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我国商业银行企业短期融资券业务探讨 摘 要 非金融企业在银行间债券市场发行短期融资券,是央行进一步推动 货币市场建设,增加企业融资渠道的一项重大金融创新,对中国金融市 场意义深远,对商业银行的经营影响尤其重大。商业银行如何因势利导, 参与并稳步推动企业短期融资券市场发展,进而促进自身业务创新,提 高综合盈利水平,需要在企业短期融资券业务的实践中不断探索。 本文通过对我国企业短期融资券市场发展现状、商业银行在企业短 期融资券业务中的角色、企业短期融资券对我国商业银行影响的论述, 指出企业短期融资券业务对商业银行中短期贷款具有替代作用,从而促 进商业银行的业务经营转型,面对企业短期融资券市场上以商业银行为 主的金融机构的激烈竞争状况,在分析商业银行企业短期融资券承销业 务存在问题和企业短期融资券投资业务面临风险形式的基础上,并结合 典型事例,对商业银行企业短期融资券业务的策略进行探讨。 在企业短期融资券承销业务方面,商业银行应采取包括提升承销服 务的功能、加大对目标客户营销的力度、加强与外部专业机构的合作、 建立专业考核的机制、培养相关投行专业人才的有效竞争策略;同时, 针对承销业务中的主要风险点,商业银行应不断提高风险管理能力,通 过在授信和承销业务之间设立防火墙、加强风险的事前控制、推荐发行 尽职调查等策略,防范和化解承销业务过程中的信用风险、市场风险。 在企业短期融资券投资业务方面,商业银行应采取制定有效的的风 险控制体系及授信管理流程、提高对企业短期融资券的定价能力、认真 进行投资前的风险论证等策略,来提高风险管理和风险识别能力;同时, 结合商业银行本身的实际情况,综合运用消极投资策略和积极投资策略 等操作形式,以机构投资者角色参与企业短期融资券投资,获取最大投 资效益。 关键词 :商业银行;企业短期融资券;承销业务;投资业务;策略 THE DISCUSSION ON THE SERVICE OF COMMERCIAL PAPER IN DOMESTIC MERCHANT BANK ABSTRACT It is a great innovation in the field of finance that non-financial enterprises start to issue the commercial paper in the market of bonds among banks, which is significant to the financial market in China, especially to the management of the commercial bank. It should be continuously explored during the practices of commercial paper that how the commercial banks can be improved along with the situation through participating in the market of commercial paper and steadily forcing its development, so as to promote the innovation of the commercial banks themselves and improve the comprehensive profit level. By the discussion on the status of the developing market of domestic commercial paper, the role of the commercial bank in the operation of the commercial paper and the effect on the domestic commercial bank made by the commercial paper, the essay states that the commercial paper takes the place of the short-term loan in the commercial bank in order to accelerate the transformation of the operation of the commercial bank. Facing the furious competition in the commercial paper market leading by the financial institution, mainly the commercial bank, the essay also discusses on the strategies of the commercial paper operation made by the commercial bank, together with the typical facts, basing on the analysis of the existed problems in the distribution of commercial paper by the commercial bank and the risks of the investment on the commercial paper. In the aspect of the distribution of commercial paper, the commercial bank should take the effective strategy for competition, including that it should improve the function of the distribution service, increase the strength of objecting at the customers, enhance the cooperation with the external professional institution, establish a specialized mechanism on examination, and train a group of professional personnel on investment. Meanwhile, aiming at the main risks in the distribution of commercial paper, the commercial bank should continuously promote the ability of the management on risks, and it should prevent from and cast aside the credit risks and market risks during the process of distribution by building up fire wall among the credit line and distribution, strengthen the pre-control of the risks and make inquisition after the issuance. In the aspect of the investment of commercial paper, the commercial bank should promote the ability of the management and the recognition on risks by taking the strategies like stipulating the system of risk control and the process of the credit-line management, elevating the pricing ability of commercial paper, and making the risk demonstration before the investment; meanwhile, concerning with the practical situation of the commercial bank, both the negative and positive investment strategies should be comprehensively employed, and the commercial bank should participate in the investment of commercial paper in the role of investment institution to gain the maximum profit. KEY WORDS: commercial bank, commercial paper, discussion, investment,strategy 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名:王学飞 日期:2006 年 12 月 06 日 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 本学位论文属于: 保密保密 ,在 年解密后适用本授权书。 不保密不保密 。 (请在以上方框内打“”) 学位论文作者签名: 王学飞 指导教师签名:朱启贵 日期:2006 年 12 月 06 日 日期:2006 年 12 月 06 日 上海交通大学 MBA 学位论文 我国商业银行企业短期融资券业务探讨 1第一章 总论 1.1 论文研究的重要性 当前,我国金融改革已进入了攻坚阶段,金融业的发展正处于重要的战略机遇期。如何通过科学规划、统筹安排,积极推动金融市场持续快速健康发展,并以此促进经济金融整体改革、保持国民经济持续健康发展,是国家有关部门,特别是央行近年来着力研究的重要课题。 从 2005 年开始,央行在银行间债券市场上高密度地推出了一系列的金融创新,这里既有企业短期融资券、金融债券、资产抵押证券等基础产品的创新,也有债券远期交易、债券借贷业务等深化市场功能的创新,还有商业银行设立基金管理公司、设立货币经纪公司、发展货币市场基金等以培育合格机构投资者为目标的制度创新。 总体来看, 这些创新举措收到了预期的政策效果,银行间债券市场的规则体系得以进一步完善, 参与者的市场化程度明显提高。 而企业短期融资券作为央行金融产品创新的一个案例,其实践有利于今后中国金融市场进一步的改革和发展。 2005 年 5 月,央行颁布了短期融资券管理
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