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南京财经大学硕士学位论文上市公司高管激励内生性研究姓名:唐建琴申请学位级别:硕士专业:会计学指导教师:王开田20061222I 摘 要 摘 要 近年来有关公司治理问题的研究风靡国内学术界其中作为公司治理中重要一环的高管激励与企业业绩之间相关关系的实证研究已成为重点 高管激励是现代企业理论研究中的一个非常重要的问题对我国企业而言高管激励的主要方式是高管薪酬货币补偿和高管持股然而在现有的研究中要么研究高管激励对企业业绩的影响要么研究企业业绩对高管激励的影响较少考虑高管激励与企业业绩的交互影响即高管激励是内生的存在局限性 本文主要的研究就在于高管激励的内生性研究着重研究高管薪酬高管持股与企业业绩三者之间的交互作用上市公司作为我国国有企业改制的领头羊无论是经营业绩还是内部管理机制都优于其他企业上市公司高管人员激励的现实效果可以为分析我国企业内部激励机制提供较有说服力的证据因此我们集中研究了上市公司高管薪酬高管持股与企业业绩之间的交互作用 为了研究高管激励的内生性 本文首先通过理论分析和实证回归逐个分析高管持股企业业绩对高管薪酬的影响高管薪酬企业业绩对高管持股的影响高管薪酬高管持股对企业业绩的影响在得出三者之间的确存在一定程度的交互作用即高管激励存在内生性后 提出由于高管激励内生问题而导致的现有研究的局限性近而提出运用联立方程模型回归来解决问题接着将先前单方程回归部分的三个单方程纳入联立方程系统进行回归得出结论并进行分析并根据模型回归的效果结合我国上市公司的激励现状对联立方程模型进行修正 最终得出总结论 最终我们研究发现高管薪酬与企业业绩存在较为显著的交互作用说明高管薪酬是内生于企业业绩的高管薪酬存在显著内生性但并没有证据显示高管持股的内生性 说明我国高管股权激励并不存在像西方国家研究所得出的股权结构内生的现象并且从高管持股与高管薪酬的相关关系来看也没有足够的证据说明它们存在显著的交互作用这些结论具有重要的理论与现实意义理论上为以后高管激励与企业业绩的研究相关性提供了新的视角和实证证据 实践上也能够指导我国上市公司制定较为有效的激励机制 关键词关键词高管薪酬高管持股企业业绩高管激励内生性 II Abstract The study on corporate finance is fashionable in domestic academia in latest years. Executive incentive is an important link of corporate finance. The empirical study on correlation of executive incentive and firm performance has been the emphasis. Executive incentive is a very important problem of modern business theory research. Firms in our country mainly motivate executives by giving compensation and stock. However, previous works study on executive incentive affecting firm performance or firm performance affecting executive incentive. These researches exists much limitation because of interaction between executive incentive and firm performance. This paper mainly explores endogeneity of executive incentive, which emphasize interaction of executive compensation, stockholding and firm performance. As “bellwether” of the reform of state-owned enterprise, management performance and inner management mechanism are all superior to other business. Practical effect of executive incentive on listed companies can provide undeniable proof for analyzing inner incentive mechanism in our country. So we centralize our study on interaction of executive incentive, stockholding and firm performance. In order to study endogeneity of executive incentive, this paper gradually analyzes effects of executive stockholding, firm performance on executive compensation; effects of executive compensation, firm performance on executive stockholding; effects of executive compensation, stockholding on firm performance firstly. It further analyzes the limitations of previous researches because of endogeneity of executive incentive after getting the results of certain interaction between them. It subsequently puts forward simultaneous equation model regression to solve the problem. Then it puts previous three equations into one simultaneous equation system and takes regression. It gives conclusions and analyzes it continually. At last, according to regression results and actualities of executive incentive in listed companies, we modify previous simultaneous equation model, take regression again and get final conclusions. Ultimately, we conclude that there are significant interactions between executive incentive and firm performance. It shows that executive incentive is endogenous to firm performance and there exists significant endogeneity in executive compensation. III However, there are no evidences to prove endogeneity of executive stockholding. It shows that executive incentive in our country dont have endogenous ownership structure, which exist in foreign countries. And there are not enough evidences to prove interaction between executive compensation and executive stockholding. These conclusions are of great theoretical and practical significance. It gives new perspective and empirical evidence theoretically. And it can also guide listed companies to design more effective incentive mechanism. KEY WORDS Executive Compensation; Executive Stockholding; Firm Performance; Endogeneity of Executive Incentive 学位论文独创性声明学位论文独创性声明 本论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果 论文中除了特别加以标注和致谢的地方外 不包含其他人或其它机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果 其他同志对本研究的启发和所做的贡献均已在论文中作了明确的声明并表示了谢意 作者签名 日期 学位论文使用授权声明学位论文使用授权声明 本人完全了解南京财经大学有关保留使用学位论文的规定即学校有权保留送交论文的复印件允许论文被查阅和借阅学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容可以采用影印缩印或其它复制手段保存论文保密的论文在解密后遵守此规定 作者签名 导师签名 日期 南京财经大学硕士学位论文 1 第一章第一章 导导 论论 1.1 选题的背景和意义选题的背景和意义 20 世纪 90 年代以来随着新技术革命的飞速发展证券市场和股权文化的蓬勃兴起投资全球化的不断深入以及机构投资者的日益壮大公司治理的重要性日益突出全球范围内掀起了改善公司治理的浪潮而在典型的股份公司运作中股东通过董事会将管理权授予经理层由于所有权和经营权相分离但是经营者和所有者目标函数往往不一致 经营者有可能偏离股东的利益最大化目标行事产生道德风险与逆向选择问题因此如何激励作为主要代理人的高级管理层使其目标与公司股东的目标相一致从而根据公司全体股东的最佳利益行事便成为当前需要解决的迫切问题 特别是近几年来随着全球高管薪酬的持续飙升国内外掀起了研究高管激励的热潮有资料显示2004 财政年度美国高管薪酬上涨了 12%同期美国普通股票回报为 10.4%而同一年中国股票收益下跌了 21%但中国高管薪酬平均涨幅却依然达到 18.6%1可见由于高管薪酬这几年的大幅增长高管薪酬与企业业绩的相关性遭受普遍质疑 有关公司治理问题的研究目前正风靡国内学术界 其中作为公司治理中重要一环的高管激励与企业业绩之间相关关系的实证研究现已成为重点 对于我国上市公司高管激励内生性的研究具有重要的理论与现实意义 然而在高管激励与企业业绩相关性的现有研究中 较少考虑高管激励与企业业绩的交互影响即高管激励是内生的存在局限性因为高管激励由公司的特性决定比如上市公司资产的风险程度所处的行业以及公司的业绩都会反过来影响公司高管人员的激励也就是说高管激励与企业业绩的作用是交互的他们相互影响高管激励本身内生于企业业绩并且高管激励的两个方面高管薪酬高管持
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