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毕业论文毕业论文在欧在欧 亨利小说亨利小说麦琪的礼物麦琪的礼物中写作风格的分析中写作风格的分析 Analysis of O.Henrys Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi学学 院:院: 专专 业:业: 英 语 学生姓名:学生姓名: 学号:学号: 指导教师:指导教师: 职称:职称: 合作导师:合作导师: 职称:职称: 完成时间:完成时间: 成成 绩:绩: Analysis of O.Henrys Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi0目目 录录Abstract:.2摘要.21 .Introduction.32 . Descriptive indication.43 .The introduction and reflection of twist ending.43.1The introduction of twist ending.43.2The deep reflection of twist ending .53.2.1The pure love between main characters.53.2.2The human defects of the society.53.2.3The purpose of moral teaching through the contrast .64 . conversational version of narration.65 . Biblical references adding to the moral lesson.76 .Conclusion .7Works Cited.8Analysis of O.Henrys Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi1Abstract:This essay mainly analyses the writing style in O.Henrys short story The Gift of the Magi. O.Henry uses descriptive indication, twist ending, conversational version of narration and biblical references to reveal the theme of humanity and achieve the moral teaching. Part one the introduction tell us authors position and story background. After informed of this information, we can get better understanding of his work and think it more plausibly. The next four parts introuduce the four aspects of O.Henrys writing style one by one, mainly focusing on twist ending. Benefiting from detailed kowning of his writing style, we can conclude the humanity both virtues and defects. Finally, its easy for us to gain the moral teaching and understand O.Henrys writing intention. Part six draws a conclusion about the whole essay. The essay on analysis of O.Henrys work will arouse my interest of literary learning. Furthermore, it makes us pay more attention to O.Henrys works.Key Words: descriptive indication; twist ending; conversational narration; biblical referencesAnalysis of O.Henrys Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi2在欧在欧.亨利小说亨利小说麦琪的礼物麦琪的礼物中写作风格的分析中写作风格的分析摘要摘要:本文主要分析欧亨利短篇小说麦琪的礼物中的写作风格。作者采用 暗示的描写手法、出其不意的结尾、对话性的叙述以及圣经故事的引用来揭示 人性这一主题,实现道德说教。第一部分介绍了作者的地位及故事背景。在了 解作者的这些信息后,我们能更好地了解他的作品及对此理性思考。接下来四 部分分别介绍欧亨利写作风格的四个方面,重点分析出其不意的结尾。在细节 性了解他的写作风格的基础上,可以从不同人物身上得出人性的善恶面这一结 论。最后,我们可以轻松地获取道德启示及理解欧亨利的写作意图。第六部分, 对全文作一总结。本文对欧亨利作品的分析,将有利于提高本人对文学作品学 习的兴趣;并且,可以让我们更多地关注欧亨利的作品。关键词关键词:暗示描述、艺术结尾、对话叙述、圣经引用Analysis of O.Henrys Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi3Analysis of O.Henrys Writing Style on The Gift of the Magi1.Introduction O. Henry, named William Sydney Porter, is a distinguished American story writer, one of the three most famous short-story writers in the world, enjoys equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. He creates an original, typically American democratic form of short stories with a valuable critical awareness of life and society, through which expressed his humur. Therefore, some critics call him “the founder of American stories”.This story occurs in the early years of the 20th century. At that period of time in America, bourgeoisie bribed the government and corrupted the functioned department in government. The gap between the rich and the poor was deeper. The number of lower class poor people rocketed. The whole society was under a profound change. The development of consumption culture and subsequent problems of morality consisted of many contradictions in peoples social behaviors. Such characters as sacrifice, diligence and model are stressed in the end of 19th century,
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