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中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I摘 要 新中国成立50多年来,我国经济取得了举世瞩目的成就,由于历史等诸多原因,民族地区的经济发展普遍落后。民族地区的经济落后有很多原因引起,“涉农” 问题是其中原因之一。 我国 “涉农” 问题很多, 其中, 农产品销售问题是 “涉农”问题中一个长期存在、尚没有得到较好解决,目前已发展成十分严峻的问题。对于我国民族地区, 由于自然和历史条件以及当前经济发展水平等原因, 农产品销售问题表现得更为严重, 致使本来就处于相对和绝对落后的民族地区的农业,农村经济发展状况变得更为严峻。可见,有效的实施民族地区的农产品物流势在必行。21世纪,随着世界经济的快速发展和现代科学技术的进步,物流产业正在全球范围内飞速发展,农产品现代物流无论是理论方面还是实践方面在西方发达国家的发展已日趋成熟,农产品现代物流已成为该国国民生产总值增值的重要环节。我国的农产品物流不仅受关注的很少,而且农产品物流落后造成我国农产品的损失却大得惊人。这种情况不仅极大地影响了农民收入水平的提高,还严重削弱了我国农产品的国际竞争力,我们必须正视它。 现代物流是衡量一个国家或地区现代化程度的重要标志,是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业。我国是一个农业大国,农产品物流在国民经济发展中具有举足轻重的作用,发展农产品现代物流, 有利于建立现代化的农产品流通体系, 实现农产品的流通价值。西方发达国家在农产品物流上走的是产业化经营的合理的规模化经营理念。我国农产品物流业与西方发达国家相比还有很大的差距,民族地区更是如此。这主要是我国现代物流产业的发展受到市场需求,物流企业自身的管理水平,物流基础设施和专业人才短缺等条件的制约。而我国包括民族地区目前具备发展现代物流业的条件。如从需求偏好、习俗、地域等方面来看,我国有56个民族,少数民族有55个,各民族的需求偏好、饮食等风俗上本身就存在一定的差异,而我国地域的跨度大造成的气候差异也会影响农产品产出等特点使得我国有必要实行区域农产品物流业,可以说每个区域都有一个相应的特色农产品。我国农产品具有潜在的优势,特别是民族地区的特色农产品。但遗憾的是民族地区特色农产品还没体现出她应有的价值。正是意识到这一点,所以选该题目为本次的毕业论文题目。现代物流在民族地区到目前为止基本上是一片空白,形势很严峻。而如何有效的发展民族地区的农产品现代物流将是我国农村市场化推进的关键,也是“三农”的关键。这也进一步说明了建设民族地区农产品现代物流是完全正确的,国家应该大力支持民族地区农产品物流建设。农产品现代物流她是一个产业系统,涉及运输、包装、加工等多个环节的产业链,民族地区发展到今天如此地步,正是缺少这些最基本的硬、软件设施。 建设民族地区农产品现代物流业的理论思考与对策研究 II本论文主要分为五个章节。第一章节为选题的理由、目的及意义,相关文献综述,国内外发展模式及启示和研究内容及创新。第二章为介绍民族地区农产品物流发展状况, 该章主要通过介绍农产品的物流特性与民族地区农产品分布情况、民族地区物流基本建设情况,并根据以上情况总结得出民族地区农产品物流目前存在哪些主要问题。第三章是对上一章的进一步延伸。从农产品物流的流程出现并存情况,农业合作组织不够发达,农产品物流的运作规范与标准体系不够明细等六个方面来进一步分析其存在困境的原因。第四章为民族地区农产品现代物流发展的对策。这章从加强基础设施;提高综合管理水平;培育现代物流主体;提高技术水平建设;完善宏观环境这五个方面来提出政策建议。本文在培育现代物流主体这个对策上提出了发展民族地区的第三方物流的构想,基本完成本文提出的第一个创新。在完善宏观环境对策里提出发展民族地区的有特色的绿色物流,完成本文中的第二个创新的想法。第五章为结论及需要进一步探讨的问题。 总之,发展农产品现代物流是能够有效解决民族地区的经济发展及提高当地人民的生活水平的有效手段之一。但如何发展农产品物流的困境已摆在我们的眼前。 关键词:现代物流,农产品,民族地区,第三方物流 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 IIIAbstract A summary of the founding of new China more than 50 years, our country has achieved economic success, because a lot of historical reasons, Economic development in minority areas generally lag behind.An Economically backward minority areas there are many causes,“Rural” issue is one of the reasons. How to develop the national economy has put the region at the front of us. Take the “agriculture-related” questions for you, our country, “farm” a lot of questions, including questions of agricultural marketing is “rural” in a long-standing question, do not get a better solution, has now been developed into a very serious problem .A Sales of agricultural products and to solve the most critical problem is the logistics problem of agricultural products. Ethnic minority areas in China, because of natural and historical conditions and the current level of economic development and other reasons, the performance of sales of agricultural products is even more serious problem, which was lagging behind in relative and absolute areas of the nations agricultural and rural economic conditions become more severe. Obviously that effective implementation national agricultural products logistics area is imperative. The 21st century, as the worlds rapid economic development and progress of modern science and technology, logistics industry is the rapid development of a global scale, Agricultural products of modern logistics in terms of whether it is the practice of theory in the development of Western developed countries have become more and more mature, Agricultural products of modern logistics has become the countrys gross national product of an important part of value-added. Logistics in Chinas agricultural products of concern not only small and agricultural products because of the logistics behind the loss of our countrys agricultural products is staggering. This situation affects not only greatly improve the income of the farmers, but also seriously undermine our countrys international competitiveness of agricultural products, we must face up to it. It is a measure of modern logistics in a country or region an important indicator of the degree of modernization, China is a large agricultural country, agricultural products, development of logistics in the national economy plays a decisive role in the development of agricultural products of modern logistics, there is conducive to the establishment of the circulation system of agricultural modernization, implementation of agricultural products value circulation. It is a modern logistics industry development in the arteries of the national economy and basic industries.Logistics in Western 建设民族地区农产品现代物流业的理论思考与对策研究 IVdeveloped countries on agricultural products follow the industrial operation is a reasonable idea of the scale of operation. The logistics industry in Chinas agricultural products as compared with Western developed countries have a lot of gaps, especially in minority areas. This is our country the development of modern logistics industry by market demand,the logistics enterprises own management, logistics infrastructure and a shortage of such professionals conditions. Including ethnic minority areas in China has been the development of modern logistics industry with the conditions. Such as demand pref
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