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河北工业大学硕士学位论文石家庄南站货运产品策略研究姓名:陈洪亮申请学位级别:硕士专业:工商管理指导教师:刘宏20061201河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 i 石家庄南站货运产品策略研究石家庄南站货运产品策略研究 摘摘 要要 随着公路、水路、航空等运输方式的迅速发展,货物运输市场的竞争日趋激烈,铁路货运的市场占有率逐年下降,铁路货运企业面临着越来越严峻的竞争压力。长期以来,铁路货运车站管理体制落后,市场营销意识不强,铁路货运产品在服务水平、服务质量、适应能力等方面都存在着较大问题,无法满足日益增强的客户需求,难以适应日益激烈的市场竞争。设计符合市场需求的铁路货运产品将直接决定着铁路货运的营销策略的效果,从而影响到铁路货运改革的成败,影响铁路在综合交通运输体系中的地位。论文以石家庄南站为背景,研究铁路货运车站的产品策略,具有重要的现实意义。 论文实地调研和大量查阅文献的基础上,分析了石家庄南站货物运输现状和存在的问题;论文在总结铁路现有货运产品特点的基础上,对各种货运产品的优势、劣势进行了剖析;论文分析了石家庄地区的货物运输市场竞争形势,对货运市场需求进行了预测并进行了市场细分,结合自身特点研究确定了石家庄南站铁路货运的目标市场定位,在此基础上提出了符合市场需求特点的货运产品;为使产品策略能够顺利应用到生产实践中并产生预期的效益,论文最后从信息反馈机制、运力保障机制、运价机制等多方面提出了保障措施。 随着铁路 “跨越式发展”目标的提出,“路局直管站段”新型管理体制的实施,生产力布局重大调整的推进,铁路货运部门应该将工作重心从以“运输生产”为中心转移到以“满足市场需求”为中心上,论文的研究对于铁路货运车站适应市场需求,优化货运产品设计,加强管理体制改革,逐步在激烈的市场竞争中占得先机具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。 关键词:关键词:铁路货运,货运产品,改革 石家庄南站货运产品策略研究 ii STUDY ON THE MARKETING POLICIES IN FRIEIGHT TRANSPORTATION ADOPTED BY THE SHIJIAZHUANG SOUTH RAILWAY STATION ABSTRACT With the rapid development of highway, waterway, and air transportations, competition in the freight transportationation market is growing even fiercer. Market share of railway freight transportation is suffering losses year on year, and railway freight transport enterprises are under increasing pressure. For a long time, the management system of railway stations for freight transportation is out-dated and working personnel are lack of marketing consciousness. Railway freight transportation services are prone to problems in quality and adaptiveness, and cant meet the increasingly strict demand of customers, thus fail to adapt to the increasingly competitive market. The designing of railway freight transportation services that meet the requirement of the market will affect the outcome of marketing policies for railway freight transportation services, which will further determines the fate of the reform going on in railway freight transportation services and its role in the comprehensive transportation system. Based on the field study of the South Railway Station of Sijiazhuang in Hebei Province, marketing policies proposed in this paper for railway freight transportation services are of practical significance. Based on field study and comprehensive literature review, analyses are carried out for the current condition and existing problems of the South Railway Station of Shijiazhuang. After analysing the existing railway freight transportation services, the paper generalises their advantages and disadvantages. Freight transportation market situation of the Shijiazhuang area is also analysed in the paper, and detailed classification of freight transportation market demands are carried out. Positioning of target market for the South Railway Station of Shijiazhuang is determined according to its situation, and proposals for the design of its railway freight transportation services are put out. To ensure streamlined implementation of the marketing strategies proposed, mechanisms for feedbacks, pricing and mesures to ensure 河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 iii transportation capacity are considered at the final part of the paper. With the proposal of “frog-leaping development” of railway transportation, the implementation of brand-new management mechanism called “stations and railway segments under direct administration of railway bureaus”, and the carrying out of restructuring in a view to enhance productivity, emphasis of work for railway freight transportation departments should be shifted from the previous concentration on “traffic organization” to “meeting market demands”. Study of this paper are of reference value and practical significance for railway stations to adapt to market demands, optmize their freight transportion service arrangements and step up reforms on management in order to prevail in the fierce market competition. KEY WORDS: railway freight transportation, freight transportation services, reform 河北工业大学工商管理硕士(MBA)学位论文 1 第一章 绪论第一章 绪论 1-1 论文研究背景 1-1 论文研究背景 我国幅员辽阔、人口众多、资源相对短缺,人口与自然的状况决定中长距离运输的需求巨大;铁路运输具有运量大、能耗低、占地少等明显优势,这决定了铁路在我国综合交通运输体系中处于骨干地位。改革开放 20 多年来,我国铁路建设虽然取得了长足的进步,但就铁路的总体状况而言,“目前中国铁路的营业里程只有 7.5 万公里,人均拥有铁路的长度不及一支香烟长”,总量偏少、运能紧张的问题仍然突出,运输生产力与全社会日益增长的运输需求不相适应的矛盾没有从根本上解决,铁路仍然是制约国民经济快速发展的“瓶颈”。 2005 年 3 月,全路撤销所有铁路分局,新成立太原、西安、武汉 3 个铁路局,加上原有的 15 个铁路局(公司) ,全国共设立 18 个铁路局(公司) ,所有铁路局(公司)实行直接管理站段的体制。我国铁路管理体制由原来的“铁道部铁路局铁路分局站段”四级管理体制转变为“铁道部铁路局站段”的三级管理体制,这是我国铁路管理体制的一次重大变革,也是铁路实现跨越式发展走出的关键一步。 为了与体制改革相配合,铁路各运营部门的生产力布局调整也在有步骤地进行。车站布局全面调整,减少编组站数量,大量开行直达列车;优化机务和车辆布局,推行机车长交路、轮乘制,客运机车长交路一般为 500 公里至 800 公里,主要干线和客运专线机车长交路突破 1000 公里,货运机车长交路一般为 500 公里以上。 在客货运量大幅增长、大规模新线建设和既有线改造全面展开的新形势下,铁路管理体制改革、运输生产力布局调整两大变革叠加在一起,使铁路各方面管理关系发生了重大变化,尤其是运输市场选择,运输生产管理都受到很大影响。 1-2 论文选题意义 1-2 论文选题意义 随着改革步伐的不断深入,市场经济逐步完善,我国货物运输市场的各种运输方式竞争日趋激烈,铁路、公路、水运、航空、管道等各种运输方式都在积极抢占市场。“八五”以来,交通运输业迅猛发展,公路、航空、水路以每年 5以上的增长速度抢占市场,而铁路货物运输却面临着市场份额不断下降的严峻形势。 统计数据表明,中国铁路与公路实现的总货运量占全社会货运量的比例一直比较稳定,最近二十年,铁路的年货运量绝对数在稳定上升,但是铁路货运的市场占有率却呈下降趋势1。由表 1.1 可以看出: 石家庄南站货运产品策略研究 表1.1 19852005铁路货运与公路货运的市场占有率2 Table1.1 19852005 The market share of
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