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全民英檢線上測驗 考生應試須知1Eagle Project, NCKU1.請先上廁所,中途離席時間不暫停。2.請關閉手機。3.耳機插在主機綠色孔洞。測試耳機:開啟內建音樂測試螢幕上:關閉所有非考試頁面學生證與身分證件置於桌面號碼牌下方。非應試用品(如手機、紙筆等)收入包包。2考前準備Eagle Project, NCKUJan/2018關閉手機等電子設備為確保試場安寧,手機及穿戴式智慧 裝置等電子設備,請確定已取消鬧鈴 及聲音設定後關機。鐘錶鬧鈴也應取消。Eagle Project, NCKU3Jan/2018內容:含聽力與閱讀測驗。考試時間共 85 分鐘。聽力 35 分鐘,45 題。閱讀 50 分鐘,45 題。試題與選項順序隨機改變。考試內容4Eagle Project, NCKUJan/2018分開計時 留意題號測驗系統Eagle Project, NCKU5https:/reg.lttc.org.tw/GEPTSchool/Jan/2018聽力測驗說明6Eagle Project, NCKU音量調整完畢,請按進入測驗測驗間隨時 可調整音量Jan/2018聽力:Part I & Part II (單題單題)自動播放自動播放7Eagle Project, NCKU每題皆須作答 才能進入下一題顯示剩餘作 答時間,請 自行斟酌各 題作答時間點選下一題後 無法修改答案Jan/2018聽力:Part III (題組題組) 音檔音檔手動播放播放8Eagle Project, NCKU(Short Talk) 短篇談話 由考生自行點選播放(Short Talk) 短篇談話 由考生自行點選播放無 法 同 時 播 放 !9閱讀測驗說明Eagle Project, NCKU閱讀題型: 1) 詞彙和結構 2) 段落填空 下拉式選單選項皆須作答 才能下一題Jan/201810閱讀:Eagle Project, NCKUJan/2018PI & PII 選 項為下拉式 選單點選待檢查標 註,可於交卷 前重新檢查選答後,始能點選 上一題 或 下一 題皆須作答始得 移至上、下題點選待檢查, 可於交卷前 重新檢查!禁止使用 CTRL+F 功能11閱讀:檢視待檢查題目Eagle Project, NCKU交卷前點選檢視待檢查題目 可重新檢視已標註題目與文章。Jan/201812結束畫面Eagle Project, NCKU交卷後立即得知成績 務必登出,不關機,輕聲離開。Jan/2018如遇特殊狀況須臨時離場,須告知監試始得離場。同時間僅能一人離開考場,且不得要求補足或延長 考試時間。按交卷後登出系統,始得離開教室。考試結束時間分別為:15:0017:0017:3019:3020:00注意事項13Eagle Project, NCKU2017 December收妥借用耳機,置於塑膠袋內繳回。帶走證件與個人物品,輕聲離開。離開後請保持安靜,勿在教室內或走 廊高聲談論。考試結束後14Eagle Project, NCKUJan/2018學期成績算法:1. 大學部 (1) 30%: Moodle 線上課程(不計小數點) (2) 70%: 本次期末考 (原始分數除以 2.4) * (本次成績 2.4)*0.7+(Moodle 成績平均)*0.32. 研究所 (1) 50%: Moodle 線上課程 (含小考、討論) (2) 50%: 本次期末考 (原始分數除以 2.4) * (本次成績 2.4)*0.5+(Moodle 成績平均)*0.5Eagle Project, NCKU15Jan/2018準備登入!以上簡報若有問題請舉手發問Jan/ 2018Eagle Project, NCKU16登入畫面17Eagle Project, NCKU1.點選Jan/2018學生證號碼學生證號碼01010101輸入後登入輸入後登入2.等候宣布3.登入祝考試順利!Eagle Project, NCKU18Jan/2018NoticeNo break during the exam. Turn off your cell phone.Earphones: Plug them into green jack hole on the panel. Test your earphones and adjust the volume. Place your student/photo ID card on the desk. Eagle Project, NCKU19Jan/2018Test content Content: Listening and Reading comprehension. Test time: 85 minutes in total. Listening: 35 min / 45 questions. Reading: 50 min / 45 questions. The time limit and lapse for each part is set and measured independently of each other.All the questions and their options are randomized. Eagle Project, NCKU20Jan/2018Be aware of the number of questions.Eagle Project, NCKU21https:/reg.lttc.org.tw/GEPTSchool/Log-In Jan/2018Listening sectionEagle Project, NCKU22Adjust the volume before the test.Click on 進入測驗 to begin the test.Jan/2108Listening: Part I & Part IIEagle Project, NCKU23Click on 下一題 to continueEvery question must be answered before you move on to the next question. Remaining time聽力:Part IIIManual operation24Eagle Project, NCKUClick to play the audio clip (Short Talk)Click to play the audio clip (Short Talk)Only one playing at a time!Reading sectionEagle Project, NCKU25Click on 待檢查 for rechecking question(s) you mark before submission. Every question should be answered before you move on to the next question. Next RecheckJan/2018Reading section Eagle Project, NCKU26Jan/2018“CTRL+F” is Forbidden!Reading sectionEagle Project, NCKU27Before submit all answers, click 檢視待檢查題目 to re-check the marked questions. Jan/2018Ending screenEagle Project, NCKU28 Scores are shown immediately after the exam.Jan/2018Do NOT turn off the computer after logging out.Notes: If you need to leave the classroom, please notify the teacher first. You CANNOT request to lengthen your test time. You must complete all the questions before the session ends. Log out before you leave. The test ends at:15:0017:0017:3019:3020:00 Eagle Project, NCKU292017 DecemberAfter the test Return the borrowed headset in the plastic bag.Take your ID card(s) and personal belongings.Leave the classroom quietly. Do not talk inside the classroom or in the corridor. Eagle Project, NCKU30Jan/2018Your grade 1. Undergraduate students (1) 30%: Moodle tests (2) 70%: This GEPT test (GEPT grade 2.4 ) * (GEPT 2.4)*0.7+(Moodle tests )*0.32. Graduate students (1) 50%: Moodle tests (2) 50%: This GEPT test (GEPT grade 2.4 ) * (GEPT 2.4)*0.5+(Moodle tests )*0.5Eagle Project, NCKU31Jan/2018How to Log in32Eagle Project, NCKU1.CheckJan/2018Student No.01010101Click on登入登入to log in.2.Wait for instructions3.Log inGood Luck GOOD LUCK! Have a nice vacation! Jan/ 2018Eagle Project, NCKU33
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