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中南民族大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 摘 要 改革开放以来,我国在走市场化道路中取得的成绩有目共睹,其中城市化水平更是得到了显著提高, 区域内城市间的经济合作也越来越紧密。目前,我国区域经济发展研究中的重点之一就是有关城市群的研究。自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,国内对长三角城市群、珠三角城市群的研究成果已经很多, 而对包括广西北部湾城市群在内的一些新兴城市群的研究则尚处在起步阶段。 广西北部湾城市群, 是指由广西沿海地区北海、钦州、防城港市及南宁市所辖的行政区域为主组成的城市群。其中南宁是广西首府,城市综合配套设施较为完善,具有政治、经济、文化和科技的优势;北海在 2008 年 2 月国家发展改革委员会同广西自治区制定的广西北部湾经济区发展规划中已被置于和南宁同等地位开发的高度,其自身具有良好的区位优势; 钦州和防城港经济发展中以重化工业为主特征明显,具有强大的港口优势。广西北部湾城市群地处我国西南民族地区,是沟通中国与东盟的重要桥梁。推进广西北部湾城市群的全面开放开发, 是广西壮族自治区党委、政府做出的重大战略决策,且已日渐成为中国新一轮改革开发的重要命题。 本文在广西北部湾城市群方面的研究,对推动南宁、北海、钦州、防城港四市经济发展,促进西南民族地区对外开放, 进一步深化中国与东盟共谋经济发展的伙伴关系具有重大意义。 城市群是指在特定的区域范围内具有一定数量的不同性质、 类型中南民族大学硕士学位论文 和等级规模的城市,以一个或几个城市为中心,依托一定的自然环境和交通条件,城市之间的内在联系不断加强,共同构成一个相对完整的城市“集合体” 。 (姚士谋, 中国城市群 ,中国科学技术大学出版社,1992 年,第 6 页)其主要特征有:城市群交通网络比较发达;城市群的不断壮大是一个长期过程。 本文把城市群内源型“双核”空间结构模式的一般理论(内源型“双核”空间结构模式是指在某一区域内,在基本不考虑外来力量对本区域空间结构演化的影响, 由区域内中心城市和港口城市及其周边所组成的一种空间结构现象) ,运用到分析广西北部湾城市群经济发展的实际中。先对广西北部湾城市群的现状做简单介绍,如良好的区位条件,光明的建设前景,南宁北海“双核”结构特征明显等;随后提出了广西北部湾城市群建设中需要解决的问题, 如南宁与北海对城市群作用尚不突出,城市群重大基础设施不完善,局部地区生态环境保护的压力较大等; 最后根据以上这些问题给出了促进广西北部湾城市群发展的一些针对性建议,如进一步提升南宁综合实力,充分利用北海的区位优势,促进城市群空间结构由南宁“单核”向南宁北海“双核”转变,推进城市群协调机构建设,统筹布局重大基础设施建设, 建立生态环境保护的长效机制等, 以便更好的促进南宁、 北海、钦州、防城港四市城市化水平的整体提高,进一步实现经济又好又快发展的目标。 关键词 : 关键词 : 广西北部湾城市群 ,现状,问题,对策中南民族大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, take the market of our country in the Road Qudes achieved remarkable success, Qizhongchengshi level Geng yes noticeable improved, Quyu within the economic cooperation between the city more closely. At present, Chinas regional economic development is one of the key points of the city group. Since the 80s from the 20th century, the Yangtze River Delta city group domestic, Pearl River Delta cities have a lot of research groups, while the northern Gulf, including the city of Guangxi, including some of the emerging group of urban agglomerations is still in its infancy. North Bay city of Guangxi group, refers to coastal areas of Guangxi Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang City and Nanning City, is composed chiefly of administrative regions under the jurisdiction of the city group. Which is the capital of Guangxi, Nanning, the citys comprehensive facilities better, with the political, economic, cultural and technological advantages; the North Sea in February 2008 State Development and Reform Commission of Guangxi autonomous region with the development of the “Gulf Economic Zone Development Plan“ has been placed equal status and the development of a high degree of Nanning, its own strengths with a good geographical advantage and livable; Qinzhou and Fangchenggang economic development to heavy-obvious characteristics, has strong advantages of the port. Guangxi is located in the northern Gulf city group in the Southwest region of China is an important communication bridge between China and ASEAN. North Bay Cities Advancing the comprehensive opening up and development, is Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region party committee and government made a major strategic decision, and has increasingly become an important new round of reform and opening proposition. This Gulf city 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 in Guangxis research group, on the promotion of Nanning, Beihai, Qinzhou, Fangchenggang four city economic development, promote the Southwest area open to further deepen China-ASEAN economic partnership conspiracy of great significance. Cities yes means Teding the have a certain range of the different nature of the size and type of city to one or several cities as the centers must rely on the natural environment, Hu traffic conditions, the city was strengthening its ties between the together form a relatively complete city “collection.“ (YAO Shi-mou, “Chinese Cities“, China Science and Technology University Press, 1992, p. 6) The main features are: 1. Group of more developed urban traffic network; 2. The city is a growing group of long-term process. This paper, the city group-oriented “dual core“ Spatial patterns of the general theory of (endogenous type “dual-core“ Spatial pattern refers to a region, the basic does not consider external forces on the regional spatial structure evolution of, by the Regional within the central city and the port city and its surrounding structure consisting of a spatial phenomenon), applied to the Gulf city of Guangxis economic development practice group. First on the northern Guangxi Bay city group status to do a brief introduction, such as good location conditions, a bright building prospects, Nanning - Beihai “dual core“ structure of clear and so on; then made Beibu Bay Cities Construction problems to be solved, If the city of Nanning and Beihai group action is not yet obvious, major urban agglomerations poor infrastructure, ecological environment protection in some areas the pressure of large, etc.; last light of the above questions are given for the northern Gulf of Guangxi Urban Agglomeration of some specific suggested that if further enhance Nanning comprehensive strength, take full advantage of the North Sea, location advantages,
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