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03.11.2009Slide 1Bulk Carriers散货船散货船散货船散货船-结构结构结构结构Bulk Carriers - Hull Structure03.11.2009Slide 2Bulk Carriers内容提要内容提要内容提要内容提要-散货船散货船散货船散货船Contents Bulk Carriers1.介绍散货船结构Introduction to Bulk carrier hull structure2.结构细分-结构单元的功能Hull structural breakdown function of hull elements:船侧,船底,甲板,横舱壁,纵舱壁,横框架,包括所有 结构相关破坏特征。Side, bottom, deck, transverse bulkhead, longitudinal bulkhead, web frames including relevant hull damages for all structural elements3.案例Case03.11.2009Slide 3Bulk Carriers散伙船特征散伙船特征散伙船特征散伙船特征Characteristics for Bulk Carriers单壳/底边舱/顶边舱Single skin / hopper & top-wing tanks 重货物Heavy cargoes 大载荷作用在双层底上Large net load on double bottom 船侧高剪切应力High shear stresses shell side 对泄漏敏感-结构可能完全坍塌Sensitive to leakage - total structural loss 高装载效率High loading rate 横向强度Transverse strength 甲板上浪Green seas 低公众注意度Not much public attention (no vetting) 进水后,很低的生存力Low survival capability when flooded 出事船舶量大High number of vessels lost03.11.2009Slide 4Bulk Carriers散货船装载弹性Bulk Carrier loading flexibilityBulk Carrier HC/EA 满吃水下任何舱可以为空Any hold empty at full draughtBulk Carrier HC/E hold 2,4,6 . Empty 满吃水下,部分舱室可以为空Given combination of holds empty at full draughtBulk Carrier HC 80% 满吃水下 任何舱室为空Any hold empty at 80% of full draughtBulk Carrier 60% 满吃水下 任何舱室为空 Any hold empty at 60% of full draught弹性降低Reduced flexibility03.11.2009Slide 5Bulk Carriers历史History 1954年建-CassiopeiaBuilt in 1954 - Cassiopeia第一个有底边藏和顶边舱 的散伙船First bulk carrier with hopper tank topside tank cross section货舱图片来自另一条船货舱图片来自另一条船货舱图片来自另一条船货舱图片来自另一条船,这说明原则上这说明原则上这说明原则上这说明原则上与与与与1954年的年的年的年的Cassiopeia是一样的是一样的是一样的是一样的03.11.2009Slide 6Bulk Carriers散伙船参数Bulk Carrier particulars5 cargo holds7 cargo holds9 cargo holds03.11.2009Slide 7Bulk Carriers术语术语术语术语Nomenclature03.11.2009Slide 8Bulk Carriers术语术语术语术语Nomenclature03.11.2009Slide 9Bulk Carriers-船体梁可以分成不同的结构单元A vessels hull can be divided into different hull structural elements-每个结构单元都有自己的功能Each element has its function in the structure-要衡量散货船结构,必须先明白结构单元的功能In order to assess the structure of a Bulk Carrier youneed to understand the function of the structural element you are looking at结构细分结构细分结构细分结构细分Structural breakdown of hull03.11.2009Slide 10Bulk Carriers典型的破坏和修复Typical damages and repairsWWW.witherbys.com03.11.2009Slide 11Bulk Carriers5.顶边舱Topside tank1.船侧Side2.船底Bottom3.甲板Deck4.横舱壁Transverse bulkhead散货船结构细分散货船结构细分散货船结构细分散货船结构细分Structural breakdown of Bulk Carrier7.舱口围和盖Hatch coaming & cover6.底边舱Hopper tank03.11.2009Slide 12Bulk Carriers船体结构细分船体结构细分船体结构细分船体结构细分Hull Structural Breakdown1.船侧Side船底Bottom甲板Deck横舱壁Transverse bulkhead底边舱Hopper tank顶边舱Topside tank7.舱口盖和围板Hatch cover & coaming
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