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上海交通大学硕士学位论文深圳美视电力工业有限公司发展战略规划姓名:方烈申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:张天西20050305上海交通大学 EMBA学位论文 深圳美视电力工业有限公司发展战略规划共 11 页 第6页深圳美视电力工业有限公司发展战略规划 摘 要深圳美视电力工业有限公司系深圳市的主力调峰电厂之一旗 下包括 10 万千瓦以重油为燃料的 A厂和 25 万千瓦以轻油为燃料的 B 厂公司紧临深圳市福田中心区对确保深圳地区的电力供应起 着至关重要的作用 2002 年以来随着国际然油价格一路上涨公司发电成本大幅 增加尤其是轻油价格的大幅上涨使公司 B 厂的燃油成本接近甚 至超过上网电价虽然 A 厂仍旧能实现每月近 900 万的毛利但因 B 厂债务负担沉重公司资金链几近断裂而从油价趋势来看也 是大涨小回寄望轻油价格大幅回落起死回生已不现实 虽然公司系广东 LNG 项目一期的六个子项目之一并且 LNG 管道已铺到公司门口而公司之 B 厂发电机组本来就是油气双燃料 机组由目前的烧油改为烧气从技术上讲极为简单然而 LNG 需等 到 2006 年 6 月才能正式开通况且油改气需近亿元资金公司已无 此实力另外公司有两套 9E 机组纳入国家发改委打捆招标系深 圳市 2004-2005 年唯一有发改委审批的 9E 机组然而公司在各银行 的信用每况愈下加之经营状况持续恶化融资安排无法落实 在重重压力之下公司于 2004 年 9 月被新股东全资收购新股 东入主后委派多名专业人士来管理公司进行包括业务发展人 力资源制度建设资产负债等一系列整合 由于新股东的强大实力和良好形象公司在债务整合方面虽然 遇到重重困难然最终还算顺利特别是在融资安排方面考虑到 公司的全新形象和发展前景多家银行都愿意提供技改或新项目的 融资安排 在宏观方面始于 2004 年 11 月的国务院发改委对违规电厂 的严格清理以及国家环保总局掀起的环保风暴叫停了诸多在 建或拟建的电厂建设使原本就紧张的电力供应形势更加严峻尤 以广东深圳地区为甚而在珠江三角地区因污染问题已禁止再 上燃煤电厂而燃油电厂控制亦极为严格作为国际上大力推广的 清洁能源天然气发电在广东地区还是一项空白其成本低廉价 格稳定和清洁环保三大优势无疑是未来电力的发展方向并将会 在与燃煤燃油电厂的竞争中胜出上海交通大学 EMBA学位论文 深圳美视电力工业有限公司发展战略规划共 11 页 第7页在此背景下为抓住这一历史良机公司制定了以绿色清洁环 保能源天然气取代燃油并新上 4套 9E机组418万 KW使公司 总装机容量达到 100万 KW的中期发展战略规划 第一步将 B 厂烧油的 GT1312 机组改为烧 LNG前期先使用 新疆广汇的 LNG这样每度电的燃气成本可降至 0.46 元较之轻油 已大幅下降而公司之上网电价已提至 0.78 元/度这样每度电可实 现近 0.32 元的毛利待 2006 年使用广东 LNG 后每度电的燃气成 本更可降至 0.29元发展前景极为可观 第二步 抓紧国家发改委审批的两套9E机组的建设 力争在2005 年内投产新机组投产后公司的盈利状况将从根本上得到改观 第三步2006年内再上两套 9E机组淘汰 A厂重油机组 这样公司的总装机容量将达到 100万 KW加之全部以 LNG 为 燃料价格稳定清洁环保政府鼓励支持将为深圳的蓝天白云 作出贡献产生极大的社会效益和经济效益关键词发展战略规划环保能源电力供求上海交通大学 EMBA学位论文 深圳美视电力工业有限公司发展战略规划共 11 页 第8页SHENZHEN MEISHI ELECTRICAL POWERSYSTEM CO.,LTD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMABSTRACTShenzhen Meishi Electrical Power Plant is located closely to the center part of Futian District of Shenzhen. It is one of the most important peak load power generation stations. The output capacity of section A of Meishi power plant is 100MW, by few units fired with crude oil. The output capacity of section B of Meishi power plant is 250MW, taking diesel oil as fuel. Shenzhen Meishi Power Plant plays an important role for the supply of power to the Shenzhen area. Since the year 2002, the international oil price had constantly increased very much. This had brought great influence to Meishi power plant production costs. The extreme increase of diesel oil price had resulted in the Section B s unit production costs to become even higher than the selling price of the produced power to the net. Even though Section A still could realize some 9 million RMB gross profit per month, it still could not balance the loss of Section B. This almost led to the break down of the companys financial operation. Foreseeing the oil price in the future, we do not expect a significant decrease. So we shall not rely on the falling of the oil price to solve the problem. The undergoing Meishi LNG conversion project phase is one of the six sample projects of Canton Province. The LNG transfer pipeline in our city had already been constructed to the exact location of Meishi power plant. Our companys section B unit is a unit originally designed to be fired on both diesel oil and natural gas. Technically speaking, we could conclude that this undergoing Meishi LNG conversion project isnt complicated. But the LNG pipeline supply will be realized no sooner than June 2006. Our company will have to invest nearly one million Yuan to realize this project. Presently, our company indeed cannot afford this big amount of money. Furthermore, our companys expansion project of two sets of GE units F9 had already been scheduled by the country上海交通大学 EMBA学位论文 深圳美视电力工业有限公司发展战略规划共 11 页 第9页development project. It is the only government permitted F9 project of Shenzhen city during year 2004-2005. But with the constant decreasing of the company reputation to the banks, plus the failure of our management in the past, the company loan could not be established successfully. Under such big pressure as we mentioned here above, our company stocks were transferred to the present new stockholders in Sept. 2004. After the handover, the directing group sent many experts to join with our present management, to help carrying out further development, personnel and organizational restructuring, regulations and system establishment, status capital and debt handling, etc. With the powerful joint of our present new stockholders and their good image, our company survived through many difficulties since the handover, especially on loaning. Many banks had offered their friendly hands to us on the future company projects and loan items. In a general review to the short past, our countrys policy changed and started to become very strictly on the control of power plant building, based on the country environmental protection bureaus new policy. Many power plants under construction, or planned, are forced to stop. This eventually led to the shortage of power supply, which became critical especially for the Shenzhen area. Becau
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