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年 份 题 材88. 1289. 1290. 690. 1291. 691. 1292. 692. 1293. 693. 1294. 694 1295. 695. 1296. 696. 12题题 材 录 音 机停 电 会 发 生 什 么城 市 绿 化重 要 交 通 工 具 : 自 行 车饮 食 的 变 化失 败 的 分 析如 何 克 服 学 习 英 语 的 困 难运 动 的 积 极 与 消 极 因 素我 喜 欢 的 电 视 或 电 台 节 目交 通 发 达 人 之 间 交 往 频 繁理 想 的 职 业金 钱 能 买 来 幸 福 吗找 工 作 面 试 的 益 处双 休 日全 球 淡 水 缺 乏熟 能 生 巧大学英语四级考试近年写作题材 年 份 题 材97. 697. 1298. 698. 1299. 699. 1200. 600. 1201. 601. 12题题 材 大 学 生 了 解 社 会较 冒 伪 劣 商 品 的 害 处吉 祥 数 字 能 否 带 来 好 运不 要 犹 豫 说 不有 选 择 读 书 还 是 博 览 群 书我 如 何 负 担 上 大 学 的 费 用英 语 口 试 是 否 有 必 要如 何 获 得 面 试 的 成 功给 朋 友 的 度 假 建 议关 于 食 堂 状 况 给 校 长 的 信大学英语四级考试近年写作题材 年 份 题 材02. 602. 1203. 603. 903. 1204. 604. 1205. 605. 1206. 6旧06. 6新06. 1207. 607. 1208. 608. 12题题 材 电 脑 使 用诚 实车 祸 见 证同 学 生 病报 考 建 议旅 游 介 绍竞 选 演 讲教 师 节校 园 开 放招 募 自 愿 者学 生 选 教 师春 晚社 团选 修 课娱 乐大学英语四级考试近年写作题材 June 18, 2007 Dear Sir,I am writing to you to inquire if there would be any position available for me to work as a volunteer I am a sophomore majoring in in Shenyang Architecture University. I have every confidence in my ability to do the job well. I was awardedI also won the title ofIn additionI would be appreciated if you can consider my application and send me the details for the application at your convenience. Looking forward to your kind and early reply. Yours sincerelyLi Ming作文范文College graduates will find it difficult to get a job in recent years, and we are confronted with the fact that the unemployment rate of young people is increasing.This situation is mainly due to the following reasons. In the first place, the large population has caused fierce competition in China. The excessive enrollment of college students in recent years has worsened the situation resulting in an imbalance of supply and demand in the human resource market. In the secondplace, many young people do not have proper self-assessment and expect too much of their jobs. We may also find some weak points in the current education system, which overstresses the academic education instead of practical skills. No employers are willing to recruit newly graduated students without much work experience. Here are my suggestions which might be of help to the improvement of the situation. Firstly, college students should, while studying the professional knowledge, accumulate more practical skills and experiences at university, well prepared for the future career. Secondly, we need to be realistic and ready to start in a lowposition. Rome is not built in a day. The solid foundation and accumulation will enable you to climb the career ladder sooner or later. Thirdly, try starting your own business, namely be the boss of yourself. Accordingly this requires much courage and working ability. With the proper guidance and assistance I have no doubt that the unemployment situation will be greatly improved. People will never forget the day, May 12, 2008 when a terrible earthquake hit Sichuan Province. Around 80,000 people were killed and more were injured. Houses were reduced to ruins. Countless people became homeless.范文Soon after the earthquake happened, the Chinese government gave a prompt response (took emergent action). Premier Wen Jiabao immediately flew to the stricken area commanding and arranging the rescue work. Soldiers fought their way to the badly stricken area and rescued the lives under the ruins. Doctors were organized to give the wounded a timely treatment. Tents, foods, water and other necessities are transported from all parts of China and some other countries. In the meantime people in other provinces tried every means to offer their help to the stricken areas. People, regardless of age and occupation donated money, clothes or even blood. They did what they could to show their sympathy. Many young people went to Sichuan and worked in the stricken area as volunteers.Our souls have been baptized by the earthquake. Time and time again we feel the warmth of love as well as the value and meaning of life. We would bear in mind that when receiving help from others, we would be ready to give a hand to those who need it.Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. One way to gain advantages over others is to have a higher degree. No wonder millions of students consider pursuing a postgraduate degree.
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