such as lips, change over time.Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake15NWhat is a snake? Energy minimising spline Deforms to fit local minima Local, not global, so initial location must be provided从数学角度讲是一条能量最小曲线从物理角度讲是一条被内外力驱动的链Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake16N“Snake”模型是在图像力和外部约束力共 同影响下的一条受控制的连续样条N内部样条力是平滑性约束N图像力让Snake更接近图像的显著特征 即线边缘和物体的轮廓N外部约束力则推动Snake趋向局部极小N 这些力来自于用户界面自动生成或 是高层次的图像解释Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake17dssVEsVEsVEdssVEEconimagesnakesnake)()()()(10int10*+=则能量函数定义为)(),()(sysxsVSnake =参数为如果一条Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake182 22 2|)(| )(|)(| )(dssVdsdssVdsEtin+=NInternal Energy is a measure of the elasticity of the snake. is a measure of the stiffness of the snake.)(s)(sActive Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake19NImage Forces Line Functional Edge Functional Termination FunctionaltermtermedgeedgelinelineimageEwEwEwE+=),(yxIEline=nEtermnCnC = /222/32222)(2yxyxxyxxyxyy CCCCCCCCC+=2),(yxIEedge=Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake20Figure 1: External and image forces which determine the snakeActive Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake21Figure 2: Tracking facial movement using snakes (Terzopoulos and Szeliski)Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake22图像清晰度要求和目标的人工锁定 初始位置的设置不然收敛不到正确位置搜索到局部极小值contraction force imageE问题Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake23两条轮廓线的初始位置不同当各自搜索到局部 能量极小值且不重合时给一外力让能量高的轮廓线 向能量低的轮廓线继续前进驱动力的方向是朝着另一 条轮廓线上的点使ASM具有爬山能力从而避免病态的局部极小值当轮廓线的能量降到低于另一条 轮廓线的能量时撤掉驱动力以让其自动搜索一更好的 极小值随后驱动力又可能被加到另一条轮廓线上此 过程一直重复至两条轮廓线找到近似的同一解改进Active Shape ModelActive Contour Model Snake24Deformable TemplateN变形模板一例25Deformable TemplateN变形模板方程1ulY= +2 021)()(1offoff awaxh+4 +2 024 040)()()()(offoffoffoff awaxawaxqurY= 2 021)()(1offoff awaxh+4 2 024 040)()()()(offoffoffoff awaxawaxq =2 0221wxhYui26Deformable TemplateN变形模板方程2: =2 0231wxhYli)(4)1 (2 124 1412 124wx wxqwxhYlo=27Deformable Template 变形模板对唇动的描述28Kalman FilteringNWhy the Kalman-filtering? Often times we would like to estimate the state of a system given a set of measurements taken over an interval of time. The state of the system refers to a set of variables that describe the inherent properties of the system at a specific instant of time.29Kalman FilteringNWhat is the Kalman-filter model? Kalman filtering is a useful technique for estimating, or updating the previous estimate of, a systems state by (1) using indirect measurements of the state variables and (2) using the covariance information of both the state variables and the indirect measurements. Intuitively, the idea is to use information about how measurements of a particular aspect of a system are correlated to the actual state of the system. Kalman filtering is one such technique for using the correlation information to derive better estimates of unknown quantities.30Kalman Filtering搜索结果初始化位置设定张田文教授 Two Active Contours+Kalman Filtering31Optical FlowN基于运动的光流描述方法 日本 一种基于运动的方法它的思想是从图像序 列检测目标运动提取运动参数分析运动 规律主要研究的是目标瞬时位置速度场
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