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中 文 摘 要 建国以来,我国已进行了多次政府模式转型。客观上讲,经过政府一定程度的治理,确实取得了一定的成效,但仍存在着不少缺陷,我国的政府转型之路仍然任重而道远。从 2002 年开始,我国一些地方政府开始陆续提出建设公共服务型政府的改革目标,理论界也对服务型政府建设问题给予了一定的关注。 建设公共服务型政府实现政府转型,是我国政府模式转型的必然选择。本文站在和谐社会的视野来下分析公共服务型政府,以公共服务型政府的内涵和和谐社会的背景为基础、通过对我国政府模式转型历程及其现状的系统分析,肯定了其在转型历程中的一些成就并且也针对性的指出了面临的问题和挑战,最终得出了从治理理念、职能转变和具体机制的构建三个层面建设公共服务型政府的结论。 本文主要分为三个部分: 第一部分首先界定了公共服务型政府的内涵,特征、基本职能,其次介绍了和谐社会的相关理论,在此基础上提出了和谐社会对政府治理的新要求:优质服务、市场化、顾客导向、诚信、民主化、法治化。从而引出了只有构建公共服务型政府才是顺应时代发展潮流、符合我国政府治理新要求,实现政府成功转型的路径选择。 第二部分主要阐述了我国政府模式的转型历程和现阶段我国政府治理存在的问题。划分了三个政府管理模式的演变阶段:分别是政治导向型政府管理,经济导向型政府管理,以及从经济导向型政府向服务型政府管理的转型。得出了政府管理模式必须随着经济和社会的不断发展而适时进行变革,在此基础上总结了我国政府转型过程中的一些经验和成就。 第三部分分为两大节阐述。第一节针对我国政府治理存在的问题提出了和谐社会视野下建设公共服务型政府的目标构想:负责、亲民、有限、法治、透明、务实、企业、廉洁。第二节在目标构想的基础上提出了建设公共服务型政府的相应对策,包括确立“社会本位”、“公民本位”和科学发展观的施政理念;界定政府职能,实现从管制型政府向公共服务型政府的转变,把政府的职能重心从经济建设上转移到社会管理和公共服务上来;建立与公共服务型政府相适应的决策制度、公共财政制度、绩效评估制度和公务员制度。 总之,本文围绕着“界定概念”“提出问题”“分析问题”“解决问题”的主线来阐述如何在和谐社会视野下实现政府模式的成功转型,得出建设公共服务型政府是其必然的路径选择。 关键词: 和谐社会;公共服务型政府;政府治理 ABSTRACT Since the founding of new China, already has carried on many times the government mode transformation. Objectively speaking, after the government to a certain extent, really made some achievements, but there is still some defects in Chinas government transformation, the road is still a long way to go. Since 2002, China has put forward some local governments began to build a public service-oriented government reform goal, the circle of service-type government construction is to a certain problems. The building of public service-oriented government is the government transformation, the Chinese government model transformation. Based on the perspective of harmonious society under the public service-oriented government, by analyzing the connotation of public service-oriented government and harmonious society based on the background of our government, through the course and the present model transformation system analysis, the affirmation of the course in the transformation of achievements and also some of the problems and challenges, finally obtained from the management idea, the function and mechanism of the concrete construction from three aspects of the construction of public service-oriented government. This paper is divided into three parts: The first part of the first defines the public service-oriented government, basic functions, characteristics, and then introduces the related theory of harmonious society, and based on this, advances the harmonious society to the governments new requirements: excellent service, marketing, customer oriented, honest, the democratization and legalization. Thus led to build a public service-oriented government is the only times development trend, conforms to our country government governance new requirements, realize the successful transition route choice. The second part mainly expounds the transformation of governmental mode of governance and present problems. Divided government management mode of the three stages of evolution: the political customer-guided government management, is management, as well as the government economic generated from the government to the customer-guided economic transition of service-type government management. The government management mode must be with the economic and social development and timely transformation, on the basis of our government transformation in some experience and success. The third part is divided into two DaJie elaboration. According to our government governance in the first quarter put forward under the harmonious society construction of public-service-oriented government targets for people, ideas, and limited, rule of law, transparent, pragmatic, honest, enterprise. The second day is on target ideas are put forward on the basis of the construction of the public service-oriented government countermeasures, including establishing “standard“ and “civil society“, and the scientific concept of development policy ideas; Define the government functions from the control of the government, the transition from a public service-oriented government, the government functions from economic barycenter on transferred to the construction of the social management and public service. Establish and adapt to the public service-oriented government decision-making system, the public finance system, performance evaluation system and the system of public servants. Anyhow, this paper defines the concept of “-“ problem “-“ analysis problem “-“ to solve the problem of “how to realize the harmonious society in the successful transformation of government and public service-oriented government is the inevitable choice of the path. Keywords: He harmonious society; A service-oriented government; The government management 承承 诺诺 书书 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是在导师指导下独立完成的,学位论文的知识产权属于山西大学。如果今后以其他单位名义发表与在读期间学位论文相关的内容,将承担法律责任。除文中已经注明引用的文献资料外,本学位论文不包括任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的成果。 学位论文作者(签章) : 2009 年 月 日 引言 1引 言 一、研究意义 行政管理学关注的最大现实当然是当代的现实政治生活,而建设公共服务型政府则是当今中国政治领域的一个热点问题,因而受到学术界的持续关注。公共服务型政府这一理念源自西
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