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NPGA #210-96MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETMSDSFOR ODORIZED PROPANEHealth Administration Hazard Communication Standard published November 23, 1983 (Trtle 29 CFR Part 1910).Chemical Manufacturers, Importers, and Distributors must have complied by November 25, 1985. All manufacturing employers covered by the Standard (SIC Codes 20-39) must have complied by May 25, 1986.The Standard was amended August 24,1987 (Vol. 52, Federal Register, page 31852) to extend its application beyond the manufacturing sector and to include all employers where chemicals are either used, distributed, or are produced fbr use or distribution, effective May 23, 1988.Also for complying with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency Community Right to Know rules published October 15, 1987 (Vol. 52, Federal Register, page 38344) under Title III of the Supertund Amcndments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-499).INSTRUCTIONS TO SUPPLIER USING THE MSDS:. Insert Supplier Name, Address, and Emergency Phone Number in “1. CHElvflcnr- PRooucr AND Cotntpar.ry IDENTFICaTION.“. Inscrt issue date on last page of MSDS. Have copies reproduced for distribution.MATERIAL SAFETYFOR ODORIZEDDATA SHEET PROPANEil,1.,.:ClfGouprrv loer*lrrrcaflorProduct Name: Odorized Commercial PropaneChemical Name: PropaneChemical Family: Paraffinic HydrocarbonFormula: C3H8Synonyms: Dimethylmethane, LP-Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Propane, Propyl HydridcName theretbre, it can collect in low areas where an ignition source can be present. Pressure in a container can build up due to heat and container may rupture if pressure relief devices should fail to function. Propane released tiom a properly functioning relief valve on an overheated container can also become ignited.HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: None.:.: : : - 6, AcctoENTAL Rel.ease ille.asungsSTEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Evacuate the immediate area- Eliminate any possible sources of ignition and provide maximum vcnlilation. Shut off source of propane, if possible. If leaking from container, or valve, contact your supplier.IIANDLING PR-ECAUTIONS: Propane vapor is heavier than air and can collect in low areas that eue without sufficient ventilation. Leak-check system with a leak detector or solution, never with flame. Make certain the container service valve is shut off prior to connecting or disconnecting. If container valve does not operate properly, discontinue use and contact supplier Never insert an object (e.g. wrench, screwdriver, pry bar, etc.) into pressure relief valve or cylinder valve cap openings. Do not drop or abuse cylinders. Never strike an arc on a gas container or make a container part of an electrical circuit. See “16. OTfmR INFORMATION for additional precaurions.,STORAGE PRECAUTIONS: Store in a safe, authorized location (ouside, detached strorage is preferred) witi adequate ventilation. Specitic requirements are listed in NFPA 58, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases. Isolate from beat and ignition sources. Containers should never be atlowed to reach temperanre exceeding 125“ F (52“ C). Isolate from combustible materials. Provide separate storage locations for other compressed and flammable gases. Propane containers should be separated from oxygen cylinders, or other oxidizers, by a minimum distance of 20 feet, or by a barrier of nonombustible material at least 5 feet high having a lue rating of at least 1/2 hour. Full and empty cylinders should be segregated. Store cylinders in upright position, or with pressure relief valve in vapor space. Do not drop or abuse cylinders. Keep container valve closed and plugged or capped when not in use. Install protective caps when cylinders are not connected for use. Empty containers retain some residue and should b treated as if they were full.ENGINEERING CONTROLS Ventilation: Provide ventilation adequate to ensure propane does not reach a flammable mixtue.RESPTRATORY PROTECTION (SpECrIr TypE) General Use: None.Emergency Use: If concentrations are high enough to warrant supplied-air or self-contained breathing apparatus, ttren the aunosphere may be flammable (See Section 5). Appropriate precautions must be trken regarding flammability.PROTECTM CLOTHING: Avoid skin contact with liquid propanc becausc of possibility of freeze burn. Wear gloves and protective clothing which are impervious to the product for the duration of the anticipated exposure.EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses arc rccommended when hzurdling cylinders.OTIIER PROTUCTM EQUIPMENT: Szrfety shoes arc recommended when handling cylindcrs.r C. P*ts,aot *obxsr*rclr psyl3rgsasg5 i, :BOILING POINT: L4.l psia = -12f“ P- SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF VAPOR (Air = l) at 60“ F: 1.50SPECI-IC GRAVITY OF LIQUID (Water = l) at 60“ F: 0.504VAPOR PRESSURtr: 70“ F = 127 psig 105“ Fr = 210 psigEXPANSION RATIO (From liquid to gas 14.7 psia): I to 210SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Slighr,0.l to l.0ZoAPPEARANCE AND ODOR: A colorless and ta
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