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HK-PCSWD201712 1 / 1 見證人聲明書 (適用於見證人為客戶服務部職員) WITNESS DECLARATION FORM (Applicable to Customer Service Staff As Witness) 受保人姓名 Name of Insured 保單持有人姓名 Name of Policyholder 保單號碼 Policy No. 客戶服務部職員姓名 Name of Customer Service Staff 職員編號 Staff No. 客戶服務中心地點 Customer Service Centre Location 本人已向保單持有人讀出此聲明書以下所列的保單申請文件之內容。本人並確認保單持有人是在本人的見證下簽署有關保單申請文件 及此聲明書。 其他指示(如適用): _ I read out the contents of the service request form and all other application documents to the Policyholder. I also confirm that the Policyholder has signed the Application Form and all other Application Documents with my witness. Other Instruction (If Applicable) : _ _ _/_/_ 見證人簽署 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day Witnesss Signature 本人謹此聲明,本人所作以上陳述為事實之全部,並同意該等陳述將作為本人致中國人壽保險 (海外) 股份有限公司的上述申請一部份。 如有任何不正確或虛報資料,有關獲批發的申請將根據貴公司的選擇而無效或可使無效。 I declare that the above statements are full, complete and true, and agree that they shall form part of my application above mentioned to China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited and that any untrue or inaccurate statement shall render the application approved may be void or voidable at the option of the Company. 本人確認已閱讀及明白中國人壽 (海外) 股份有限公司的收集個人資料聲明。有關最新版本的收集個人資料聲明,可於 www.chinalife.com.hk 下載或向中國人壽(海外)股份有限公司索取。 I confirm that I have read and understood the personal information collection statement of China Life Insurance (Overseas) Company Limited. For the latest version of the personal information collection statement, it can be downloaded from www.chinalife.com.hk or is made available upon request. _ 保單持有人簽署 Policyholders Signature _ 受保人簽署 (若年齡在 18 歲或以上) Insureds Signature (If age 18 or above) _/_/_ _/_/_ 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day 年 Year 月 Month 日 Day 注意:此聲明書須連同相關申請表一併遞交。 Remarks: This Declaration must be submitted with the relevant application form.
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