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毕业设计(论文)课 题 名 称 物料预处理对酶法提取灵芝多糖的影响 学 生 姓 名 学 号 系、年级专业 生物与化学工程系 2011 级生物工程 指 导 教 师 职 称 2015 年 5 月 20 日I物料预处理对酶法提取灵芝多糖的影响物料预处理对酶法提取灵芝多糖的影响摘 要目的目的:经过对灵芝中灵芝多糖的工艺提取的研究,找出最佳的物料预处理方法处理灵芝,然后进行提取,让灵芝多糖的提取率尽可能的达到最大值。方法方法:本实验主要采用酶法提取灵芝多糖的方法,以灵芝多糖的提取率为目的,进行各项单因素实验探究,考察物料烘烤温度、物料粒度和紫外线的照射时间等物料预处理的条件对灵芝多糖提取的影响。最后紫外分光光度计测定灵芝多糖的质量,并得出最佳的实验条件。结果结果:经由实验结果整理分析可以得知,单因素的影响大小为 B(C)A(A烘烤温度,B物料粒度,C紫外线照射时间),其最佳组合为B2C2A1,粉细度为80目,紫外线照射时间为35 min,烘烤温度为75,灵芝多糖提取率最高,能够达到1.55%。结论:结论:通过对物料的预处理可以发现,较之未经物料预处理的提取,灵芝多糖的提取率显著提高。 关键词: 预处理;灵芝多糖;酶法提取;紫外-可见分光光度法IIThe material pretreatment effects on enzymatic extraction of GLP(2011 Biological Engineering , Department of Biology and Chemistry Engineering, Shaoyang AbstractObjective: To find out the best material pretreatment extraction technology makes the GLP extraction yield as high as possible by studying on the extraction and purification of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides(GLP) from Ganoderma lucidum.Methods: To investigate the baking temperature, material size and UV processing time of material pre-treatment conditions on extraction of GLP influence based on single factor experiment, using enzymatic extraction method and taking GLPs yield as the index. To optimize the optimum conditions of extracting GLP from Ganoderma lucidum powder by the orthogonal test, which apply ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry (UV-vis) to determine the content of GLP. Results: The results of orthogonal test show that the main factors which influence GLPs yield in enzymatict extraction with the material pre processing are as follows: B or C A(A is the baking temperaturet, B is the material size, C is UV processing time), and the best parameter combination is B2C2A1.That is to say, The optimum conditions in ultrasonic enzymatict extraction with the material pre processing are that the material size is 80 mesh, baking temperature is 75, uv processing time is 35 min, and GLPs yield is up to 1.55%. Conclusion: based on the material pretreatment can be found that compared with the extraction of raw material pretreatment, ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides extraction yield was significantly improved.Key words: Pretreatment; Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide(GLP); IIIEnzymatic method;Uv-vis spectrophotometry目 录摘 要Abstract1 绪论11.1 课题研究的背景和意义 11.2 灵芝多糖研究的现状及水平11.3 本论文研究的主要内容 41.4 灵芝多糖的提取42 材料与方法62.1 实验试剂与材料62.2 主要仪器与设备62.3 研究方法72.4 检测方法83 结果与分析103.1 葡萄糖标准曲线的绘制103.2 单因素试验结果与分析103.3 正交试验结果与分析134 结论165 展望17参考文献18致谢2011 绪论1.1 课题研究的背景和意义灵芝一般用于医学,是非常珍贵的中国传统医学药物,含有大量的药物的有效成分,包括从灵芝中提取的灵芝多糖。灵芝多糖是一种具有抗衰老、抗肿瘤以及清除自由基功能的一种非特异性免疫刺激剂1。由此对灵芝中有效成分的提取即成为一项具有重大意义的工程,目前社会上新出行的高效降压茶其有效成分即为灵芝中的灵芝多糖,目前实际生产中,溶剂提取法是提取灵芝多糖的最普遍且常用的方法,此种方法主要是用水、稀碱、二甲基亚砜等有机溶剂进行提取。但是此类法成本太高,并且工艺技术很繁复,工作量非常庞大,生产过程不容易操控,不稳定因素很多,而且此类方法对有效成分的损耗很大,不利于生
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