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1. head for, 趋向. In France, labor strikes head for showdown. 2. in advance of, 在之前. Weeks of protests headed for a showdown on Tuesday in advance of a final parliamentary vote. 3. call for, 呼吁. Labor unions again called for widespread work stoppage on Tuesday. 4. be committed to, 献身于,致力于,把交托给. The girl was committed to the care of her aunt. 5. go ahead with, 开始做,着手干. The reform is essential and France is committed to it and will go ahead with it just as our German partners did. 6. in line with. He was speaking after talks with Merkel of Germany, in line with a broader European trend. 7. in hand, 在掌握中,在控制中. With a Senate vote set for this week and lower house approval already in hand, he believe he can bank on success. 8. bank on/upon, 把希望建立在上,依赖,指望. 9. play out, 发生, 出现. But in fact, it is a high-stakes gamble magnified by the political arena in which it is played out. 10. at worst. 11. impose on 强加. Mr. Sarkozy, who was aiming to be able to present himself for the next 2 years as a courageous reformer in the national interest, may instead end up with the image of an elitist imposing unwanted reforms on the poor. 12. starve of 短缺. Already, the blockades of Frances 200 fuel depots and strikes at most of its 12 refineries have left service stations starved of fuel. 13. fight the clock. 14. attack on 抑制,打击,处理. This raised the big question of whether the best escape from poverty comes from general economic growth or a direct attack on poverty. 15. be given to doing sth 习惯于. A high priority should be given to increasing pro-poor fiscal transfers. 16. take the lead 17. in parallel with 与同时. 18. be thronged with 挤满(人、车). A snapshot on his mobile phone shows the veranda thronged with potential applicants for an ambulance-driver post. 19. owe a debt to 感谢. The way of thinking about the jobs markets and unemployment owes an intellectual debt to research on markets with search friction carried out in the 1970s and 1980s. 20. come ones way 意外落在头上. So if every unemployed person grabbed the first job that came his way, the match between workers and jobs that resulted would not be optimal. 21. apply to 你的老师考过SAT吗?我们的考过,许老师2270,写作800!所谓名师出高徒,有木有想过考试不提分是老师水平的问题?!22. be in limbo (尤指因等待他人做决定)处于不定状态. His nomination to the board of American Federal Reserve is still in limbo after some Republicans questioned his competence. 23. on the brink 在边缘. The world is on the brink of a nasty confrontation over exchange rates-now spilling over affect trade policy, attitudes towards capital flows, and public support for economic globalization. 24. spill over 扩散(到其他地方去) 25. find oneself doing sth (不知不觉中)发现自己做某事. Partly by design and partly by chance, about a decade ago China found itself consistently accumulating large amounts of foreign reserves by running a trade surplus and intervening to buy up the dollars that this generated. 26. buy up 大量买进 27. in return for 作为的交换 28. be supposed to do (按照规定、习惯、安排等)应当,应该,必须 29. have sbs interests at heart 关心的幸福成功,暗暗替着想. Its handling of the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998 severely antagonized leading middle-income emerging-market countries-and they still believe that the Fund does not have their interests at heart. 30. rest with 是的责任(或分内的事). But a great deal of responsibilities for contemporary global economic dangers rests with the US. 31. head for 很可能会遭受(不幸) ,会招致. We are now heading for something similar, but on a larger scale. 32. take hold 开始完全控制, 变得十分强大. A more combative tone has taken hold. 33. fall short of sth 未达到,不符合. For now, these skirmishes fall far short of a real currency war. 34. room for sth 可能性,机会. Still, there is no room for complacency. 35. kick in 开始见效. As fiscal austerity kicks in, the appeal of using a cheaper currency as a source of demand will increase, and the pressure on politicians to treat China as a scapegoat will rise. 36. cry out for 迫切需要. All this cries out for a multilateral approach, in which institutions such as the IMF and the G20 forge consensus among the big economies. 37. puff up 膨胀. Confronted with a trade ultimatum, the Beijing regime, puffed up in its G2 hubris, may well reckon it is cheaper politically to retaliate to the US in kind. 38. hammer out 反复讨论出 (一致意见) ; 充分研讨出 (决定) . Todays tensions are too complex to settle in a grand peace treaty of the sort hammered out by just five countries in New York in 1985. 39. alive with 充满(活的或动的东西). And the futurologists imagined the skies in 2010 alive with orbiting factories and experimental laboratories. 40. knock sb on his heels 使某人吃惊, 突然惊扰某人, 使某人困窘. That was before the Challenger exploded in 1986, knocking space exploration and exploitation on its heels. 41. set aside 把置于一旁,不顾,不理会,不接受. At the 1985 Future World Expo in San Francisco, futurists and inventors were encouraged to set aside preconceptions and reach for the stars. 42. hit the(right) nail on the head 正中要害,猜中,说得好. Again, the prophets hit some nails on their heads. 43. come to light 为人所知,变得众所周知,暴露. The Japan Economic Journal also repor
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