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中 南 民 族 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 I摘 要 关于教育旅游的研究,是近十年来国内旅游学界比较热门的话题之一。通过文献检索发现,对教育旅游的相关研究绝大部分都只是从旅游学科的视角进行,主要集中在对其概念的界定、开发的可行性、开发的原则问题、旅游资源的类型归类总结,部分城市高校教育旅游的发展评述,存在的问题以及相应的对策等方面。 尽管其中有一部分内容涉及研究高校开展教育旅游所存在的问题以及相应的对策,但是,那也只是从旅游学科的视角进行的研究。因为教育旅游活动的载体以学校,尤为以高校为主,所以,本文尝试着从高等学校管理理论的视角对武汉市高校开展教育旅游这一活动进行研究。 通过从对国内教育旅游的研究现状的综述以及对这一概念的界定作为研究的开始, 进而从高等学校管理理论的视角对武汉市高校开发教育旅游的必要性、可行性进行分析,指出目前武汉市高校开发教育旅游存在的问题,同时也提出了相应的对策。通过从高等学校管理理论的视角对武汉市高校开发教育旅游的研究为例, 可以给处于困惑中的中国高校开展教育旅游实践提供借鉴。 本论文主要运用文献资料法,实地考察调查法等,从高等学校管理理论的视角对武汉市高校开发教育旅游进行研究。全文总共分为四章。 第一章是绪论。主要介绍选题背景、研究意义、国内研究现状、对教育旅游的概念与内涵进行界定(通过把目前已有的教育旅游的相关资料搜集,更全面、科学地界定教育旅游的概念及其内涵),以及本文的研究对象与内容。 第二章是从高校管理理论的视角对武汉市高校发展教育旅游的必要性进行研究。 首先找出本文进行研究的独特视角的支撑理论高等学校管理学的相关理论, 进而结合教育旅游的相关理论以及现实状况对武汉市高校开发教育旅游的必要性进行研究。在我国社会经济与教育发展状况良好,人们对教育旅游的需求增长异常明显的形势下,开展教育旅游活动是符合客观实际情况的。同时,从武汉市高校开展教育旅游的现状去说明开发教育旅游的客观必要性。 因为这样做一是有利于高校自身发展,二是有利于我国旅游业发展,三是有利于提高青少年学生以及相关旅游者的素质。 第三章从高校管理理论的视角对武汉市高校发展教育旅游的可行性进行研究。首先,从武汉市所处的人文与自然环境地理位置、交通条件、经济发展状况等进行分析;其次,从武汉市的高校资源现状人力资源、教育基础设施等进行分析;再次,从武汉市高校的教学管理的视角进行分析;最后,从武汉市的高校后勤管理的视角进行分析。 第四章通过对教育旅游的发展现状进行全面、系统的研究,从高校管理理论发展武汉市高校教育旅游的对策研究以高校管理理论为视角 II的视角去发现武汉市高校发展教育旅游的问题以及针对这些问题提出相应的对策。 关键词:高等学校管理;武汉市;高校;教育旅游;对策;研究 中 南 民 族 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 IIIAbstract In the recent ten years,the study on the education tourism is one of the hot topics in the tourism academe.We can find that a majority of the study on the education tourism only according to the angle of view on the theory of tourism in the literature,mostly,they focused on define the conception,the feasibility of developing education tourism,the fundamental of developing,classify the type of the education tourism resource,make a remark on the university developing the education tourism of some cities,the insufficiency of developing education tourism and some countermeasure of developing education tourism,and so on.Though some literature have been deployed the study on the insufficiency of developing education tourism and some countermeasure of developing education tourism,but,thats only according to the angle of view on the theory of tourism.In fact,the education tourism activity mainly hold on the campus.In this case,the article try to deploy the study on the university of Wuhan city developing education tourism according to the angle of view on the theory of university management.From the beginning of the summarization of the intestine study actuality and define the conception of education tourism,and then,according to the angle of view on the theory of university management to analyze the necessary and feasibility of university of Wuhan city developing education tourism;further, to indicate the insufficiency and the countermeasure of developing education tourism. In view of the existing problems, this article offer concerning suggestions to provide advisory opinions to developing university education tourism in China. The article using literature search principle,on-the-spot investtigation prinsiple and otherwise to take the study on. The full article is divided into four chapters altogether. The first chapter is an introduction,consisting of background of a selected title,realistic meaning of study,status quo of academic study,definition of education tourism and the object and content of the article. The second chapter according to the angle of view on the theory of university management to analyze the necessary of university of Wuhan city developing education tourism.The first step is put forward the pivotal thoery of the particular angle of the study in this article- the correlative theory of university management,and the second step is combine the thoery of education tourism and the status quo of 发展武汉市高校教育旅游的对策研究以高校管理理论为视角 IVdeveloping education tourism to start the study of necessary of university of Wuhan city developing education tourism.On the basis of analysis of current situation,this chapter try to explain that the necessary is accord with the external situation.Cause the development of university education tourism is benefit for that:firstly,it benefits for the development of university;secondly,it benefits for the development of tourism in China;thirdly,it benefits for the young people and relative tourist. The third chapter according to the angle of view on the theory of university management to analyze the feasibility of university of Wuhan city developing education tourism.Above all,take an analysis of the circustance of Wuhan city which include that the geographical place,the status quo of traffic and the situation of econonic development,and so on.Secondly,take an analysis of the status quo of the resource of education tourism in university of Wuhan city which include that the human resource and the basic establishment on campus,and so on.thirdly,take an analysis of the teaching management of university of Wuhan city.The last but not the least is that make an analysis of the logistics management of university of Wuhan city. The fourth chapter makes a systematic study of university tourism by studying pr
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