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Vol. 6 No.3Jun. 2012第 6 卷 第 3 期 2012 年 6 月中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 ( 社 会 科 学 版 ) JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF FORESTRY green building; linear design; life cycle; passive designHow to practice Mental Health Effectively: From the Horizon of Evidence-based Mental HealthYANG Wen-deng(Center for the Psychology and Brain Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, Guangdong, China)Abstract: Evidence-based mental health refers to the integration of the best available research with educational expertise in the context of students characteristics, culture, and preferences. It starts from evidence-based medicine, and is a part of evidence- based practice movement. Evidence-based mental health includes mainly three aspects: the researchers best evidence, the educators expertise, and the students characteristics, culture and preferences. It is a kind of mental health practice based on evidence-based psychotherapy. The paper introduces the concept, core idea of evidence-based mental health and reveals its possible enlightenment on Chinese mental health practice. Keywords: Evidence-based mental health; evidence-based medicine; evidence-based psychotherapy; effectiveness8 Drake R E, Merrens M R, Lynde D. Evidence-based mental health practice: a textbookM. Virginia: American Psychiatric Association, 2003.9 Norcross J C, Beutler L E, Levant R F. Evidence-based practices in mental health: Debate and dialogue on the fundamental questionsM. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2005.10 叶浩生 . 有关具身认知思潮的理论心理学思考 J. 心理学报, 2011, (5):589-598.11 唐立英,李 婷 . 音乐教育与大学生心理健康 J. 中南林业科技大学学报 ( 社会科学版 ),2009,(3): 114-115.12 胡玉华,朱小毛,肖全红 . 体育锻炼对大学生的心理影响 J. 中南林业科技大学学报 ( 社会科学版 ),2008, (5): 122-124. 本文编校:杨 灿 ( 上接第 134 页 )
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