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山西大学硕士学位论文数字化教学信息资源建设与服务研究姓名:付宁申请学位级别:硕士专业:图书馆学指导教师:齐向华2009-06I 中 文 摘 要 当今社会随着计算机技术和网络技术的飞速发展,教育信息化的进程也在不断加快。在教育信息化的发展过程中,数字化教学信息资源建设与服务成为了其重要组成部分。高校图书馆作为高等学校的文献信息中心,拥有丰富的文献信息资源、各个学科的专业基础知识文献以及高校教学过程中积累的大量与教学有关的信息资源,高校图书馆作为教学信息资源的拥有者,充分参与到了专业教育的教学过程中,将这些有用的教学信息资源进行有效的组织加工和数字化,通过相应的网络平台进行发布,为在校大学生和校外自主学习的用户提供数字化教学信息资源,并通过各种咨询、下载服务使资源的利用率得到最大的发挥,这不仅在提高教学质量、挖掘教育发展潜力方面发挥着重要的作用,而且还最大限度地发挥了学习者的积极性和自主性。目前我国高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源建设与服务虽取得了一些成果,但总的来说我国的 E-learning 环境还不够成熟,资源建设内容相对分散,没有形成一个完整的数字化教学信息资源平台,资源数字化的形式相对单一,过度停留在对文本的“数字化”上,建设上缺乏与院系之间、社会机构和团体的合作,缺乏与各网络教学平台的整合。同时,高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源服务对象有所限制,提供的服务方式缺乏主动性,服务的手段不够全面。 本文通过对高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源的界定,在理论研究、环境分析和网络平台支持的基础上,对中国排名前 20 名,美国和英国排名前 10 名的高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源建设与服务的现状进行了网络调研,分别选取了与高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源相关的内容,包括在线信息素养教学平台、电子教参系统、网络课程和网络教学平台等进行了建设与服务情况的调研,了解三个国家目前高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源建设与服务的现状,并进行了比较分析,找出我国与其他两国在资源建设与服务上的差距及原因,在此基础上为我国高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源建设与服务提出相应的建议与对策。 本文分三个部分。第一部分是第一章,首先在对教育信息资源和教学信息资源区分的基础上,明确了数字化教学信息资源的概念。接下来阐述了国内外研究现状以此引出本文的选题。在理论研究、环境分析和网络平台建设的基础上确定了文章研究的对象和内容,研究方法等。第二部分是第二章至第四章,分别针对中国、美国、英国三个国家高校图书馆在线信息素养教学平台、电子教参系统、网络课程、II 网络教学平台建设与服务情况进行调研和比较,在总结分析的基础上找出我国与其他两国之间存在的不同与差距。第三部分是第五章和第六章,对我国高校图书馆数字化教学信息资源建设与服务提出了针对调研内容各部分与整体的建议及对策,并进行了文章的总结。 关键词:高校图书馆;数字化教学信息资源;建设与服务;中国;美国;英国 III ABSTRACT With rapid development of computer technology and network technology of todays society, the process of education informationization has been to speed up. The construction and services of digital teaching resources have become important component of education development. As the center of library information of higher education, university library hold extensive document information resources and basic document of all disciplines of professional knowledge as well as the large information resources about teaching and learning in the process of colleges teaching. University libraries have taken full part in the process of professional education as the owner of teaching information resources. At the same time, the useful resources will be processing and digital in an effective way. These resources provide digital teaching information for college students and students of self-study of out-of-school by the network platform publishing. This is a variety of consulting and downloading services that make the utilization of resources become the maximum. So this is not only playing an important role in improving the quality of teaching and tapping educational potential , but also maximizing learners initiative and autonomy. At present, the construction and services of digital teaching resources of Chinese university library have achieved some results, but in general, E-learning environment is also not mature, the building of resources is been relative dispersion, the platform of complete digital teaching resources is not been formed, the form of digital resources is in a relatively single, there is over-staying in the text of the digitalism and lack of construction between departments and social agencies and bodies, there is lack of the integration in different network platform of teaching and so on. At the same time, the development of colleges library will be limited as a result of the lack of services clients, the lack of initiation of services way and the lack of incomprehension of services means. Based on the definition of digital information resources of university library and the means of theoretical research, environment analysis and IV network platform, the article carry out network research on the status of the construction and services of university library of chinas top 20 and the USA top 10 and the UK top q10. Then the articles select related content about digital teaching resources of university library including online teaching platform of information literary, electronic teaching and consultation system, network courses and network teaching platform in order to search about situation of construction and services. On basis of these, the articles can understand the status of three countries on the construction and services of digital teaching resources, and analyze the reasons and the gaps between our country and the other countries on construction and services. According to above-mentioned aspects, the article can propose some relative recommendations and measures on the construction and services of our country digital teaching resources. This article is divided into three parts. The first part is the first chapter. First of all, education resources and teaching resources are distinguished. Then the research status of at home and abroad are discussed as research topics of the article. On basis of theoretical research, environmental analysis and network platform, the article identifies the object and content of study and research methods. The second part is from chapter 2 to chapter 4. This part analyze respectively the construction and services of three countries from the aspects of online teaching platform of information literary, electronic teaching and consultation system, netw
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