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上海交通大学新加坡 MBA 学位论文 在美国经营中小型餐馆战略研究-4-在美国经营中小型餐馆战略研究摘 要在美国经营中小型餐馆战略研究摘 要据统计,在美华人新移民不断增长,约有一半以上的美国华侨华人直接或间接从事与 中餐业有关的行业。中餐馆在美营业额达 155 亿,全美中餐馆现有 4.1 万之多,在美国, 除了意大利的比萨饼店,能遍地开花的就是中餐了,全美 50 个州,州州都红火。中国餐馆 已成为美国人日常生活和城市文化的一部分。因此笔者欲在美国与亲友合作投资东方阳光 中餐厅,但在这一领域又没有现成的理论与分析可以作为投资参考,故经过一段时期的市 场考察、实习与研究,也经过上海交通大学几年的学习,希望借此机会以自己的努力,通 过一些理论探索,研究在美开中餐馆战略的意义,可以自觉的促进东方阳光的成功,可以 为更多的中餐馆提供借鉴,也为中餐业在美国作出一点小贡献。在本文中,我利用了所学的管理学理论在对美经营中餐馆环境分析和企业自身资源分析的基础上,提出了“东方阳光广场”的具体定位和启动策略。全文分四个章节讨论,第一章是对环境的分析,分析直接竞争对手: 中式餐厅,美式餐厅、欧式餐厅,快餐连锁店以及消费者分析;第二章节是自身资源的分析,把对餐馆作为一个企业的思想,做一个系统分析。从企业的发展目标,经营定位,人力资源,产品开发现金管理等做详尽的分析。第三章提出战略规划,首先对经营模式与地点定位,详细探讨了东方阳光选址的方方面面,然后对消费对象定位,对经营品牌与经营形象定位,对菜品定位与服务定位第四章是战略实施, 我们制定了全传播方案,具体启动与实施“东方阳光广场”战略。论文采用理论联系实际的方法,重点从实际操作与管理角度,研究在美国开一个中、小 型餐馆的方法、可行性与现实意义。论文作者的主要工作在于,对美国中餐馆业进行了探 讨、对美国餐营业模式和特点进行了分析。全文围绕中餐业者在美国如何成功经营的主题, 同时引入了“文化与观念理解”的思想,因地治夷,本文对有助于自身与中餐业者在美国 的良好发展,具有现实意义。让中国的新移民在中餐这一行业能在秉持中国人吃苦耐劳的美 德之下,也能跟上时代潮流。在这新大陆上争得应有的地位与评价,而不再是靠劳力,用 低价位来生存。关键词关键词: 美国中餐馆 环境 资源 经营模式 系统 定位 广告 实施上海交通大学新加坡 MBA 学位论文 在美国经营中小型餐馆战略研究-5-THE RESEARCH OF MANAGING CHINESE RESTAURANT STRATEGY IN USAAbstractAccording to the statistical data, overseas Chinese migrants in U.S. increasing continuously, and about half of the Chinese migrants involved in occupation related to Chinese restaurant industries directly or indirectly. There are over 41,000 Chinese restaurants in U.S.A and their total annual revenue exceeds US$15.5 billion. Other than Italian pizza restaurants, the most popular restaurants are Chinese restaurants, which had already spread over all the fifty states of U.S. And they are welcomed by local people. Chinese restaurants have become part of the daily life and culture. Therefore, the author may consider investing a Chinese restaurant named “East Sunshine Chinese Restaurant” in U.S together with her relatives. However, there is no theory and analysis available for investment reference. Therefore, after a period of marketing investigation, some practice and research work made personally, along with a few years study in Shanghai Jiaotong University, the author would like to take the opportunity to conduct some theory study on the strategies for setting up Chinese restaurants in U.S through own effort. This would help ensuring the success of East Sunshine Chinese Restaurant in future and also provide reference for more Chinese restaurants. Possibly it would also be a small contribution to the Chinese restaurants industry in U.S.In this paper, the author proposes the positioning and start-up strategies for East Sunshine Chinese Restaurant in U.S. based on the operating environment and enterprise resources analysis by using some learned management theories. The whole paper was divided into four chapters. The first chapter is to analyze direct competitors, such as Chinese Restaurant, American Restaurant, European Restaurant, fast food chain, and it also conducts consumer analysis. Chapter 2 is to analyze the enterprise resources. It conducts a systematic analysis by managing the restaurant as an enterprise. It gives detailed analysis in the areas of the enterprise aims, operation positioning, human resources, product development, cash management and etc. Chapter 3 is to talk about the strategy planning. Firstly, it discusses Restaurant concept and location selection. Then it talks about the consumer, image, food and services positioning. Chapter 4 is to application of strategy. An overall marketing scheme has been proposed to initiate and implement the strategies of East Sunshine Chinese Restaurant.This paper is prepared by considering both of the theories and practice. It is to study the feasibility and reality significance of setting up a medium or small size Chinese restaurant in U.S from the angles of implementation and management. The focus of the author includes investigating and analyze the characteristics and concept of restaurants in U.S. and the analysis for the business modes of American restaurants and their specialty. The whole paper was rotating around the topic of how to succeed in managing a Chinese restaurant in U.S, but also introduces the consideration of culture and tradition understanding. It will enable the author and other players to have a good上海交通大学新加坡 MBA 学位论文 在美国经营中小型餐馆战略研究-6-development in Chinese restaurant business in U.S. as it is practical. It would also help Chinese migrants to preserve the old tradition but at the same time, being able to keep up with the trend. We should not survive in hardship, but to try and gain the necessary status.Key words: Chinese Restaurant in U.S. Environment ResourcesRestaurant Concept System Marketing Strategy Application上海交通大学新加坡 MBA 学位论文 在美国经营中小型餐馆战略研究-2-上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人
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